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- January 8, 2009 – New U.S. African Command to airlift equipment to Darfour peacekeepers
- January 12, 2009 – Sudan intelligence official warns ‘unruly’ types might attack Westerners if Bashir arrested
- January 26, 2009 – Sudan bombs Darfour villages as rebels, sure of western support, renew offensive
- February 11, 2009 – Sudan expels Bloomberg journalist reporting on arms production
- February 13, 2009 – Darfur’s deepening disaster
- March 5, 2009 – First international arrest warrant for head of state issued to Bashir over Darfour
- March 6, 2009 – Arrest warrant for Bashir endangers those trying to aid the victims in Darfour hell
- March 9, 2009 – Mauritania cuts diplomatic ties with Israel
- March 9, 2009 – As world takes stand, Somalian pirates retreat
- March 10, 2009 – Ugly mood in Bashir’s Sudan after arrest warrant issued in his name
- April 3, 2009 – Report: Sudan is No. 2 military client of China
- April 14, 2009 – Hell on earth: Somalia has pirates at sea and an Al Qaida staging ground at home
- April 14, 2009 – Uh oh: Obama gets unilateral with the pirates
- April 16, 2009 – Darfour rebels defect to largest anti-regime militia
- April 17, 2009 – ‘Armed teenagers’ off Somalia take world shippers for punks
- April 20, 2009 – Majority in congress back autonomy plan for Western Sahara
- April 29, 2009 – Al Qaida commander killed by Algerian security
- May 13, 2009 – Major Russian upgrade said to ‘change the face of Algeria’s military’
- May 15, 2009 – Farce: The politics of human rights at the United Nations
- May 26, 2009 – Rebels hit Sudan base in Darfour near Chad
- June 4, 2009 – Meanwhile the dictatorship of China is taking over Africa
- June 16, 2009 – UN reintegration program underway for rebels in southern and northern Sudan
- July 1, 2009 – U.S. military hires E. Africans for security in Iraq
- July 8, 2009 – Tunisia reports blocking Al Qaida plot against visiting U.S. officers
- July 9, 2009 – Obama reverses Bush-backed Morocco plan in favor of Polisario state
- July 15, 2009 – The UnBush doctrine: Creating vacuums of U.S. power from Casablanca to Sakhalin
- July 16, 2009 – Obama initiative seeks normalized relations with Sudan regime
- July 16, 2009 – The June elections in Iran and Morocco: Same day, worlds apart
- July 20, 2009 – Tensions reported over infiltration of S. Sudan’s disputed oil region
- July 24, 2009 – Khartoum awarded Sudan’s oil-rich region; China applauds decision
- July 27, 2009 – U.S. sees terror threat to Morocco, shifts backing to UN approach for Western Sahara
- August 2, 2009 – Facing drought, Egypt reaches out to Sudan, Ethiopia
- August 11, 2009 – Morocco, Polisario resume talks on W. Sahara
- August 24, 2009 – Algeria promotes mystical variant of Islam to offset Al Qaida
- August 28, 2009 – Algeria to recruit clerics against Al Qaida during Ramadan
- September 15, 2009 – Obama Okays F-16 weapon systems for Morocco
- September 22, 2009 – Russia prosecutes firms that sold aging jet fighters to Algeria
- September 23, 2009 – Libyan navy helping Italy turn away boat people headed for Europe
- October 2, 2009 – Al Qaida exploiting resentment against some 700,000 Chinese workers in Algeria
- October 2, 2009 – At the UN: Plenty of hot air on the climate but scarcely a mention of Darfur, Burma
- October 27, 2009 – Algerian riots blamed on tensions between unemployed youth, Asians with jobs
- December 11, 2009 – Somalia in crisis: Drought, famine, narcotics trade, Islamic militias, pirates
- December 24, 2009 – Israelis, Americans face threats in North Africa
- December 31, 2008 – Top diplomatic quote of 2008 (Rice): ‘You’d have to be an idiot to trust the North Koreans’
- January 5, 2008 – For the remarkable Japanese, it’s time to dance
- January 6, 2009 – Testing Obama: Don’t overlook the unsettling Korean War scenario
- January 8, 2009 – Kissinger, Obama and the communist Chinese
- January 12, 2009 – China’s year of anniversaries, selectively hailed
- January 15, 2009 – Iraqi defense minister sees South Korea as ‘a model to follow’
- January 16, 2009 – China as a superior race, not unlike Soviet Russia
- January 19, 2009 – The 500-pound gorilla in the foreign policy parlor: China
- January 20, 2009 – N. Korea experts translate Pyongyang’s harsh, anti-U.S. rhetoric: ‘Let’s be friends’
- January 20, 2009 – GPS is a no-no for drivers in North Korea
- January 21, 2009 – Is it China or a tax cheat who will be running our ‘bailout’ economy?
- January 22, 2009 – The Chinese as they really are
- January 23, 2009 – Hey President Obama, what about North Korea?
- February 4, 2009 – Chinese visitors hit thousands of U.S. facilities for intelligence collection
- February 9, 2009 – Pyongyang said to be preparing new fireworks to get the world’s attention
- February 9, 2009 – Disaster on a Tiananmen scale looms for the CCP
- February 10, 2009 – North Korea seen preparing test launch of upgraded long-range ballistic missile
- February 13, 2009 – Surreality check: North Korea revs up for biggest birthday bash ever for ‘Dear Leader’ Kim
- February 18, 2009 – Japan’s tobacco industry still smoking, despite bad quarter
- February 18, 2009 – China’s liberation arsenal: Missiles, strategic deception and now — global media
- February 20, 2009 – Hillary sounded right notes in Seoul; Then came the fine print . . .
- February 23, 2009 – Hillary’s soft power meets hard Northeast Asian realities
- February 27, 2009 – If North Korea was off Obama’s radar screen, where does that leave Seoul?
- February 27, 2009 – China’s educated unemployed skyrocketing
- March 5, 2009 – China and Saudi oil giants sign energy pact
- March 6, 2009 – The latest N. Korean threats — against S. Korean airliners — are credible
- March 6, 2009 – Tensions with China in Russia’s Far East fueled by demographics, quest for resources
- March 13, 2009 – N. Korea threatens war if missile intercepted; U.S. Aegis destroyers on guard
- March 18, 2009 – Slave think: Chinese DVD transported me back to Stalin’s Russia
- March 25, 2009 – Pakistan marketing its new JF-17 fighter jet, developed with China
- March 27, 2009 – Missile chess preoccupies N. Korea, S. Korea and Japan; But what are these people really thinking?
- March 27, 2009 – Going global: China’s military now focusing beyond Taiwan
- March 25, 2009 – In the new nanoweapons era, the United States and Britain are Third World countries
- March 30, 2009 – Enough talk: Time at last to meet the N. Korean challenge
- March 31, 2009 – U.S. Pacific commander finds Chinese incident ‘confusing’
- April 2, 2009 – Economic depressions not a problem in totalitarian states
- April 6, 2009 – Missile launch for dummies; Given the economy who besides Japan really cares?
- April 6, 2009 – China’s intentions: Stakeholder or like Japan’s leading up to Pearl Harbor?
- April 9, 2009 – China calls for U.S. to stop all distribution of annual Pentagon report
- April 9, 2009 – Beyond outrage: The continuing grants of aid to North Korea’s tyrannical regime
- April 9, 2009 – Would China’s generals please call their pals at the Pentagon?
- April 10, 2009 – N.Y. indictment names Chinese national in plot that sent Iran U.S. missile components
- April 10, 2009 – Nuclear proliferation 101, courtesy of Pyongyang
- April 13, 2009 – U.S. terror victims file suit against North Korea
- April 15, 2009 – Seoul and Tokyo are increasingly unwilling to tolerate N. Korean proliferation
- April 15, 2009 – Must I praise China as Walter Duranty glorified the USSR?
- April 23, 2009 – Communist maverick, oldest son of North Korea’s dictator, enjoys the good life in Macau
- April 24, 2009 – While U.S. pushes for more talks, North Korea takes hostages
- April 30, 2009 – China buying up as many global assets as it can, while it can
- April 30, 2009 – Of academic pedigrees and nanotechnology
- May 1, 2009 – WHO’s on first — Flu diplomacy in the Far East
- May 7, 2009 – India, the world’s most populous democracy, and the dictatorship of China
- May 12, 2009 – China has developed its own operating system for cyber war with U.S.
- May 14, 2009 – Zhao Ziyang post-Tiananmen tapes reveal his call for democracy
- May 21, 2009 – Reports: Beijing behind student leader’s remarks on Tiananmen
- May 21, 2009 – Hu Jintao loves ‘globalization’ and, for now, so does the West
- May 22, 2009 – Kim Jong-Il loves his missiles but can’t stomach the popularity of S. Korea’s ‘choco pie’
- May 22, 2009 – Burmese haze: World’s polite outrage fails to penetrate a thugocracy backed by Beijing
- May 26, 2009 – North Korean official reportedly executed for detente policies toward the South
- May 26, 2009 – India, Saudis hold naval exercise as China quietly projects power in the region
- May 27, 2009 – Storm clouds and Obama’s doctrine: Speak loudly and carry a wimpy stick
- May 28, 2009 – Does the CIA know anything about China’s weaponized nanotechnology?
- May 29, 2009 – The only power that could do something about N. Korea probably won’t
- June 1, 2009 – Obama and South Korea’s president line up with the Bush policy
- June 3, 2009 – Reading the tea leaves, along with the CIA, on the N. Korean succession
- June 4, 2009 – Meanwhile the dictatorship of China is taking over Africa
- June 5, 2009 – Report: North Korea could transfer technology from latest ICBM test to Iran
- June 5, 2009 – Iran bumps French firm in favor of China for major energy deal
- June 5, 2009 – Selling out to big brother: China, Inc. and the U.S., Inc.
- June 9, 2009 – What’s really going on in Pyongyang? Hu Jintao wakes up and smells the kimchi
- June 10, 2009 – U.S. journalists may get a ‘good’ gulag in N. Korea
- June 12, 2009 – Another North Korean bomb, another toothless UN resolution
- June 17, 2009 – Words from Obama sure to light N. Korea’s fuse
- June 18, 2009 – Hard evidence lacking for reports on designation of new North Korean leader
- June 23, 2009 – German firm to certify construction by Chinese of oil pipeline bypassing Straits of Hormuz
- June 24, 2009 – Ignoring U.S. Pacific World War II legacy called ‘strategic mistake’
- June 25, 2009 – The magical mystery tour of a North Korean tub named Kang Nam
- June 25, 2009 – Saudis’ Aramaco and Japan’s Sumitomo study petrochem expansion
- June 25, 2009 – The psychological difference between the British and the Chinese empires
- June 29, 2009 – Oman reports sharp rise in oil exports to Asia
- July 1, 2009 – Sometime after the Jackson funeral: The E. Asian volcano
- July 2, 2009 – What China’s minister of defense reportedly said about annihilating Americans
- July 7, 2009 – Report: North Korea tested, plans to market new, extended range Scud
- July 7, 2009 – China’s PLA eyes 4th branch of military: Space
- July 9, 2009 – The Uighurs: Only the tip of China’s growing security crisis
- July 9, 2009 – Pyongyang’s cyber-terror attack may have been aided by S. Korean sympathizers
- July 10, 2009 – Three major China firms plan to enter bidding for Iraq oil deals
- July 10, 2009 – 1st Taiwan, then the ‘People’s Republic of the World’
- July 10, 2009 – Why the Xinkiang uprising was so serious Hu Jintao had to lose face at the G-8
- July 15, 2009 – The UnBush doctrine: Creating vacuums of U.S. power from Casablanca to Sakhalin
- July 16, 2009 – Culture? No, indoctrination in Post-1917 Russia and in Post-1949 China
- July 16, 2009 – Al Qaida for first time threatens attacks on China
- July 17, 2009 – U.S. caught between Uyghur ‘friends’ and China
- July 22, 2009 – Post-Koizumi Japan is adrift and then along comes Obama
- July 23, 2009 – Turkey reviews defense agreements with China after crackdown on Uighurs in Xinjiang
- July 23, 2009 – The geostrategic quantity and quality of China’s population
- July 24, 2009 – Hillary vs the N. Koreans: If words were missiles, this would be World War III
- July 24, 2009 – Bad policy: Hillary practices pop psychology on Pyongyang
- July 24, 2009 – Khartoum awarded Sudan’s oil-rich region; China applauds decision
- July 28, 2009 – Here comes Hillary: Overlooked apology opens door for N. Korea talks
- July 29, 2009 – Former official held by FARC reports 7 visits by Chinese helicopters
- July 30, 2009 – America’s China strategy – after the pomp – still absent
- July 30, 2009 – The fickle ‘ideologies’ used by political gangs to enslave nation states
- July 31, 2009 – Working for North Korea is dangerous, even for a high-performance diplomat
- August 4, 2009 – Shame: Former U.S. president kow tows to an evil regime
- August 5, 2009 – Bill Clinton’s traveling salvation show: What did U.S. give up in ‘exhaustive’ talks?
- August 7, 2009 – Needed: A few more Bill Clintons to rescue North Korea’s other hostages
- August 11, 2009 – How Obama’s policies may lead Japan to finally go for the nuclear option
- August 12, 2009 – Kissinger continues to influence U.S. policy despite extensive ties to Beijing
- August 13, 2009 – Is health care expert Obama aware that his ‘partner’ killed tens of millions of its own?
- August 14, 2009 – Are hostages N. Korea’s most lucrative export?
- August 17, 2009 – Report: Botched North Korean missile test killed 20 in Syria town
- August 21, 2009 – Webb in Burma: What good are talks with Asian dictators?
