Kansas AG sues Pfizer for ‘false, misleading marketing’ of Covid vaccine

Kansas AG sues Pfizer for ‘false, misleading marketing’ of Covid vaccine

by WorldTribune Staff, July 12, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach on Monday filed a civil lawsuit against Pfizer, alleging that the Big Pharma behemoth’s “misleading” marketing of its Covid vaccine as “safe and effective” violates the state’s Consumer Protection Act. Kobach alleges that Pfizer willfully concealed, suppressed and omitted material […]

Russell Brand: Legacy media trying to normalize heart attacks in young, healthy people

Russell Brand: Legacy media trying to normalize heart attacks in young, healthy people

by WorldTribune Staff, July 4, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Legacy media is engaged in a concerted effort to normalize the surge in cardiac events, including heart attacks, suffered by young, healthy people while at the same time dismissing any connection to the Covid injections, comedian and political commentator Russell Brand said. “On legacy media, […]

It begins: Tennessee bio scientist who was fired for refusing Covid vaccine awarded $700,000 in damages

It begins: Tennessee bio scientist who was fired for refusing Covid vaccine awarded $700,000 in damages

by WorldTribune Staff, July 2, 2024 Contract With Our Readers A Tennessee bio scientist who was fired by BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) for refusing to receive the mandated Covid injection for employees has been awarded nearly $700,000, according to a lawsuit settlement obtained by Nashville’s Fox-17. Tanja Benton refused to get the jab, saying […]

Suppressed paper, now peer reviewed, found ‘high likelihood’ Covid vax was linked to deaths

Suppressed paper, now peer reviewed, found ‘high likelihood’ Covid vax was linked to deaths

by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News June 23, 2024 A study, the authors of which said was suppressed by Big Pharma, which found “a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death” is now peer reviewed and published in Forensic Science International. The paper, “A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in […]

Ninth Circuit reinstates LA school employees’ challenge to