- August 24, 2009 – Sunset of ‘Sunshine’ policy brings usual suspects to Seoul for some ‘funeral diplomacy’
- August 26, 2009 – China’s overlooked role in the not-so-Great Game
- August 27, 2009 – Thailand rattled by reports of secret Burma nuke program
- August 27, 2009 – Weaponizing space inevitable, says a reasonable-sounding Chinese communist lady
- August 31, 2009 – Latest arms shipment to Iran signals proliferation is still top priority for N. Korea
- September 1, 2009 – China efforts to control water flowing south spur tensions with neighbors
- September 2, 2009 – China, Qatar sign 25-year oil/gas agreement
- September 6, 2009 – N. Korea punctuates its peace offensive with a nuke warhead exclamation point
- September 10, 2009 – United Arab Emirates air force plane with arms stopped enroute to Xinjiang, China
- September 10, 2009 – China’s money source for rapid military expansion? Ask Stalin and Mao
- September 16, 2009 – The latest in Chinese counterfeit: Fake military vehicles, academies and even hospitals
- September 17, 2009 – How How Chi Haotian sees China’s slave empire being first in history to go global
- September 23, 2009 – Pakistan’s ‘Father of the Islamic bomb’ goes public on deals with China, Iran, N. Korea
- September 23, 2009 – Libya buys Canada oil major after China withdraws bid
- September 24, 2009 – Can Obama’s nuke-free-world save the U.S from China’s biological weapons?
- September 25, 2009 – The United States and North Korea: Words, words and more words
- September 30, 2009 – Beijing gives top priority to assisting North Korean ‘bilateral talks’ with U.S.
- October 1, 2009 – Gen. Chi Haotian, God, and the future owners of America
- October 2, 2009 – Al Qaida exploiting resentment against some 700,000 Chinese workers in Algeria
- October 2, 2009 – At the UN: Plenty of hot air on the climate but scarcely a mention of Darfur, Burma
- October 6, 2009 – China’s contribution to world peace: Getting North Korea to talk about talking
- October 9, 2009 – Goldman Sachs: A unified Korean economy could surpass Japan’s, Germany’s
- October 12, 2009 – Obama snubs another peace prize winner in a bow to Hu Jintao
- October 13, 2009 – BP, China oil firm to control development of major new Iraq oil field
- October 15, 2009 – Obama administration cites Mao, praises China’s ‘historical accomplishment’ at 60
- October 15, 2009 – Alert Americans waking up to the threat from China, long ignored by the ‘experts’
- October 23, 2009 – Brinksmanship on the DMZ: How about letting the Koreans settle it?
- October 26, 2009 – Report: Iran acquired submarines from N. Korea
- October 27, 2009 – Algerian riots blamed on tensions between unemployed youth, Asians with jobs
- October 28, 2009 – Top defector to Seoul: ‘Call China to account’ for its alliance with North Korea
- October 30, 2009 – Will the real Kim Jong-Il sit back down in his wheelchair?
- October 30, 2009 – UN report slams nightmarish rights situation in N. Korea
- November 6, 2009 – Playing the N. Korea game by Kim Jong-Il rules
- November 11, 2009 – China invite suggests N. Korea’s $5.94 trillion in resources, not nukes, are priority
- November 12 – Which is stronger militarily: A free country or a slave state, other parameters being equal?
- November 13, 2009 – Asian fireworks steal beat on Obama’s junket: S. Korea rains fire on N. Korean ship
- November 19, 2009 – China could use its microchips to penetrate U.S. weapons systems
- November 19, 2009 – Why so serious about China?
- November 20, 2009 – South Korea a bright spot in Obama’s frustrating six-day Asia tour
- November 20, 2009 – Obama went to China and all he got were some photos at the Great Wall
- November 25, 2009 – No terms of endearment for Kim Jong-Il: Subversive graffiti rattles regime
- November 25, 2009 – Poll: Most Americans view China as an enemy
- November 30, 2009 – Massacre in the Philippines presents Arroyo with a political dilemma
- December 2, 2009 – Group sues North Korea for 1972 terror attack
- December 3, 2009 – American ‘partners’ of the slave state China
- December 8, 2009 – Obama’s Afghanistan speech has unsettling effect on U.S. troops in South Korea
- December 11, 2009 – North Korean nuke warheads and missiles aside, it’s diplomatic deja vu all over again
- December 15, 2009 – Defectors want Kim Jong-Il to be tried for crimes against humanity
- December 17, 2009 – In his talks with the owners of China, Obama neglected to use the word ‘slavery’
- December 19, 2009 – By way of non-stop talks about talking, N. Korea advances toward its nuclear goal
- December 22, 2009 – China’s strategic alliance with Iran is off most radar screens
- December 24, 2009 – Ramifications of U.S.-China peace ‘partner’ship for the future of Homo sapiens
- December 31, 2009 – N. Korea hacked secret U.S.-S. Korean war plans after USB flash drive was left in computer
- July 7, 2008 – Administration charges Venezuela with helping fund Hizbullah
- February 10, 2009 – Gates: Iran opening ‘offices and a lot of fronts’ throughout Latin America
- March 20, 2009 – Father d’Escoto’s blame game at the UN: Blast from the past
- April 24, 2009 – Fidel to Obama: Not so fast, and you can keep the change
- May 27, 2009 – Israeli intel: Venezuela ferried weapons to Syria, providing uranium to Iran
- June 23, 2009 – Israel sells reconditioned fighter-jets to Colombia
- June 24, 2009 – U.S. Southern Command tests use of drones in counter-drug operations
- June 26, 2009 – Obama to the left of the Washington Post on the rights of Cuban dissidents
- June 30, 2009 – The overlooked geopolitics in U.S. news coverage about Honduras
- July 1, 2009 – What the old media is not reporting on Honduras
- July 6, 2009 – Hondurans angered by international media silence on Obama-Chavez alliance
- July 10, 2009 – Behind the socialist consensus on Honduras: Hugo Chavez and the São Paulo Forum
- July 15, 2009 – U.S. intel faulted for de-emphasizing threats from Latin America
- July 23, 2009 – Tiny, anti-communist Honduras prepares for worst vs Obama-Chavez-UN monolith
- July 29, 2009 – Former official held by FARC reports 7 visits by Chinese helicopters
- August 12, 2009 – If Bill Ayers’ revolutionary days are really over, what has he been up to in Venezuela?
- August 31, 2009 – Obama FCC official sympathized with Venezuela’s Chavez on media control
- August 31, 2009 – Ed Koch: Here’s a modest proposal — Deport all incarcerated illegal aliens immediately
- September 22, 2009 – Venezuela called the critical link in Iran plan to duck sanctions
- September 24, 2009 – Iran and Venezuela to build refinery in Syria
- September 25, 2009 – Overlooked among the UN rants — Economic truths from Czech, Colombian leaders
- October 15, 2009 – Visit to Cuba by Russian chief of staff stirs new Cold War speculation
- December 10, 2009 – Tis the season for wondering . . . Does God have First Amendment Rights?
- December 10, 2009 – Climate: The new god of left-wing Christianity
- December 31, 2008 – Top diplomatic quote of 2008 (Rice): ‘You’d have to be an idiot to trust the North Koreans’
- December 31, 2008 – 2008: The year the U.S. media lost relevance
- January 2, 2009 – The daunting year ahead, for the economy, China, and Barack Obama
- January 5, 2009 – Bush urging Israel to accept a ceasefire before he leaves office
- January 5, 2009 – In the propaganda department, Obama’s linguists are leaving Republicans in the dust
- January 9, 2009 – 20 nations join U.S. Navy’s anti-piracy fleet
- January 14, 2009 – A closer look at Geithner’s ‘honest mistakes’ and … the China connection
- January 14, 2009 – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: Time to demilitarize U.S. foreign policy
- January 14, 2009 – What would Barack say? Israeli leaders split on how to end war
- January 15, 2009 – Pentagon report: 90 percent of Iraq Army not self-sufficient
- January 19, 2009 – Koch no longer ‘dumbfounded’; President Obama must stay connected with the people
- January 19, 2009 – Hadley: For next administration, ‘the biggest challenge’ is Iran
- January 20, 2009 – President Obama: ‘To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward . . .’
- January 23, 2009 – Conflict of interest: Why CNBC is promoting the confirmation of a tax cheat
- January 26, 2009 – U.S. Navy ordered to release Iran weapons ship
- January 26, 2009 – Virtual campaign reality meets the real thing … in real time
- January 28, 2009 – Report: Barack Obama’s Al Qaida initiative began months before his election
- January 28, 2009 – Mullen: U.S. could not legally hold Iran ship
- January 29, 2009 – Party of the rich: Wall Street’s man, a tax cheat, gets the nod with Democratic support
- January 30, 2009 – Full Transcript of President Obama’s interview with Al Arabiya TV
- January 30, 2009 – Ecstasy at the UN as U.S. under Obama rejoins global abortion consensus
- February 2, 2009 – Obama consultants including Malley, Perry, made secret overtures to Iran, Syria
- February 3, 2009 – On background, U.S. commanders voice concerns about pullout
- February 3, 2009 – Koch: Democrats seeking to re-engineer society with stealth ‘stimulus’ package
- February 3, 2009 – FBI severed contacts with CAIR in last days of Bush administration
- February 4, 2009 – U.S. says Iran launch shows it ‘could develop long-range ballistic missile’
- February 5, 2009 – One member of Congress is thrilled with Obama’s ‘revolutionary’ first moves
- February 6, 2009 – Obama overrides Hillary; Baghdad appointment telegraphs new U.S. Iran policy
- February 9, 2009 – Obama preparing to lift sanctions against Syria
- February 10, 2009 – Emerging global elite to use new global media to educate ‘global citizens’
- February 11, 2009 – Army War College: ‘Collapse in Iraq’ if U.S. withdraws too quickly
- February 11, 2009 – The advice on China given by ‘National Security Advisers’ Brzezinski and Kissinger
- February 12, 2009 – Why ‘Tim’ Geithner did not say more . . .
- February 13, 2009 – Memo to the president on talking with Iran: Don’t confuse the regime with the people
- February 16, 2009 – U.S. intelligence report projects possible collapse of Palestinian Authority
- February 16, 2009 – Hillary abroad: On autopilot and with excesss baggage
- February 17, 2009 – Obama approves aerospace system for Syria
- February 17, 2009 – Adm. Mullen cites risk of instability stemming from financial crisis
- February 18, 2009 – U.S. contractors refuse to ID Iraqi translators; 300 killed since 2003
- February 19, 2009 – Explicit sex cool, but talk of God is taboo in American schools
- February 23, 2009 – U.S. presses Israel for concessions to a weakened Palestinian Authority
- February 24, 2009 – New intel chief’s defense of controversial NIE raises eyebrows
- February 24, 2009 – U.S. military teams training NCOs in effort to ‘professionalize Iraq Army’
- February 25, 2009 – Jindal: Our strength ‘is not found in our government’. . . ‘Americans can do anything’
- February 26, 2009 – ‘First’ American suicide bomber killed 30 after being ‘radicalized in his hometown’
- February 26, 2009 – The value of an American university education and the invention of the atomic bomb
- March 2, 2009 – Limbaugh: ‘We conservatives love people’
- March 3, 2009 – Report: Obama intel pick was part of ‘Iran lobby’
- March 3, 2009 – Bernadette Dohrn, Bill Ayers and the bomb that killed a cop
- March 4, 2009 – U.S. drones, armed with hellfire missiles, finally go to war in Iraq
- March 5, 2009 – U.S. alerts Americans after rise in attacks on Western tourists in Egypt
- March 5, 2009 – Electing Obama to fix the economy with never a thought to foreign threats
- March 9, 2009 – Obama and the economy: ‘It’s his problem now’
- March 9, 2009 – National Intellgence Council chief given 30 days to resolve conflicts of interest
- March 9, 2009 – U.S. firm to drill for new oil in Bahrain this year
- March 10, 2009 – National Intelligence Council nominee withdraws
- March 11, 2009 – U.S. geopoliticians are all over the map on Iran’s nuke progress
- March 11, 2009 – The SDS comeback in the age of Obama
- March 11, 2009 – U.S. embassy staff leaving Bashir’s Sudan
- March 11, 2009 – Can U.S. intelligence penetrate now what it could not in 1978?
- March 12, 2009 – An embittered Freeman withdraws without answering questions about his foreign ties
- March 13, 2009 – ExxonMobil making a play for Iraq oil deal
- March 13, 2009 – U.S. helps Palestinians form SWAT teams to control Fatah outlaws
- March 13, 2009 – Top-down crisis in confidence
- March 16, 2009 – Purge: Obama gives ‘the boot’ to sanctions team at U.S. Treasury
- March 16, 2009 – Israel’s visiting chief of staff finds doors closed in Obama’s Washington
- March 16, 2009 – Charles Freeman, ‘localitis’ and the U.S. foreign service
- March 17, 2009 – ‘The revolution’ returns to the streets of America
- March 17, 2009 – U.S. firm to help Bahrain with oil production hike
- March 20, 2009 – U.S. intelligence reports first known Al Qaida recruiting ground — in Minneapolis
- March 23, 2009 – Former pro-Israel lobbyist sues federal prosecutor for defamation
- March 23, 2009 – ‘The government has failed us big time’
- March 23, 2009 – As if Pakistan didn’t have enough problems, it has now become a top U.S. priority
- March 24, 2009 – U.S. Army to maintain fuel operations in Kuwait through 2010
- March 25, 2009 – World just not into U.S. battle tanks anymore
- March 25, 2009 – In the new nanoweapons era, the United States and Britain are Third World countries
- March 27, 2009 – U.S. Air Force studies bats in tweaking design of future micro-drones
- April 1, 2009 – Goodbye U.S. sovereignty, hello globalocracy
- April 1, 2009 – U.S. won’t accept Palestinian PM’s resignation
- April 2, 2009 – U.S. commanders admit uncertainty over security in Iraq after pullout
- April 3, 2009 – Triple Canopy gets Blackwater account in Iraq
- April 3, 2009 – Obama’s challenge: The looming AfPak Pandora’s box
- April 8, 2009 – New totalitarian consensus: God must go to the back of the bus
- April 14, 2009 – Uh oh: Obama gets unilateral with the pirates
- April 15, 2009 – A challenge from Texas: ‘The federal government has become oppressive’
- April 20, 2009 – There is a word for Obama diplomacy: ‘Dangerous’
- April 21, 2009 – NSA tracked suspected Israeli agents, recorded talk with Rep. Harmon
- April 22, 2009 – Obama strategy calls for peace through deference
- April 23, 2009 – U.S. firms show up this year at Iran energy show
- April 24, 2009 – Fidel to Obama: Not so fast, and you can keep the change
- April 24, 2009 – While U.S. pushes for more talks, North Korea takes hostages
- April 27, 2009 – The Pakistan mess, courtesy of the vaunted U.S. foreign policy establishment
- April 29, 2009 – Obama seen opposing bi-partisan legislation on Iran sanctions
- May 1, 2009 – U.S. models program to train Palestinian officers after successful effort in Iraq
- May 4, 2009 – NSC: U.S. committed to extended talks with Iran
- May 4, 2009 – U.S. drops charges against pro-Israel lobbyists
- May 5, 2009 – Obama to place the onus on Israel to deliver a Palestinian state
- May 5, 2009 – Is the real world ready for Obama’s unreal world view?
- May 6, 2009 – Canceled by Obama, advanced F-22 jet fighter to be marketed in Gulf
- May 6, 2009 – Obama lays groundwork for Netanyahu meeting: Dismantle settlements
- May 7, 2009 – State Department official calls on Israel to sign Non-Proliferation Treaty
- May 8, 2009 – Gold has regained its glitter for world’s bankers
- May 11, 2009 – Obama maintains sanctions: Syria ‘supporting terrorism, … pursuing WMD’
- May 11, 2009 – U.S. blocking Israeli access to U.S. fighter-jets
- May 12, 2009 – Israel’s ‘warm’ strategic ties with U.S. under Bush have cooled significantly
- May 12, 2009 – U.S. has begun shifting troops, aircraft from Iraq to Afghanistan
- May 13, 2009 – The National Association of Police Organizations and Barack Obama
- May 13, 2009 – U.S. firm reports major oil find in northern Iraq
- May 13, 2009 – [Cecil B. De Mille] Axelrod and teleprompter head to Egypt for a [dangerous] PR-op
- May 14, 2009 – Netanyahu working hard at figuring out Obama
- May 14, 2009 – Administration warned on U.S. pullout from Iraq
- May 15, 2009 – Institute: Iran issue will ‘make or break’ Obama
- May 15, 2009 – Pro-Obama media ‘summit’ asks U.S. subsidies for liberal journalists, new ‘media infrastructure’
- May 18, 2009 – U.S. agrees in principle to release 100 detainees to minimum security site
- May 18, 2009 – Obama administration ditches ‘Roadmap’ for a get-tough peace plan
- May 19, 2009 – U.S. pressing Israel to relinquish West Bank security to Palestinians
- May 19, 2009 – U.S. Fifth Fleet to welcome back dependents, expand presence in Bahrain
- May 19, 2009 – U.S. backs Turkey ties with Syria, Lebanon to offset Iran
- May 21, 2009 – U.S. general says training of Palestinian security ‘the most popular thing we do’
- May 22, 2009 – Netanyahu promised to destroy illegal settlements
- May 22, 2009 – U.S. still helping upgrade Lebanon’s military as Hizbullah’s clout increases
- May 25, 2009 – Israeli: Obama ‘wasn’t empathetic to our needs’
- May 25, 2009 – U.S. to supply first offensive systems to Lebanon since 1980s
- May 26, 2009 – Obama advisors also back communist UN leader who would fix economy with global taxes
- May 27, 2009 – Administration blocks helicopters for Israel due to civilian casualties in Gaza
- May 27, 2009 – Storm clouds and Obama’s doctrine: Speak loudly and carry a wimpy stick
- May 28, 2009 – Does the CIA know anything about China’s weaponized nanotechnology?
- June 1, 2009 – Obama and South Korea’s president line up with the Bush policy
- June 1, 2009 – Israel stages raids on West Bank settlements as Barak visits Washington
- June 1, 2009 – Obama okays Longbow helicopters for Egypt
- June 2, 2009 – Report calls U.S. military the glue holding Iraq together
- June 2, 2009 – Petraeus: ‘There is no doubt’ Iran is source of arms shipped to Hizbullah via Syria
- June 2, 2009 – State Dept. book explains to the Muslim world why U.S. is not evil
- June 3, 2009 – Reading the tea leaves, along with the CIA, on the N. Korean succession
- June 3, 2009 – The speech Barack Hussein Obama should be making
- June 4, 2009 – Obama administration said to be cultivating Netanyahu opponents
- June 4, 2009 – Iraqis now conducting all counterinsurgency ops
- June 5, 2009 – U.S. guiding Palestinian preparations to destroy Hamas inroads in West Bank
- June 5, 2009 – Selling out to big brother: China, Inc. and the U.S., Inc.
- June 8, 2009 – U.S. accelerating pullout of combat personnel from Iraq cities
- June 9, 2009 – Egypt, U.S. revives strategic talks interrupted by invasion of Iraq
- June 10, 2009 – U.S. journalists may get a ‘good’ gulag in N. Korea
- June 10, 2009 – Obama’s speech was a travesty
- June 11, 2009 – The makeover of a nation: 62 million Americans have no say
- June 11, 2009 – With change in administrations, western firms renew interest in Iran gas
- June 12, 2009 – Oil price rise reflects higher U.S. consumption
- June 15, 2009 – U.S. establishes joint operations command facility in Iraq
- June 16, 2009 – Palestinian assault on Hamas post called ’embarrassing’, completed by U.S. forces
- June 16, 2009 – Leftwing hate crime? Rev. Jeremiah Wright and James Von Brunn
- June 17, 2009 – Words from Obama sure to light N. Korea’s fuse
- June 17, 2009 – Former top Iran official cites fissures in regime, calls on Obama to stand with the people
- June 17, 2009 – U.S. commission warns of declining base security in Iraq
- June 17, 2009 – The world and South side of Chicago: Two different places
- June 18, 2009 – DynCorp gets Blackwater’s service contracts for U.S. diplomats in Iraq
- June 18, 2009 – How I, a Soviet emigre, learned the importance in America of ‘professional lawyers’
- June 19, 2009 – Iran IRGC cites Obama speech as validating nuclear program
- June 22, 2009 – U.S. military’s workspace to ‘mirror’ Iraq’s in Baghdad joint operation command
- June 23, 2009 – Republicans press Obama to embargo oil to Iran
- June 24, 2009 – Israel concerned as U.S. resumes shipments to Lebanon after election
- June 24, 2009 – Obama-backed plan volunteers Americans to pay global taxes
- June 24, 2009 – U.S. Southern Command tests use of drones in counter-drug operations
- June 24, 2009 – Ignoring U.S. Pacific World War II legacy called ‘strategic mistake’
- June 25, 2009 – Obama OKs plan to normalize U.S. ties with Syria
- June 25, 2009 – U.S. training Iraqis in air assault operations
- June 26, 2009 – Standing for the Iranian people is not ‘meddling’ but the reason for America’s status in the world
- June 26, 2009 – Obama to the left of the Washington Post on the rights of Cuban dissidents
- June 26, 2009 – Egypt to restore demolished Gaza terminal, using U.S. aid
- June 26, 2009 – Iraq without training wheels
- June 30, 2009 – The overlooked geopolitics in U.S. news coverage about Honduras
- June 30, 2009 – Congress moves to restore missile defense aid to Israel cut by administration
- June 30, 2009 – Making nice with the ‘Stonewall’ homosexual lobby
- July 1, 2009 – What the old media is not reporting on Honduras
- July 1, 2009 – U.S. military hires E. Africans for security in Iraq
- July 1, 2009 – Sometime after the Jackson funeral: The E. Asian volcano
- July 2, 2009 – What China’s minister of defense reportedly said about annihilating Americans
- July 6, 2009 – U.S. on the sidelines: Biden says Israel can attack Iran if it wants to
- July 6, 2009 – Hondurans angered by international media silence on Obama-Chavez alliance
- July 6, 2009 – U.S. Navy dependents return to Bahrain after lifting of 2004 Al Qaida alert
- July 6, 2009 – U.S. sends 120 Dodge Chargers to Lebanon
- July 6, 2009 – Continuing geopolitical fallout from U.S. timidity on Iran during the Carter years
- July 8, 2009 – As U.S. sea power wanes, Democrats poised to push for UN’s Law of the Sea Treaty
- July 8, 2009 – Tunisia reports blocking Al Qaida plot against visiting U.S. officers
- July 9, 2009 – Obama reverses Bush-backed Morocco plan in favor of Polisario state
- July 10, 2009 – Obama reverses Biden, warns Netanyahu publicly and privately on Iran
- July 13, 2009 – Signs on U.S. military vehicles explain why they are still patroling Iraqi cities
- July 13, 2009 – U.S. rushes to ship last 2,200 Humvees to Iraq by early 2010
- July 14, 2009 – Al Qaida bombs U.S. envoy’s motorocade in Iraq
- July 15, 2009 – U.S. intel faulted for de-emphasizing threats from Latin America
- July 15, 2009 – Yemen boosts security, warns U.S. embassy of imminent Al Qaida attack
- July 15, 2009 – The UnBush doctrine: Creating vacuums of U.S. power from Casablanca to Sakhalin
- July 16, 2009 – Obama initiative seeks normalized relations with Sudan regime
- July 16, 2009 – U.S. to deploy Army brigades to mentor Iraqis
- July 17, 2009 – U.S. caught between Uyghur ‘friends’ and China
- July 17, 2009 – U.S., Israel to test three missile defense systems in Pacific this summer
- July 20, 2009 – The truth about Walter Cronkite and his legacy
- July 20, 2009 – U.S. Army still operating in Basra at Iraq’s request
- July 21, 2009 – Palestinian security force would be modeled after U.S. National Guard
- July 23, 2009 – Israel concludes Obama has agreed to Iran nukes
- July 23, 2009 – Tiny, anti-communist Honduras prepares for worst vs Obama-Chavez-UN monolith
- July 24, 2009 – Hillary vs the N. Koreans: If words were missiles, this would be World War III
- July 24, 2009 – Bad policy: Hillary practices pop psychology on Pyongyang
- July 27, 2009 – Gates in Israel for talks on Iran and jet fighters
- July 27, 2009 – Maliki presses Obama on weapons deliveries, hints at extended U.S. presence
- July 27, 2009 – U.S. sees terror threat to Morocco, shifts backing to UN approach for Western Sahara
- July 28, 2009 – Here comes Hillary: Overlooked apology opens door for N. Korea talks
- July 28, 2009 – Syria: Obama lifting ban on aviation tech sales
- July 28, 2009 – Fifth Fleet warns calm seas means piracy surge
- July 29, 2009 – State Department confirms Syrian claim that Obama intends to lift U.S. sanctions
- July 31, 2009 – Israeli government braces for cuts in military aid as U.S. economy worsens
- July 31, 2009 – U.S. Army memo: Iraqis have sharply reduced cooperation with U.S.
- August 2, 2009 – U.S.-trained Palestinian security forces reluctant to face down Fatah ‘thugs’
- August 4, 2009 – Democratic Congress readies tough Iran sanctions
- August 5, 2009 – How did the radical Bill Ayers obtain tenure at the University of Illinois?
- August 6, 2009 – Where’s Jimmy? A past president goes silent on his Iran legacy
- August 7, 2009 – Needed: A few more Bill Clintons to rescue North Korea’s other hostages
- August 10, 2009 – Koch: Falling out of love with Barack Obama
- August 11, 2009 – How Obama’s policies may lead Japan to finally go for the nuclear option
- August 12, 2009 – U.S. troops in Iraq: Out of sight; Not out of mind
- August 12, 2009 – If Bill Ayers’ revolutionary days are really over, what has he been up to in Venezuela?
- August 12, 2009 – Kissinger continues to influence U.S. policy despite extensive ties to Beijing
- August 13, 2009 – After lifting sanctions, Obama for second time seeks Syria’s help against Al Qaida
- August 13, 2009 – Is health care expert Obama aware that his ‘partner’ killed tens of millions of its own?
- August 14, 2009 – The French cut spending on luxuries, not including American movies
- August 18, 2009 – Covering the media’s Obama cover-up (cont’d)
- August 18, 2009 – U.S. Energy Dept. head calls for modernizing ‘Manhattan Project-era’ nuke sites
- August 18, 2009 – What to do about Egypt: U.S. debates how to ‘right-size’ relationship
- August 19, 2009 – Emanuel, Axelrod closely monitoring reports on Israeli factions
- August 19, 2009 – A declining Mubarak, with son in tow, spends the day at White House
- August 19, 2009 – Shi’ites used Iran rockets in attack on U.S. base
- August 20, 2009 – Odierno working to cultivate security ties between central Iraq, Kurdish north
- August 20, 2009 – Report: Combat readiness of Iraq troops tied to partnership with U.S. forces
- August 20, 2009 – The Foreign policy playground: Naive, nightmarish, consequential
- August 21, 2009 – Israel closely tracking U.S. pullout from Iraq: Iran’s ‘enhanced’ regional clout seen as threat
- August 21, 2009 – I came to America longing for freedom and now I’m getting Obama’s ‘revolution’
- August 21, 2009 – Webb in Burma: What good are talks with Asian dictators?
- August 24, 2009 – U.S. commanders worry about Iraqi capacity as Al Qaida surge contines
- August 31, 2009 – Obama FCC official sympathized with Venezuela’s Chavez on media control
- August 31, 2009 – Ed Koch: Here’s a modest proposal — Deport all incarcerated illegal aliens immediately
- September 1, 2009 – Roar from a Heartland awakened by looming government health care
- September 2, 2009 – With respect, George Will is wrong about Afghanistan
- September 3, 2009 – Report for Congress unconvinced U.S. training of Palestinian forces is worth it
- September 3, 2009 – Stupid is as stupid votes
- September 4, 2009 – Who to credit for recruiting and vetting Van Jones, Obama’s ‘Green Jobs Czar’?
- September 6, 2009 – Van Jones and President Barack Obama: ‘It’s the communism, stupid’
- September 8, 2009 – How a New Zealand blogger, not the U.S. press, broke the Van Jones story
- September 8, 2009 – Network aligned with Al Qaida declares holy war on Hamas, Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair
- September 8, 2009 – Saudis to Americans: Don’t even think about energy independence
- September 9, 2009 – Obama woos Iran, but Gates urges Gulf neighbors to build deterrence with U.S. weapons
- September 9, 2009 – Fear on the Left: Van Jones exit could lead to the unmasking of the president
- September 10, 2009 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers installs anti-tunnel sonar system on Egypt-Gaza border
- September 11, 2009 – Now in its 8th season, ‘Iran going nuclear’ is back; In this episode, Obama checkmated?
- September 14, 2009 – Who is ‘Republican’ Mark McKinnon and why does he get good press?
- September 14, 2009 – A heartlander reflects on a ‘relaxed’ and ‘inspiring’ Sept. 12 at the Mall
- September 14, 2009 – Britain’s decision to train Libyan special forces is questioned by SAS vets
- September 14, 2009 – UAE lobbies U.S. for nuclear tech: Most don’t know of ‘close’ military
- September 15, 2009 – Why did a capitalist like Soros bankroll a communist like Van Jones?
- September 15, 2009 – Obama Okays F-16 weapon systems for Morocco
- September 16, 2009 – U.S. strike ends 10-year hunt for Al Qaida leader
- September 17, 2009 – U.S., Israel set ‘major’ missile defense exercise next month
- September 18, 2009 – GPS-guided mortar to see action in Afghanistan
- September 18, 2009 – Yawns greet the potentates of autumn: Gaddafi, Chavez, Mugabe, Ahmadinijad . . .
- September 21, 2009 – Gitmo officer: Reports on torure at facility are bogus, ‘twisted’
- September 22, 2009 – Naiveté or bad advice? Obama forgot the quid pro in missile defense decision
- September 24, 2009 – Can Obama’s nuke-free-world save the U.S from China’s biological weapons?
- September 25, 2009 – The United States and North Korea: Words, words and more words
- September 29, 2009 – Western oil majors fear reversal on cooperation by Gadhafi
- September 29, 2009 – NY Times and both parties are wrong on amnesty
- September 30, 2009 – U.S. advice for anxious Gulf states: Buy our missile defense system
- September 30, 2009 – Tarantula tunnel-sensor system deployed on U.S., Gaza borders
- September 30, 2009 – ‘Fair-and-balanced’ Fox should have googled Marc Lamont Hill before hiring him
- October 1, 2009 – Report warns demographic changes in the U.S. ‘could leave Israel without an ally’
- October 2, 2009 – U.S. cuts security contracts for Iraq as 2nd phase of withdrawal proceeds
- October 2, 2009 – Dallas oil firm drilling for crude in the Holy Land
- October 5, 2009 – Palestinian PM reconciles with U.S. Gen. Dayton
- October 6, 2009 – On page 10 of the G-20 communique: IMF told to report back on global tax
- October 7, 2009 – CIA hurt by ‘administration’s war with the U.S. intelligence community’
- October 7, 2009 – U.S. training of its air force, counter-IED called critical by Iraqis
- October 8, 2009 – U.S.-Iraq op captures 150-man Al Qaida network said to have been run from Syria
- October 8, 2009 – Combat trials conducted for I-Robot and I-Drive
- October 8, 2009 – United Arab Emirates, U.S. team up to research renewable jet fuel
- October 8, 2009 – ObamaCare and StalinCare: Who gets the good doctors?
- October 9, 2009 – What the UN stats say about quality of life worldwide
- October 12, 2009 – Obama’s longer school daze: Churning out American History illiterates
- October 12, 2009 – U.S. steps up reassurances to Gulf states on Iran
- October 13, 2009 – Iran’s new indigenous fighter-jet modeled after U.S. F-14
- October 14, 2009 – Postponement of U.S.-Israel missile exercise called ‘routine’
- October 15, 2009 – Obama administration cites Mao, praises China’s ‘historical accomplishment’ at 60
- October 15, 2009 – Alert Americans waking up to the threat from China, long ignored by the ‘experts’
- October 16, 2009 – Report: New Palestinian plan, backed by Obama, challenges Fatah’s status quo
- October 16, 2009 – U.S. plans to scale back embassy in Baghdad
- October 16, 2009 – Virtual prize for virtual peace: Virtually surreal
- October 19, 2009 – Obama approves first U.S. jet fighter sale to Egypt in a decade
- October 19, 2009 – Saudi-backed group accused of trying to infiltrate House committees
- October 20, 2009 – Iran blames ‘U.S. action’ for assassination of IRGC commanders in suicide bombing
- October 19, 2009 – Want to crush your enemies? Wish their leaders … Nobel Peace Prizes
- October 20, 2009 – Israeli general’s meeting with Adm. Mullen gives rise to speculation
- October 21, 2009 – Major U.S.-Israel missile defense exercise ‘not in response to any world events’
- October 21, 2009 – U.S. puts stop to paying cash to contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan
- October 21, 2009 – U.S. firms set up shop in United Arab Emirates for major nuclear project
- October 21, 2009 – Valerie Jarrett and the resignation of Van Jones
- October 22, 2009 – What if the U.S. elected a genius on health care who was an idiot at geostrategy?
- October 23, 2009 – T. Boone Pickens on Iraq: ‘We leave there with the Chinese getting the oil’
- October 23, 2009 – Annual game of musical chairs at UN Security Council
- October 26, 2009 – AIPAC rival ‘J Street’ tied to Qatar, George Soros
- October 27, 2009 – Koch: Time to hold this government to account
- October 27, 2009 – Coming soon: New GM — Government Media
- October 29, 2009 – Fox and Newt; Conservatives and Republicans
- November 2, 2009 – The Chicago network: Wright, in recent speech, hailed ‘no-nonsense Marxism’
- November 2, 2009 – Palestinians’ Abbas tells Hillary he fears coup
- November 2, 2009 – Palestinian PM draws line on U.S. role at ‘training’
- November 4, 2009 – Cheney refutes claims Obama started from scratch in Afghanistan
- November 4, 2009 – Pentagon declares war on multiple language gaps with new system
- November 5, 2009 – As goes freedom, so goes the history of the world
- November 6, 2009 – Call to robots: ‘We’re losing so many soldiers in convoys it’s an embarrassment’
- November 6, 2009 – Profiles in courage from the streets of Iran for Hollywood’s gutless wonders
- November 6, 2009 – Playing the N. Korea game by Kim Jong-Il rules
- November 6, 2009 – Germany’s Angela Merkel at joint session of Congress thanks the USA for freedom
- November 10, 2009 – Actual number of Muslims in the U.S. military believed much higher than records show
- November 10, 2009 – After Fort Hood massacre, political correctness has become a life and death matter
- November 10, 2009 – U.S. disputes effectiveness of Iraq’s ‘magic wand’ bomb detector
- November 11, 2009 – Israeli assessment: Obama is losing his magic
- November 11, 2009 – U.S. military seeks to soothe withdrawal tensions by accelerating Iraqi police training
- November 11, 2009 – Agreement ‘reaffirms U.S. support for Yemen’
- November 12 – Which is stronger militarily: A free country or a slave state, other parameters being equal?
- November 13, 2009 – Report: ‘Generously funded’ effort by Saudis ‘radicalized U.S. troops’
- November 13, 2009 – Obama playing Prince Hamlet of Afghanistan?
- November 16, 2009 – New official at Libyan oil body seen as bad news for majors
- November 17, 2009 – Mideast report: ‘Bad Time to be a U.S. Ally . . .’
- November 18, 2009 – Catholic TV host challenges U.S. Bishops on causes they fund
- November 19, 2009 – China could use its microchips to penetrate U.S. weapons systems
- November 19, 2009 – USAF mobile laser downs aerial drones in test
- November 19, 2009 – Why so serious about China?
- November 20, 2009 – South Korea a bright spot in Obama’s frustrating six-day Asia tour
- November 20, 2009 – Obama went to China and all he got were some photos at the Great Wall
- November 20, 2009 – An eye-opening account of health care lobbying
- November 23, 2009 – Taking a deep breath and looking at Iran geostrategically
- November 23, 2009 – Threat of jihad infiltration did not factor into U.S. Army’s screening process
- November 24, 2009 – Armitage to head U.S.-Turkey defense lobby, replacing Scowcroft
- November 25, 2009 – Poll: Most Americans view China as an enemy
- November 27, 2009 – U.S. intel reports ‘Al Qaida infrastructure’ in northeastern Syria
- November 30, 2009 – Well-connected ex-con did not have to crash the White House state dinner
- December 2, 2009 – Bees vs spiders: U.S. military told sensitivity to culture is key to motivating Arabs
- December 4, 2009 – Chairman O: America’s ‘Great Leap Forward’
- December 4, 2009 – A less-than-stirring speech before the silent ‘long gray line’ at West Point
- December 7, 2009 – Socialists at UN demand trillions in ‘climate debt’
- December 7, 2009 – Turkey answers U.S. request for more troops: No
- December 7, 2009 – Shi’ite rebels in Yemen claim they destroyed three U.S.-origin Saudi tanks
- December 8, 2009 – Obama’s Afghanistan speech has unsettling effect on U.S. troops in South Korea
- December 8, 2009 – What is the White House hiding about the ‘GateCrashers’ scandal?
- December 8, 2009 – U.S. asks Gulf states for help in Afghanistan
- December 9, 2009 – Iran confirms missing Iranian was nuke scientist, is being held in U.S.
- December 11, 2009 – U.S. agencies investigating interpreters suspected of helping Al Qaida at Gitmo
- December 11, 2009 – Saudi Aramco awards oil contract to Halliburton
- December 14, 2009 – Times are tough but not tough enough to stop push for global tax
- December 14, 2009 – Cairo rights group blasts Obama’s Mideast policy
- December 16, 2009 – After meeting Obama, Turkey’s leader rethinking decision on troops to Afghanistan
- December 17, 2009 – In his talks with the owners of China, Obama neglected to use the word ‘slavery’
- December 19, 2009 – Gulf strategy summit focuses on Iran threat to region; U.S. voice muted
- December 18, 2009 – Franklin Graham: ‘True Islam cannot be practiced in this country’
- December 19, 2009 – By way of non-stop talks about talking, N. Korea advances toward its nuclear goal
- December 19, 2009 – Global responders to disasters list — Who’s been naughty, who’s been nice?
- December 21, 2009 – U.S. seeks to defuse Iran-Iraq showdown after seizure of oil well
- December 22, 2009 – U.S. tracked launch of new missile Iran claims can evade radar
- December 24, 2009 – Israelis, Americans face threats in North Africa
- December 24, 2009 – Ramifications of U.S.-China peace ‘partner’ship for the future of Homo sapiens
- December 24, 2009 – ‘For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour’
- December 28, 2009 – Memo for Jimmy Carter: How would one know you’re really sorry?
- December 28, 2009 – Iranians in revolt: Time for support from abroad, and unity
- December 28, 2009 – Obama’s appeasement policy opens the way for Iran’s strategic ascent in Mideast
- December 30, 2009 – Bahrain prosecutors: Al Qaida targeted U.S. Navy
- December 30, 2009 – Democrats to Euro-Socialists: Obama thwarted by anti-government culture in U.S.
- December 31, 2009 – What Darwinism, as taught in Soviet Russia and the USA, doesn’t get about human nature, history and genius
- December 30, 2008 – Hamas missiles also take Palestinian casualties
- January 2, 2009 – Hamas has been hit hard, but its missile arsenal and command structure still intact
- January 5, 2009 – Gaza conflict has everything to do with the power struggle in Iran
- January 5, 2009 – Israeli banks balk at government transfers to officials in Hamas-controlled Gaza
- January 6, 2009 – Rockets strike Beersheba near strategic targets in the Negev desert
- January 6, 2009 – Nine days into offensive, Israel has not eliminated Hamas threat
- January 6, 2009 – Turkey reports Kurdish desertions after air strikes in northern Iraq
- January 6, 2009 – Saudis set price hike for oil to U.S. and Asia
- January 7, 2009 – Israel completes hit list, prepares to end offensive
- January 7, 2009 – Hamas in the market for missile guidance systems
- January 7, 2009 – Government in Turkey turns squeamish on defense ties with Israel
- January 8, 2009 – War report: Israel’s air force scored with intel, drone support; ‘Hamas is not Hizubllah’
- January 8, 2009 – Florida resident convicted of smuggling plans for Hamas missiles into U.S.
- January 8, 2009 – Hamas loses Gaza cell phone, land line networks
- January 9, 2009 – Second front in Gaza war not likely out of deference to Obama
- January 9, 2009 – Turkish chief of staff protests crackdown by Islamist government
- January 12, 2009 – Israelis: Combat-avoiding Hamas battalions ‘have simply disappeared’
- January 12, 2009 – Hamas rockets achieve 45 km. range, strike Israeli air bases
- January 12, 2008 – Hamas and Tamil Tigers — violence, justice and peace
- January 13, 2009 – Israel routes civilian flights away from Gaza due to concerns about SAMs
- January 13, 2009 – Iraq replaces ‘Sons of Iraq’ with its own auxiliary force
- January 13, 2009 – Victims of Hamas attacks sue U.S. oil firms
- January 14, 2009 – Hamas hunkers down in command HQ at hospital
- January 15, 2009 – As Obama era nears, task force fears dawning of the age of nuclear proliferation
- January 15, 2009 – Hizbullah movements in line with possible escalation of war with Israel
- January 15, 2009 – Hamas believed holding out until Obama’s inauguration
- January 15, 2009 – Saudis see up to 45 percent drop in oil demand
- January 19, 2009 – Tensions building in Turkey between the miliary and Islamist government
- January 19, 2009 – Israel calls ceasefire before inauguration as rockets continue to fall
- January 19, 2009 – Israel energy firm reports major gas discovery in the Mediterranean
- January 20, 2009 – Hamas undeterred, building back its arsenal, command structure
- January 20, 2009 – Blood feud building between Hamas, Fatah: ‘There will be violence’
- January 21, 2009 – Israeli tech improved response time against rocket firings to 30 seconds
- January 21, 2009 – Israeli claim: Iran elite forces killed in Gaza War
- January 22, 2009 – Like in Lebanon, Iran plans to boost presence in post-war Gaza
- January 23, 2009 – U.S. Navy stopped Iran ship carrying weapons and headed to Gaza
- January 23, 2009 – Turkey government has arrested more than 100 in probe of alleged coup plot
- January 26, 2009 – Yemen has idea for its 94 Guantanamo detainees: ‘Integrate themselves back into society’
- January 26, 2009 – Arab states trust none of ‘Palestinian factions’ with reconstruction aid
- January 26, 2009 – Terrified Hamas military leadership still in hiding
- January 26, 2009 – Israel agrees to Egyptian deployment to stop smuggling despite ’79 accord
- January 27, 2009 – Hamas to receive Chinese cruise missiles from Iran
- January 27, 2009 – Hamas waiting delivery of large arms shipment via Egypt
- January 27, 2009 – Kuwait agrees to joint venture on energy with Russia’s Gazprom
- January 28, 2009 – Hamas executes reporter said to spy for Israel
- January 28, 2009 – U.S. military: Iraq Army now more self-reliant in planning ops
- January 29, 2009 – Israel weighs becoming major space race player
- January 29, 2009 – Iran offers to be alternative to Russia as gas source to Europe
- January 29, 2009 – The PLA’s tough message to Barack Obama on his Inauguration Day
- February 2, 2009 – Israel debating military response to Hamas after renewed rocket attacks
- February 2, 2009 – No news was good news: Iraq’s still-dangerous elections were quiet
- February 2, 2009 – Israel to expand gas exploration after major find
- February 2, 2009 – Obama’s war: Do we really want to go there?
- February 3, 2009 – Iran again claims satellite put in orbit by Safir-2 space-launch vehicle
- February 4, 2009 – Hamas rockets could torpedo Israeli elections
- February 5, 2009 – UN reports Hamas seized aid reaching Gaza
- February 5, 2009 – Israel to upgrade its own space launch vehicles
- February 6, 2009 – Trouble in northern Iraq: Thousands of troops flood Kirkuk in crackdown on Kurds
- February 9, 2009 – Ahmadinejad on the defensive: $1 billion in Iran’s oil money goes missing
- February 9, 2009 – Hamas regime’s ceasefire demand: Israel must leave it in power
- February 11, 2009 – Anxious Iraqis report return of Shi’ite insurgents
- February 11, 2009 – Oman reports 3 new oil fields
- February 12, 2009 – Hamas announced ‘calm’ before election to assess ‘Israel and its policy’ . . .
- February 12, 2009 – Cyprus consults with West on fate of Iran ship carrying weapons . . .
- February 13, 2009 – Think tank sees right turn for Israel, increased tension with U.S.
- February 16, 2009 – Rocket-making resumes in Gaza, as do attacks by the Israelis
- February 16, 2009 – Poll reveals significant rise in Israeli support for soldiers refusing to evict settlers
- February 16, 2009 – OPEC sees ’09 prices hovering at $40 per barrel
- February 17, 2009 – Iraq claims intelligence breakthroughs, reports capture of Al Qaida commander
- February 18, 2009 – Anti-pirates success story: Saudis chase off attackers of cargo ship
- February 18, 2009 – Israelis ro sell border security drones to Mexico
- February 19, 2009 – Satellites identify apparent CW site in Syria
- February 20, 2009 – Concerns in Israel as Obama calls for sacrifice
- February 20, 2009 – Bahrain team walks out of energy talks with Iran after sovereignty claim
- February 20, 2009 – Look who’s back in Iraq!
- February 23, 2009 – IAEA reports nuclear material found at Syria site
- February 23, 2009 – Iran’s continued weapons smuggling to Iraq seen as bid for deal with West
- February 23, 2009 – Border tensions with Hamas mounting as Egypt finally cracks down on tunnels
- February 24, 2009 – Palestinian Authority to regulate salaried clerics to thwart Hamas
- February 25, 2009 – Egypt investigating Hamas links to Cairo blast targeting Westerners
- February 25, 2009 – Iraq pobing ethnic killings by uniformed police
- February 25, 2009 – UAE green light for aircraft deal worth billions is good news for U.S. firms
- February 26, 2009 – Iranians to test Bushehr reactor with ‘virtual fuel’
- February 26, 2009 – Hamas made rockets using RDX explosives, washing machine timers
- February 27, 2009 – Israel reluctantly okays Palestinian police stations in West Bank
- March 2, 2009 – Report: Hamas designs on W. Bank ‘irreversible’
- March 2, 2009 – Kurdish government warns U.S. military pullout will spark war in N. Iraq
- March 2, 2009 – Iraq plan uptick in oil production in 2009
- March 2, 2009 – Compassion: the terrorists’ cruelest weapon
- March 3, 2009 – Report see Gulf oil economies shrinking in 2009
- March 3, 2009 – Iraq, Turkey agree to expand trade, border access
- March 4, 2009 – Kuwait on high alert after intelligence warns of plot against airlines
- March 4, 2009 – Gadhafi’s talk of nationalizing oil companies dismissed by U.S. majors
- March 6, 2009 – New Hizbullah group claims credit for latest missiles fired from Gaza
- March 9, 2009 – Bedouin smugglers rebel against Egyptian crackdown
- March 9, 2009 – S. Asia’s hotbed of terrorism heating up
- March 10, 2009 – Southward movements by Kurdish northern Iraq alarms Baghdad
- March 10, 2009 – Israel fears what Hamas will do with unexploded U.S. bombs
- March 12, 2009 – Ahmadinejad says high-flying drones disrupted satellite launch
- March 13, 2009 – Hamas cracks down on the unauthorized, random firing of rockets at Israel
- March 16, 2009 – United Arab Emirates police radars going green
- March 16, 2009 – Kuwait parliament again scuttles refinery project
- March 17, 2009 – Al Qaida reactivated Iraq sleeper cells following U.S. pullout announcement
- March 17, 2009 – Israel won’t kill Hamas military commander
- March 18, 2009 – Turkey plans new base on Black Sea following Russia-Georgia war
- March 18, 2009 – Al Qaida believed responsible for rocket attack on Baghdad refinery
- March 19, 2009 – Israel’s chief of staff comes home early after doors close in Obama’s Washington
- March 19, 2009 – Report: Iran has assembled network of lobbyists that has ‘penetrated’ administration
- March 19, 2009 – Post-Saddam Iraq gets back to thinking nuclear
- March 19, 2009 – Iran drops French major from major gas project
- March 20, 2009 – Israeli firm role in winning energy bid catches Yemen off guard
- March 23, 2009 – Bomb threats rattle American school in Kuwait
- March 23, 2009 – Abbas viewed as weak link as Palestinian security braces for Hamas-backed unrestD
- March 23, 2009 – As if Pakistan didn’t have enough problems, it has now become a top U.S. priority
- March 24, 2009 – Hamas claim longer-range rockets more accurate
- March 25, 2009 – End of an era: Israel replaces Russia as India’s top military supplier
- March 25, 2009 – Arms for oil: Yemen swaps debt for Russian stake in its energy sector
- March 26, 2009 – Iran native copied, transferred nuclear software while employed at largest U.S. reactor
- March 26, 2009 – Classified research to track ‘green’ explosives, nanotech weapons systems
- March 26, 2009 – Gulf state to double output of natural gas in ’09
- March 27, 2009 – Israel conducts successful test of ‘Iron Dome’ rocket defense system
- March 30, 2009 – Israeli drones struck Hamas convoys, killing smugglers, Iranian escorts
- March 30, 2009 – Sunni rumblings in Baghdad against dominant Shi’ite security forces
- March 31, 2009 – Crackdown on Shi’ite unrest in Bahrain targeting high school students
- March 31, 2009 – Iraq invites bids on major Basra oil field
- April 1, 2009 – Iraq, in first, using own drones to patrol borders
- April 3, 2009 – Saudis storm Shi’ite city in crackdown on unrest
- April 2, 2009 – Hamas couldn’t fire smuggled Stingers against Israelis due to embedded ID system
- April 6, 2009 – Former Iran minister sees imminent threat to mullah regime from youth, the economy
- April 6, 2009 – Hamas turns to Chinese rockets over homemade: ‘We need weapons that work’
- April 6, 2009 – Israel eyes extra security for foreign minister who lives in West Bank
- April 6, 2009 – Turkey security on high alert for Obama visit
- April 6, 2009 – New Kuwait women officers getting no respect
- April 7, 2009 – Trouble in Egypt: Anti-government riots reported in several cities
- April 7, 2009 – Israel plans to strengthen ties with Sudan rebels
- April 7, 2009 – Missile defense skeptic Obama may cut Israel’s participation in Arrow project
- April 8, 2009 – Memo: Libya recruited brother of U.S. intel chief to help spruce up Gadhafi’s image in U.S.
- April 8, 2009 – Iran to announce nuclear ‘good news’ Thursday
- April 8, 2009 – Israeli interceptor downs mock Iran missile over the Mediterranean
- April 9, 2009 – Defector exposed Western intelligence failure on Syrian nuclear plant
- April 10, 2009 – Israel in fast-track mode to complete ‘Iron Dome’ rocket defense system
- April 10, 2009 – Iraq to triple its air force with U.S. help by 2010
- April 13, 2009 – Turkey requested Obama’s help in procuring predator drone
- April 13, 2009 – Demand for oil to hit lowest point in five years
- April 13, 2009 – Bedouin tribes said to be replenishing Hamas rocket aresenal
- April 14, 2009 – Russia’s LUKoil has deal, readies return to Iraq
- April 14, 2009 – Turkey widens investigation of alleged coup plot by military, secularists
- April 16, 2009 – Iran’s new South American embassies tied to Hizbullah activity, U.S. routes
- April 16, 2009 – Hamas bomb factory found in West Bank mosque
- April 16, 2009 – Chechen war, cont’d: Another assassination in the United Arab Emirates
- April 17, 2009 – As withdrawal deadline looms, chaos in Mosul, low oil prices may require U.S. forces to remain
- April 17, 2009 – Iran gives decision deadline to European oil firms pressed by U.S.
- April 20, 2009 – Iran tones down annual military parade, citing declining U.S. threat
- April 20, 2009 – Israel’s military changes gears as U.S. balks on weapons assistance
- April 20, 2009 – Iraq ups police presence to replace U.S. forces
- April 21, 2009 – NSA tracked suspected Israeli agents, recorded talk with Rep. Harmon
- April 21, 2009 – Turkey balked on helping Bush invade Iraq, but may help Obama with exit
- April 21, 2009 – Palestinian Authority cracks down hard on Hamas in West Bank
- April 22, 2009 – Israeli intel warns Netanyahu on Obama policy: ‘We have become an obstacle’
- April 22, 2009 – Hamas said to be funding underground militia in West Bank
- April 24, 2009 – Iraqis credits intelligence ‘tipoff’ for capture of Al Qaida commander
- April 24, 2009 – Libya steadily expanding its energy reserves
- April 24, 2009 – Saudis seen doubling the price of natural gas
- April 27, 2009 – Al Qaida women responsible for recent apate of mass-casualty attacks in Iraq
- April 27, 2009 – Hamas agents ordered weapons from China
- April 27, 2009 – Israel alarmed as Syria and Turkey conduct their first-ever military exercise
- April 27, 2009 – The Pakistan mess, courtesy of the vaunted U.S. foreign policy establishment
- April 28, 2009 – Iraqis say U.S. troops in the pullout mode; atmosphere ‘less intimate’
- April 28, 2009 – Yemen special forces defeat pirates, take back four ships in Arabian Sea battle
- April 28, 2009 – Turkey raid left-wing insurgents said to plan ‘sensational attacks’ on May 1
- April 28, 2009 – Bahrain to more than double production with onshore oil field deal
- April 29, 2009 – Kurds want U.S. forces to remain in northern Iraq
- April 29, 2009 – Obama seen opposing bi-partisan legislation on Iran sanctions
- April 29, 2009 – Gulf oil economies bracing for long-term decline in demand
- April 30, 2009 – Iraq prime minister ties Saddam regime to captured Al Qaida commander
- May 1, 2009 – Iraq moves to absorb Sunni militia that helped U.S. defeat Al Qaida
- May 1, 2009 – U.S. models program to train Palestinian officers after successful effort in Iraq
- May 1, 2009 – Iraq invites foreign partners to help develop southern oil fields
- May 4, 2009 – NSC: U.S. committed to extended talks with Iran
- May 4, 2009 – Report: Without Russian air defense system, Iran is sitting duck
- May 4, 2009 – Turkey’s military yields in showdown with PM
- May 4, 2009 – Israel resumes strikes on Hamas tunnels, suspected smuggling ships
- May 4, 2009 – U.S. drops charges against pro-Israel lobbyists
- May 5, 2009 – Obama to place the onus on Israel to deliver a Palestinian state
- May 5, 2009 – Hamas vows it ‘will be part of the solution, period’
- May 5, 2009 – Iraq insists it can fight off Al Qaida resurgence; rejects U.S. deadline extension
- May 5, 2009 – Libya weighs developing offshore energy blocks near Cyprus
- May 5, 2009 – Is the real world ready for Obama’s unreal world view?
- May 6, 2009 – Canceled by Obama, advanced F-22 jet fighter to be marketed in Gulf
- May 6, 2009 – Obama lays groundwork for Netanyahu meeting: Dismantle settlements
- May 6, 2009 – Egypt bumps Bechtel from project to build up to 11 nuclear reactors
- May 7, 2009 – Iraq blames Al Qaida revival on U.S. release of 4,000 insurgents
- May 7, 2009 – State Department official calls on Israel to sign Non-Proliferation Treaty
- May 7, 2009 – UAE pipeline would duck Iran threat, bypass Straits of Hormuz
- May 7, 2009 – Kurdish insurgents, in reversal, announce end to separatist ambitions
- May 8, 2009 – IAEA finds highly-enriched uranium in Egypt
- May 8, 2009 – Western oil majors withdraw from Kuwait as government cuts production goals
- May 11, 2009 – Obama maintains sanctions: Syria ‘supporting terrorism, … pursuing WMD’
- May 11, 2009 – U.S. blocking Israeli access to U.S. fighter-jets
- May 11, 2009 – Exports of crude oil from Kurdish northern Iraq to begin in June
- May 11, 2009 – Returning expatriate laborers worries Egypt
- May 12, 2009 – Israel’s ‘warm’ strategic ties with U.S. under Bush have cooled significantly
- May 12, 2009 – U.S. has begun shifting troops, aircraft from Iraq to Afghanistan
- May 13, 2009 – Iraqi forces raid Iran-backed Shi’ite strongholds in the South
- May 13, 2009 – [Cecil B. De Mille] Axelrod and teleprompter head to Egypt for a [dangerous] PR-op
- May 14, 2009 – Netanyahu working hard at figuring out Obama
- May 13, 2009 – Palestinian Authority details Hamas coup plot
- May 14, 2009 – Administration warned on U.S. pullout from Iraq
- May 14, 2009 – For first time in 20 years, Palestinian members can vote for Fatah leaders
- May 15, 2009 – Institute: Iran issue will ‘make or break’ Obama
- May 15, 2009 – Turkish generals resign without explanation
- May 15, 2009 – Kuwait deal will quadruple flow of oil to China
- May 15, 2009 – Farce: The politics of human rights at the United Nations
- May 18, 2009 – U.S. agrees in principle to release 100 detainees to minimum security site
- May 18, 2009 – Obama administration ditches ‘Roadmap’ for a get-tough peace plan
- May 18, 2009 – Hot property: Sinai’s tunnel-riddled border with Gaza
- May 19, 2009 – U.S. pressing Israel to relinquish West Bank security to Palestinians
- May 19, 2009 – U.S. Fifth Fleet to welcome back dependents, expand presence in Bahrain
- May 19, 2009 – U.S. backs Turkey ties with Syria, Lebanon to offset Iran
- May 19, 2009 – Turkey’s new security unit to coordinate strategy in a seriously-divided government
- May 19, 2009 – India’s hundreds of millions of voters rock the left
- May 20, 2009 – Report: Turkey seen breaking with NATO on Iran, Hamas, Hizbullah
- May 20, 2009 – Hamas seen as winner in any West Bank election
- May 20, 2009 – Egypt applies the heat on small Shi’ite community after Hizbullah arrests
- May 21, 2009 – U.S. general says training of Palestinian security ‘the most popular thing we do’
- May 22, 2009 – Netanyahu promised to destroy illegal settlements
- May 22, 2009 – U.S. still helping upgrade Lebanon’s military as Hizbullah’s clout increases
- May 22, 2009 – Israel: Hamas still smuggling SAMs into Gaza
- May 25, 2009 – Israeli: Obama ‘wasn’t empathetic to our needs’
- May 25, 2009 – Iraq acknowledges Al Qaida surge, plans for possible recall of U.S. troops
- May 25, 2009 – Saudis terms new oil field a ‘mega project’
- May 25, 2009 – Arab human rights groups see gains in moderate states, decline elsewhere
- May 25, 2009 – U.S. to supply first offensive systems to Lebanon since 1980s
- May 26, 2009 – India, Saudis hold naval exercise as China quietly projects power in the region
- May 27, 2009 – Israeli intel: Venezuela ferried weapons to Syria, providing uranium to Iran
- May 27, 2009 – Administration blocks helicopters for Israel due to civilian casualties in Gaza
- May 26, 2009 – Iran, in first, sends warships to the Gulf of Aden
- May 27, 2009 – Iraqi Oil Police trained on ‘moving and shooting’ while securing pipelines
- June 1, 2009 – Israel stages raids on West Bank settlements as Barak visits Washington
- June 1, 2009 – Obama okays Longbow helicopters for Egypt
- June 1, 2009 – Israel kills senior Hamas operative sought after suicide attacks
- June 2, 2009 – Report calls U.S. military the glue holding Iraq together
- June 2, 2009 – Petraeus: ‘There is no doubt’ Iran is source of arms shipped to Hizbullah via Syria
- June 2, 2009 – State Dept. book explains to the Muslim world why U.S. is not evil
- June 2, 2009 – Kurdistan pumps first oil through pipeline to Turkey
- June 3, 2009 – Candidate running against Ahmadinejad calls for nuke fuel consortium based in Iran
- June 3, 2009 – Ramallah, in the West Bank, called ‘listening post’ bristling with foreign spies
- June 3, 2009 – The speech Barack Hussein Obama should be making
- June 4, 2009 – Obama administration said to be cultivating Netanyahu opponents
- June 4, 2009 – Hamas revises civilian casualty estimates for 2009 war
- June 4, 2009 – Iraqis now conducting all counterinsurgency ops
- June 5, 2009 – Report: North Korea could transfer technology from latest ICBM test to Iran
- June 5, 2009 – U.S. guiding Palestinian preparations to destroy Hamas inroads in West Bank
- June 5, 2009 – Iran bumps French firm in favor of China for major energy deal
- June 8, 2009 – Report: NATO, EU unlikely to accept Israel as part of peace deal
- June 8, 2009 – U.S. reports Al Qaida recruiting teens for attacks
- June 8, 2009 – Hamas orders assassination of Palestinian officers who raided safe house
- June 8, 2009 – Iranian’s lawsuit reveals royals’ power in UAE
- June 8, 2009 – U.S. accelerating pullout of combat personnel from Iraq cities
- June 9, 2009 – Global recession? Defense spending on rise due to Mideast militaries
- June 9, 2009 – Egypt, U.S. revives strategic talks interrupted by invasion of Iraq
- June 9, 2009 – Abbas fears youth, outsiders as Fatah hold first leadership conference in 20 years
- June 10, 2009 – Iran’s elite paramilitary force seen engineering election’s outcome
- June 10, 2009 – Obama’s speech was a travesty
- June 10, 2009 – Abbas facing increasing security threats, reduces West Bank travel
- June 11, 2009 – With change in administrations, western firms renew interest in Iran gas
- June 11, 2009 – Hamas on defensive over investment scam that funded smuggling operation
- June 11, 2009 – Iraq runs out of oil money, halts police expansion
- June 12, 2009 – Iraq’s Maliki is bracing for an Al Qaida surge as U.S. withdraws
- June 12, 2009 – Hamas orders ‘Islamic warriors’ to fight crackdown by Palestinian Authority
- June 12, 2009 – Oil price rise reflects higher U.S. consumption
- June 12, 2009 – Pakistan’s triple tragedy — Taliban, refugees, indifference
- June 15, 2009 – Iran post-vote crackdown: Meetings, Internet, text messages, cell phones
- June 15, 2009 – U.S. establishes joint operations command facility in Iraq
- June 15, 2009 – Netanyahu: ‘Palestinians must decide between path of peace and path of Hamas’
- June 16, 2009 – Israel’s military planning for a multi-front war
- June 16, 2009 – Palestinian assault on Hamas post called ’embarrassing’, completed by U.S. forces
- June 17, 2009 – Former top Iran official cites fissures in regime, calls on Obama to stand with the people
- June 17, 2009 – U.S. commission warns of declining base security in Iraq
- June 17, 2009 – The world and South side of Chicago: Two different places
- June 18, 2009 – DynCorp gets Blackwater’s service contracts for U.S. diplomats in Iraq
- June 19, 2009 – Hamas, Hizbullah join Iran’s paramilitary forces in post-vote crackdown
- June 19, 2009 – Iran IRGC cites Obama speech as validating nuclear program
- June 20, 2009 – The Iranian people are ‘wired’ differently than their Mullah rulers
- June 22, 2009 – U.S. military’s workspace to ‘mirror’ Iraq’s in Baghdad joint operation command
- June 22, 2009 – Turkish generals: Probe of military plot against Islamist government based on a ‘forgery’
- June 22, 2009 – The farcial Islamic Republic is a failed state; Long live Persia!
- June 23, 2009 – A tragic death punishes a regime that oppressed irrepressible Persian women
- June 23, 2009 – Palestinians report Hamas using the ill to smuggle funds and weapons into Gaza
- June 23, 2009 – Israel sells reconditioned fighter-jets to Colombia
- June 23, 2009 – German firm to certify construction by Chinese of oil pipeline bypassing Straits of Hormuz
- June 23, 2009 – Republicans press Obama to embargo oil to Iran
- June 23, 2009 – Egypt proposes Arab security force in Gaza
- June 23, 2009 – Arab states may align with NATO against Iran
- June 24, 2009 – Israel concerned as U.S. resumes shipments to Lebanon after election
- June 25, 2009 – Obama OKs plan to normalize U.S. ties with Syria
- June 25, 2009 – U.S. training Iraqis in air assault operations
- June 25, 2009 – Saudis’ Aramaco and Japan’s Sumitomo study petrochem expansion
- June 26, 2009 – Standing for the Iranian people is not ‘meddling’ but the reason for America’s status in the world
- June 26, 2009 – Egypt to restore demolished Gaza terminal, using U.S. aid
- June 26, 2009 – Israel hands over security to Palestinian forces in West Bank cities
- June 26, 2009 – Iraq without training wheels
- June 29, 2009 – Lebanon reports Israeli buildup along border
- June 29, 2009 – Oman reports sharp rise in oil exports to Asia
- June 29, 2009 – Shi’ites in Kuwait demonstrating for Mousavi as other Arab states downplay
- June 29, 2009 – Hamas revives its military in the West Bank
- June 29, 2009 – Oil firms threatened by global economic crisis, environmental pressure
- June 30, 2009 – Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood leaders suspected of having ties to Hamas
- June 30, 2009 – Congress moves to restore missile defense aid to Israel cut by administration
- July 1, 2009 – Watershed in Iran: New media images of freedom have overwhelmed fear of the regime
- July 1, 2009 – On the curriculum at Hamas military academy: Bomb-making, wireless communication, Islam
- July 1, 2009 – U.S. military hires E. Africans for security in Iraq
- July 2, 2009 – Palestinian Authority’s Abbas: Hamas ‘preparing a terrorist attack’ against West Bank leadership
- July 2, 2009 – Gas-exporting states fail to organize cartel
- July 6, 2009 – U.S. on the sidelines: Biden says Israel can attack Iran if it wants to
- July 6, 2009 – U.S. Navy dependents return to Bahrain after lifting of 2004 Al Qaida alert
- July 6, 2009 – Captured Israeli soldier called lone Hamas bargaining chip
- July 6, 2009 – U.S. sends 120 Dodge Chargers to Lebanon
- July 6, 2009 – Palestinian Authority launches crackdown on ‘rogue Hamas infrastructure loyal only to Iran’
- July 6, 2009 – Continuing geopolitical fallout from U.S. timidity on Iran during the Carter years
- July 7, 2009 – Palestinian youth less interested in security forces after shootouts with Hamas
- July 8, 2009 – Iraq military assigns multi-ethnic special forces to new Counter-Terrorism Bureau
- July 8, 2009 – Hard time for Islamic Jihad: Budget cut in Syria means terror group can’t meet payroll
- July 8, 2009 – Saudis picks French firm for $10 billion refinery
- July 9, 2009 – The Uighurs: Only the tip of China’s growing security crisis
- July 9, 2009 – Israel: Insurgency strikes down since Gaza War
- July 10, 2009 – Obama reverses Biden, warns Netanyahu publicly and privately on Iran
- July 13, 2009 – Rally seen in oil demand in 2010, but not in 2009
- July 13, 2009 – Saudis order buildup of religious police to preserve stability
- July 13, 2009 – Signs on U.S. military vehicles explain why they are still patroling Iraqi cities
- July 13, 2009 – U.S. rushes to ship last 2,200 Humvees to Iraq by early 2010
- July 14, 2009 – Al Qaida bombs U.S. envoy’s motorocade in Iraq
- July 14, 2009 – Israel plans missile strike alert system using nation’s cell phone network
- July 14, 2009 – UN: Israel, Iran called top exporters of light arms
- July 15, 2009 – Yemen boosts security, warns U.S. embassy of imminent Al Qaida attack
- July 15, 2009 – Iraq plans immediate boost in oil exports
- July 15, 2009 – The UnBush doctrine: Creating vacuums of U.S. power from Casablanca to Sakhalin
- July 16, 2009 – The June elections in Iran and Morocco: Same day, worlds apart
- July 16, 2009 – Al Qaida for first time threatens attacks on China
- July 16, 2009 – Hamas cuts pay of Palestinian employees to fund Islamic schools
- July 16, 2009 – U.S. to deploy Army brigades to mentor Iraqis
- July 17, 2009 – U.S., Israel to test three missile defense systems in Pacific this summer
- July 17, 2009 – Report: Saudis to keep oil output below capacity
- July 20, 2009 – Explosion of Hizbullah warehouse said to reveal Lebanese Army’s complicity
- July 20, 2009 – New weapon in Israeli arsenal: The ‘skunk bomb’
- July 21, 2009 – Gadhafi to political exiles: Come home to Libya, all is forgiven
- July 20, 2009 – U.S. Army still operating in Basra at Iraq’s request
- July 21, 2009 – Palestinian security force would be modeled after U.S. National Guard
- July 21, 2009 – Report: 5,000 pirates recruited for Gulf region
- July 22, 2009 – Memo to the media: There are no ‘reformists’ in Iran’s mullahcracy
- July 22, 2009 – Tensions mounting between Jordan’s Hashemites, Palestinian majority
- July 22, 2009 – Iraq’s credit rating holding up military deliveries
- July 23, 2009 – Israel concludes Obama has agreed to Iran nukes
- July 23, 2009 – Turkey reviews defense agreements with China after crackdown on Uighurs in Xinjiang
- July 23, 2009 – Bombing of wedding believed Hamas warning to Fatah’s Dahlan
- July 27, 2009 – Gates in Israel for talks on Iran and jet fighters
- July 27, 2009 – Maliki presses Obama on weapons deliveries, hints at extended U.S. presence
- July 27, 2009 – Top faction lobbies Palestinian leadership for Iran to broker deal with Hamas
- July 28, 2009 – Syria: Obama lifting ban on aviation tech sales
- July 28, 2009 – Fifth Fleet warns calm seas means piracy surge
- July 29, 2009 – Bad timing: Iran reins in Hizbullah operations on Israel’s border
- July 29, 2009 – State Department confirms Syrian claim that Obama intends to lift U.S. sanctions
- July 31, 2009 – Israeli government braces for cuts in military aid as U.S. economy worsens
- July 31, 2009 – U.S. Army memo: Iraqis have sharply reduced cooperation with U.S.
- July 31, 2009 – Iran still training Shi’ites in Iraq with focus on January elections
- August 2, 2009 – Labor violence in Jordan as civil servants strike
- August 2, 2009 – Facing drought, Egypt reaches out to Sudan, Ethiopia
- August 2, 2009 – U.S.-trained Palestinian security forces reluctant to face down Fatah ‘thugs’
- August 3, 2009 – Key Palestinian official urges ties with Iran
- August 3, 2009 – Israeli forces training for rapid incursions against Hizbullah in Lebanon
- August 3, 2009 – Russia, Turkey to sign nuclear reactor agreement
- August 3, 2009 – Russia looks to revive oil deal with Iraq signed with Saddam
- August 4, 2009 – Democratic Congress readies tough Iran sanctions
- August 4, 2009 – Hamas imposes Islamic dress code for women civil servants
- August 5, 2009 – Hamas trains teens at military camps in Gaza
- August 6, 2009 – Where’s Jimmy? A past president goes silent on his Iran legacy
- August 6, 2009 – Thousands of kids man Gaza smuggling tunnels
- August 6, 2009 – Arrests of major Al Qaida leaders rock Iraq
- August 7, 2009 – Iraqi military seeking out continued U.S. training
- August 7, 2009 – High stakes for democracy (and terrorism) as Afghans prepare to vote
- August 10, 2009 – Israel bases penetrated during security check
- August 10, 2009 – Turkey signs deal with Russia to build reactor near Black Sea
- August 11, 2009 – Iran-trained security chief protected Carter on trip to Gaza
- August 11, 2009 – Rival Palestinian security forces got into shootout over parking space at Fatah conference
- August 11, 2009 – Private security killed in Green Zone ambush
- August 12, 2009 – U.S. troops in Iraq: Out of sight; Not out of mind
- August 12, 2009 – ‘Young guard’ pushes out Palestinian veterans from Fatah Central Committee in ‘coup’
- August 13, 2009 – After lifting sanctions, Obama for second time seeks Syria’s help against Al Qaida
- August 13, 2009 – Israel’s unexpected gas bonanza gets bigger
- August 13, 2009 – Israelis warned against avoid travel to Sinai, Jordan, Morocco
- August 14, 2009 – Turkey quietly shakes up military command; alleged conspirator denied promotion
- August 17, 2009 – Report: Botched North Korean missile test killed 20 in Syria town
- August 17, 2009 – Following leadership conference, Fatah plans to reconcile with Hamas
- August 17, 2009 – Jordan’s king purges senior military officers: ‘Paranoid but not wrong’
- August 17, 2009 – Commanders for Hamas and Al Qaida killed after mosque shootout
- August 18, 2009 – What to do about Egypt: U.S. debates how to ‘right-size’ relationship
- August 18, 2009 – Kuwait firm again strikes oil in Egyptian desert
- August 19, 2009 – Emanuel, Axelrod closely monitoring reports on Israeli factions
- August 19, 2009 – A declining Mubarak, with son in tow, spends the day at White House
- August 19, 2009 – Decision on Central Asian pipeline called pivotal for Turkey’s future
- August 19, 2009 – Shi’ites used Iran rockets in attack on U.S. base
- August 20, 2009 – Odierno working to cultivate security ties between central Iraq, Kurdish north
- August 20, 2009 – Report: Combat readiness of Iraq troops tied to partnership with U.S. forces
- August 21, 2009 – Israel closely tracking U.S. pullout from Iraq: Iran’s ‘enhanced’ regional clout seen as threat
- August 21, 2009 – Tension builds between Al Qaida, Hamas in Gaza
- August 24, 2009 – U.S. commanders worry about Iraqi capacity as Al Qaida surge contines
- August 24, 2009 – Egypt approves billions for oil deals in Nile Delta, Sinai, Gulf of Suez
- August 25, 2009 – Israeli exercises prepare for long-range strikes
- August 25, 2009 – Shi’ite missionaries go on trial in Jordan in a first
- August 25, 2009 – Hamas execution of Al Qaida fighters in Gaza caught on tape
- August 26, 2009 – Iraq oil exports highest since 2003
- August 26, 2009 – Israel: Iran likely to receive Russian air defense system
- August 27, 2009 – Abbas prevails politically at Fatah conference but can’t govern without U.S., Israel
- August 27, 2009 – Hamas authorities impose Islamic codes, deploys modesty police as school starts in Gaza
- August 27, 2009 – Iran readies strategic reserves ahead of sanctions
- August 28, 2009 – Al Qaida network loses 30 but survives assault on mosque by Hamas
- August 28, 2009 – Turkey seeks to leverage growing energy clout with EU
- August 28, 2009 – Libyans have a blast, literally, at the West’s expense and, by the way, where was Obama?
- August 31, 2009 – Latest arms shipment to Iran signals proliferation is still top priority for N. Korea
- September 1, 2009 – Iraq intel: Saudis financing Al Qaida offensive, Sunni tribes
- September 2, 2009 – Hizbullah operatives moving into villages near Israeli border
- September 2, 2009 – What some travelers to Iran don’t get about the rights of Iranian women
- September 2, 2009 – China, Qatar sign 25-year oil/gas agreement
- September 2, 2009 – With respect, George Will is wrong about Afghanistan
- September 3, 2009 – Hamas recruiting Islamists in Jordan camps to fight in Gaza
- September 3, 2009 – Report for Congress unconvinced U.S. training of Palestinian forces is worth it
- September 4, 2009 – Saudis exploring alternatives as oil prices tank
- September 4, 2009 – What to do in Afghanistan? Ask Turkey
- September 7, 2009 – Israeli intel: Hamas using police for military ops
- September 6, 2009 – Fighting heats up in northern Yemen: Iran-backed Shi’ites charge Saudis aiding Yemen forces
- September 8, 2009 – Network aligned with Al Qaida declares holy war on Hamas, Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair
- September 8, 2009 – Release of Libyan in Pan Am bombing seen improving defense tech ties with UK
- September 8, 2009 – Saudis to Americans: Don’t even think about energy independence
- September 9, 2009 – Obama woos Iran, but Gates urges Gulf neighbors to build deterrence with U.S. weapons
- September 9, 2009 – As the pressure increases, Iran threatens to close strategic Strait of Hormuz
- September 9, 2009 – Israel pojecting Hamas acquisition of rockets capable of striking Tel Aviv
- September 10, 2009 – United Arab Emirates air force plane with arms stopped enroute to Xinjiang, China
- September 10, 2009 – Syria storing heavy weapons in caches near border with Israel
- September 10, 2009 – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers installs anti-tunnel sonar system on Egypt-Gaza border
- September 11, 2009 – New Hamas ops: Gunmen replace missile strikes; New tunnels found in West Bank
- September 11, 2009 – Now in its 8th season, ‘Iran going nuclear’ is back; In this episode, Obama checkmated?
- September 14, 2009 – Britain’s decision to train Libyan special forces is questioned by SAS vets
- September 14, 2009 – UAE lobbies U.S. for nuclear tech: Most don’t know of ‘close’ military
- September 15, 2009 – Iraq finds major caches of ‘made in Iran’ rockets
- September 15, 2009 – The mullah’s rewrite of Iran’s ancient history: Don’t overlook this atrocity
- September 15, 2009 – Rap/rock festival in Ramallah, West Bank prompts security concerns
- September 15, 2009 – United Arab Emirates to drill for oil in Britain’s North Sea
- September 16, 2009 – U.S. strike ends 10-year hunt for Al Qaida leader
- September 17, 2009 – U.S., Israel set ‘major’ missile defense exercise next month
- September 18, 2009 – Iraq call halt to security talks with Syria: ‘This is the final meeting’
- September 18, 2009 – GPS-guided mortar to see action in Afghanistan
- September 18, 2009 – Yawns greet the potentates of autumn: Gaddafi, Chavez, Mugabe, Ahmadinijad . . .
- September 21, 2009 – Egyptian arrest, Israeli air strike target tunnels
- September 21, 2009 – Report calls for gasoline embargo on Iran via the United Arab Emirates
- September 22, 2009 – Venezuela called the critical link in Iran plan to duck sanctions
- September 22, 2009 – Iraq defense ministry learns it has 19 jet fighters in Serbia
- September 23, 2009 – Pakistan’s ‘Father of the Islamic bomb’ goes public on deals with China, Iran, N. Korea
- September 23, 2009 – New cars disassembled, smuggled through tunnels into Gaza for $2,000
- September 23, 2009 – Libya buys Canada oil major after China withdraws bid
- September 24, 2009 – Netanyahu slams UN for hosting Ahmadinejad: ‘Have you no shame?’
- September 24, 2009 – Iran and Venezuela to build refinery in Syria
- September 24, 2009 – EU sued for funding Hamas air strikes on Israel
- September 25, 2009 – Iran opposition IDs second enrichment site it had previously reported
- September 25, 2009 – Al Qaida gets in the game, claims 1st rocket strike against Israel
- September 28, 2009 – Report: Saudis still passive in face of Iran threat; Closely watching Iraq
- September 28, 2009 – Iran-backed Jihad renews rocket strikes vs Israel
- September 29, 2009 – Iran loses its only AWACS aircraft in collision with jet-fighter
- September 29, 2009 – Hamas acquires advanced anti-tank missiles
- September 29, 2009 – Western oil majors fear reversal on cooperation by Gadhafi
- October 1, 2009 – Report warns demographic changes in the U.S. ‘could leave Israel without an ally’
- September 30, 2009 – U.S. advice for anxious Gulf states: Buy our missile defense system
- September 30, 2009 – Tarantula tunnel-sensor system deployed on U.S., Gaza borders
- October 1, 2009 – Jordan rushes plans for ‘civilian’ nuclear program
- October 2, 2009 – U.S. cuts security contracts for Iraq as 2nd phase of withdrawal proceeds
- October 2, 2009 – Dallas oil firm drilling for crude in the Holy Land
- October 5, 2009 – GAO report: Saudis are top fianciers of Taliban
- October 5, 2009 – UN report has Israeli officers concerned they could be arrested abroad
- October 5, 2009 – Palestinian PM reconciles with U.S. Gen. Dayton
- October 7, 2009 – U.S. training of its air force, counter-IED called critical by Iraqis
- October 7, 2009 – Israel sees escalation of violence from Hamas
- October 7, 2009 – Saudis weighs major F-15 buy as Iran advances
- October 8, 2009 – U.S.-Iraq op captures 150-man Al Qaida network said to have been run from Syria
- October 8, 2009 – Combat trials conducted for I-Robot and I-Drive
- October 8, 2009 – United Arab Emirates, U.S. team up to research renewable jet fuel
- October 9, 2009 – Israel on alert as Abbas pressed on ‘third intifada’
- October 9, 2009 – Afghanistan distracts as annual major 12-nation exercise gets underway in Egypt
- October 12, 2009 – The other Iran story: Re-engineering a nation’s cultural DNA
- October 12, 2009 – Turkey cancels air exercise with Israel, NATO as ties with Syria improve
- October 12, 2009 – U.S. steps up reassurances to Gulf states on Iran
- October 12, 2009 – Hamas captures commander of pro-Al Qaida militia
- October 13, 2009 – BP, China oil firm to control development of major new Iraq oil field
- October 13, 2009 – Saudis go green, announce plans for major alternative energy research center
- October 13, 2009 – Al Qaida operatives are still shuttling from Iraq to Iran, Syria
- October 13, 2009 – Major Gaza clan immobilized by split between Hamas, Al Qaida loyalists
- October 13, 2009 – Iran’s new indigenous fighter-jet modeled after U.S. F-14
- October 14, 2009 – Postponement of U.S.-Israel missile exercise called ‘routine’
- October 14, 2009 – Shootout reported between Al Qaida operatives dressed as women and Saudi agents
- October 14, 2009 – Kurdish northern Iraq suspends oil exports in dispute with Baghdad
- October 16, 2009 – Report: New Palestinian plan, backed by Obama, challenges Fatah’s status quo
- October 16, 2009 – U.S. plans to scale back embassy in Baghdad
- October 16, 2009 – Hubris displayed by Palestinian security officials worries Israelis
- October 19, 2009 – Obama approves first U.S. jet fighter sale to Egypt in a decade
- October 19, 2009 – Saudi-backed group accused of trying to infiltrate House committees
- October 20, 2009 – Iran blames ‘U.S. action’ for assassination of IRGC commanders in suicide bombing
- October 20, 2009 – Iraq to replace Russian weapons destroyed by U.S. invasion with . . . more Russian weapons
- October 20, 2009 – Israeli general’s meeting with Adm. Mullen gives rise to speculation
- October 20, 2009 – Pipeline would make Turkey a major oil corridor
- October 21, 2009 – Major U.S.-Israel missile defense exercise ‘not in response to any world events’
- October 21, 2009 – U.S. puts stop to paying cash to contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan
- October 21, 2009 – U.S. firms set up shop in United Arab Emirates for major nuclear project
- October 22, 2009 – Report: Israel has lost Turkey as a strategic ally
- October 22, 2009 – Turkey’s leader claims Kurdish insurgents are ready to surrender
- October 22, 2009 – What if the U.S. elected a genius on health care who was an idiot at geostrategy?
- October 23, 2009 – T. Boone Pickens on Iraq: ‘We leave there with the Chinese getting the oil’
- October 23, 2009 – United Arab Emirates seen awarding $21 billion in energy contracts
- October 26, 2009 – Report: Iran acquired submarines from N. Korea
- October 26, 2009 – AIPAC rival ‘J Street’ tied to Qatar, George Soros
- October 26, 2009 – Report: Palestinian security cohesion improves but assist to Israel could boost Hamas
- October 27, 2009 – Al Qaida offensive targets the Shi’ite government in Baghdad
- October 27, 2009 – Iran steps up gasoline production in preparation for sanctions
- October 28, 2009 – Iran and Pakistan talk terrorism after elite IRGC commanders killed in bombing
- October 28, 2009 – Palestinian Authority to crack down on crime in apparent bid for political traction
- October 29, 2009 – Iran, Turkey sign deal to develop world’s largest gas field
- October 29, 2009 – Media blackout in Israel as government secretly arrests conservative activists
- October 29, 2009 – Germany deploys Israeli drones in Afghanistan
- October 30, 2009 – Al Qaida veterans from Iraq, Afghanistan flowing into Gaza despite Hamas crackdown
- October 30, 2009 – Baghdad: ‘Negligence or collusion’ by police made bombing attacks possible
- November 2, 2009 – Turkey’s refinery deal with Iran called ‘strategic’
- November 2, 2009 – Palestinians’ Abbas tells Hillary he fears coup
- November 2, 2009 – Palestinian PM draws line on U.S. role at ‘training’
- November 3, 2009 – Gaza tunnel commerce boom: ‘We can get anything for anybody … any time’
- November 3, 2009 – U.S. training Iraqis on IED analysis, prevention
- November 3, 2009 – Some in Israel call revived space industry crucial
- November 4, 2009 – Cheney refutes claims Obama started from scratch in Afghanistan
- November 4, 2009 – Hamas test-fires rocket ‘of strategic range’ into the Mediterranean Sea
- November 4, 2009 – Pentagon declares war on multiple language gaps with new system
- November 5, 2009 – Netanyahu accuses Iran of sending weapons to harm Israelis
- November 5, 2009 – Syria allows Russia use of port in missile deal
- November 5, 2009 – Israel on the next war with Hamas: Not ‘whether’ but when’
- November 6, 2009 – Call to robots: ‘We’re losing so many soldiers in convoys it’s an embarrassment’
- November 6, 2009 – Profiles in courage from the streets of Iran for Hollywood’s gutless wonders
- November 6, 2009 – Power struggle brewing over Abbas succession
- November 9, 2009 – Saudis ‘foresee no shortages’ of oil in the future
- November 9, 2009 – Palestinian IEDs said to attain Al Qaida quality
- November 9, 2009 – Saudi, Yemen fighter jets conduct air strikes against Iran-backed insurgents
- November 10, 2009 – U.S. disputes effectiveness of Iraq’s ‘magic wand’ bomb detector
- November 11, 2009 – Israeli assessment: Obama is losing his magic
- November 10, 2009 – Saudis set up ‘killing zone’ along Yemen border
- November 11, 2009 – U.S. military seeks to soothe withdrawal tensions by accelerating Iraqi police training
- November 11, 2009 – Agreement ‘reaffirms U.S. support for Yemen’
- November 12, 2009 – Saudi ships blockade North Yemen after capture of Iran vessel
- November 12, 2009 – Gaza tunnel industry takes toll on child laborers
- November 12, 2009 – Qatar on track to hit oil goal of one million bpd
- November 13, 2009 – Report: ‘Generously funded’ effort by Saudis ‘radicalized U.S. troops’
- November 13, 2009 – Obama playing Prince Hamlet of Afghanistan?
- November 16, 2009 – Anxiety building in Iran over late delivery of Russian air defense system
- November 16, 2009 – Yemen: Funding for Shi’ite insurgency coming from Gulf neighbors, fighters from Pakistan
- November 16, 2009 – War by Saudi Arabia, Yemen against Iran has global implications
- November 16, 2009 – Report: Abbas hurt by popularity gap between Palestinians at home, abroad
- November 16, 2009 – New official at Libyan oil body seen as bad news for majors
- November 17, 2009 – Mideast report: ‘Bad Time to be a U.S. Ally . . .’
- November 17, 2009 – Mossad learned of Syrian nuke facility from laptop’s hard drive
- November 17, 2009 – Palestinian brands Hamas ‘rogue government’ in Gaza, plans ouster from West Bank
- November 18, 2009 – Israel’s Barak says missile defense could permit withdrawal from occupied territories
- November 18, 2009 – Captured Al Qaida agent was former official in Saddam’s Baath Party
- November 19, 2009 – Moscow set to help Syria reverse oil misforturnes
- November 23, 2009 – Taking a deep breath and looking at Iran geostrategically
- November 23, 2009 – Threat of jihad infiltration did not factor into U.S. Army’s screening process
- November 23, 2009 – Saudis security on alert for trouble from Iran as Haj pilgrimage begins
- November 23, 2009 – Bedouins in Sinai not taking kindly to crackdown on smuggling to Gaza
- November 23, 2009 – Some ‘Sons of Iraq’ Sunni militia units still active
- November 24, 2009 – Israel’s military, security providing protection for Palestinians’ Abbas
- November 24, 2009 – Turkish military rejects European Union’s transparency standards
- November 26, 2009 – FBI ups reward to $5 million for the ‘Bomb Man’, at large since 1980s
- November 26, 2009 – Israeli military identifies Orthodox Jews as source of mutiny threats
- November 27, 2009 – U.S. intel reports ‘Al Qaida infrastructure’ in northeastern Syria
- November 30, 2009 – Saudis recaptures strategic territory from rebels
- November 30, 2009 – Saudis air force maintained constant surveillance of pilgrims as Iran threat loomed
- November 30, 2009 – Bahrain cracks down on illegal immigration
- December 1, 2009 – Iran’s sharing of energy resources with Russia helps fuel nuclear deal
- December 1, 2009 – Hizbullah’s Nasrallah calls for military buildup
- December 1, 2009 – U.S. completes 2 major air force facilities for Iraq
- December 2, 2009 – Bees vs spiders: U.S. military told sensitivity to culture is key to motivating Arabs
- December 2, 2009 – Israel uses air force to enforce West Bank settlement freeze
- December 3, 2009 – U.S. leaning on Turkey to send more troops to Afghanistan
- December 3, 2009 – Israel maintains military ties with Turkey despite strains over Syria
- December 3, 2009 – Russia helping Syria develop oil field near site of destroyed nuclear facility
- December 4, 2009 – Saudis ‘in a panic mode’ as Shi’ite rebels move North from Yemen
- December 4, 2009 – Al Qaida seen tied to bus bombing; Syria, Iran issue conflicting reports
- December 7, 2009 – The West has ‘lost’ Iran and Turkey, with an assist from Russia and to China’s benefit
- December 7, 2009 – Turkey answers U.S. request for more troops: No
- December 7, 2009 – Shi’ite rebels in Yemen claim they destroyed three U.S.-origin Saudi tanks
- December 8, 2009 – Obama’s Afghanistan speech has unsettling effect on U.S. troops in South Korea
- December 8, 2009 – U.S. asks Gulf states for help in Afghanistan
- December 8, 2009 – Syria set to double fuel imports as domestic production drops
- December 9, 2009 – Iran confirms missing Iranian was nuke scientist, is being held in U.S.
- December 9, 2009 – Yemen closes hospital found to be Iran front supporting Shi’ite rebels
- December 9, 2009 – Israel captures Jihad operative in the West Bank
- December 9, 2009 – Iran negotiating with foreign firms for funds to develop major gas field
- December 10, 2009 – Iraq’s Maliki continues security shakeup after massive bombings
- December 10, 2009 – Egyptian hotel sued over absence of security in 2004 attack
- December 11, 2009 – U.S. agencies investigating interpreters suspected of helping Al Qaida at Gitmo
- December 11, 2009 – Saudi Aramco awards oil contract to Halliburton
- December 14, 2009 – Cairo rights group blasts Obama’s Mideast policy
- December 14, 2009 – Shi’ite rebels report capture of Saudi army post
- December 14, 2009 – Some Iraq oil deals still considered too dangerous
- December 15, 2009 – Saudis urgently erect new border fence to block ‘massive’ immigration of Shi’ites
- December 15, 2009 – Palestinian Authority’s Abbas pressed to support Dahlan as successor
- December 16, 2009 – After meeting Obama, Turkey’s leader rethinking decision on troops to Afghanistan
- December 16, 2009 – Out of gas: Yemen crude oil output plummets
- December 17, 2009 – Iran claims it’s ‘impossible’ for interceptors to destroy its new solid-fuel IRBM
- December 17, 2009 – Israel’s Iron Dome interceptor downs missile in first live fire test
- December 19, 2009 – Gulf strategy summit focuses on Iran threat to region; U.S. voice muted
- December 18, 2009 – Franklin Graham: ‘True Islam cannot be practiced in this country’
- December 21, 2009 – Report: Netanyahu has agreed to U.S. terms for a Palestinian state
- December 21, 2009 – U.S. seeks to defuse Iran-Iraq showdown after seizure of oil well
- December 21, 2009 – Palestinians fire on construction crews erecting steel wall on border
- December 22, 2009 – China’s strategic alliance with Iran is off most radar screens
- December 22, 2009 – U.S. tracked launch of new missile Iran claims can evade radar
- December 22, 2009 – Iraq signs oil deal worth tens of billions for field in South near Basra
- December 23, 2009 – Egypt responds to Saudi appeal for special forces with ‘polite no’
- December 24, 2009 – Israelis, Americans face threats in North Africa
- December 24, 2009 – Report: Israel believed UN assurances before Lebanon pullout
- December 24, 2009 – Yemen reports disastrous drop in energy revenue
- December 24, 2009 – ‘For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour’
- December 28, 2009 – Memo for Jimmy Carter: How would one know you’re really sorry?
- December 28, 2009 – Obama’s appeasement policy opens the way for Iran’s strategic ascent in Mideast
- December 30, 2009 – Bahrain prosecutors: Al Qaida targeted U.S. Navy
- December 31, 2009 – Al Qaida’s Zawahiri makes case for the takeover of Pakistan
- December 16, 2008 – Greece is out of tear gas; turns to allies for more
- January 6, 2009 – Russia exercise with Greece sets precedent
- January 7, 2009 – Successor to November 17 terror group believed exploiting unrest in Greece
- January 9, 2009 – Russia’s Gazprom increases oil holdings in Libya
- January 13, 2009 – Russian navy eyes Tartous, Syria as base for Black Sea Fleet
- January 21, 2009 – Big chill — gas crisis shatters European pipe dreams
- February 5, 2009 – Greek, Turkish fighter pilots in frequent dogfights over disputed Aegean Sea despite talks
- February 5, 2009 – Russia lands first energy deal in Algeria
- February 6, 2009 – Russia announces new deadline to open Iran’s Bushehr reactor: mid-2010
- February 6, 2009 – The missile game: Russian chess, American checkers, Iranian roulette
- February 16, 2009 – Greece again a hotbed for leftwing violence
- February 17, 2009 – Moscow hosts summit to modernize Iran military
- February 19, 2009 – EU wind project to help power Hebron hospital
- February 25, 2009 – Great Britain sued by Palestinian organizations over arms sales to Israel
- March 23, 2009 – Britain emphasizes the training of Iraq’s navy while pulling out
- April 16, 2009 – Chechen war, cont’d: Another assassination in the United Arab Emirates
- April 23, 2009 – London scrutinizing post-Gaza exports to Israel
- April 23, 2009 – Fear’s return to new Russia and a forgotten poet’s toast
- May 8, 2009 – Gold has regained its glitter for world’s bankers
- May 13, 2009 – Major Russian upgrade said to ‘change the face of Algeria’s military’
- May 15, 2009 – Farce: The politics of human rights at the United Nations
- June 5, 2009 – Iran bumps French firm in favor of China for major energy deal
- June 8, 2009 – Report: NATO, EU unlikely to accept Israel as part of peace deal
- June 18, 2009 – How I, a Soviet emigre, learned the importance in America of ‘professional lawyers’
- June 19, 2009 – Overlooked geopolitical precedents in Georgia and Kosovo
- June 23, 2009 – German firm to certify construction by Chinese of oil pipeline bypassing Straits of Hormuz
- June 25, 2009 – The psychological difference between the British and the Chinese empires
- July 8, 2009 – Saudis picks French firm for $10 billion refinery
- July 16, 2009 – Culture? No, indoctrination in Post-1917 Russia and in Post-1949 China
- August 3, 2009 – Russia, Turkey to sign nuclear reactor agreement
- August 3, 2009 – Russia looks to revive oil deal with Iraq signed with Saddam
- August 10, 2009 – Turkey signs deal with Russia to build reactor near Black Sea
- August 14, 2009 – The French cut spending on luxuries, not including American movies
- August 26, 2009 – Israel: Iran likely to receive Russian air defense system
- August 28, 2009 – Turkey seeks to leverage growing energy clout with EU
- September 8, 2009 – Release of Libyan in Pan Am bombing seen improving defense tech ties with UK
- September 15, 2009 – United Arab Emirates to drill for oil in Britain’s North Sea
- September 22, 2009 – Naiveté or bad advice? Obama forgot the quid pro in missile defense decision
- September 22, 2009 – Iraq defense ministry learns it has 19 jet fighters in Serbia
- September 22, 2009 – Russia prosecutes firms that sold aging jet fighters to Algeria
- September 23, 2009 – Libyan navy helping Italy turn away boat people headed for Europe
- September 24, 2009 – EU sued for funding Hamas air strikes on Israel
- September 25, 2009 – Overlooked among the UN rants — Economic truths from Czech, Colombian leaders
- September 28, 2009 – Offshoots of left-wing November 17 group cited in renewed terror activity in Greece
- October 6, 2009 – On page 10 of the G-20 communique: IMF told to report back on global tax
- October 8, 2009 – ObamaCare and StalinCare: Who gets the good doctors?
- October 13, 2009 – BP, China oil firm to control development of major new Iraq oil field
- October 15, 2009 – Visit to Cuba by Russian chief of staff stirs new Cold War speculation
- October 16, 2009 – Virtual prize for virtual peace: Virtually surreal
- October 20, 2009 – Iraq to replace Russian weapons destroyed by U.S. invasion with . . . more Russian weapons
- October 29, 2009 – Germany deploys Israeli drones in Afghanistan
- November 5, 2009 – Syria allows Russia use of port in missile deal
- November 6, 2009 – Germany’s Angela Merkel at joint session of Congress thanks the USA for freedom
- November 16, 2009 – Anxiety building in Iran over late delivery of Russian air defense system
- November 19, 2009 – Moscow set to help Syria reverse oil misforturnes
- November 26, 2009 – Espionage 101: How Hitler lost Moscow, and the war
- December 1, 2009 – Iran’s sharing of energy resources with Russia helps fuel nuclear deal
- December 3, 2009 – Russia helping Syria develop oil field near site of destroyed nuclear facility
- December 7, 2009 – Socialists at UN demand trillions in ‘climate debt’
- December 7, 2009 – The West has ‘lost’ Iran and Turkey, with an assist from Russia and to China’s benefit
- December 23, 2009 – Russian submarine-launched missile caused spiraling light in Norway
- December 30, 2009 – Democrats to Euro-Socialists: Obama thwarted by anti-government culture in U.S.
- December 31, 2009 – What Darwinism, as taught in Soviet Russia and the USA, doesn’t get about human nature, history and genius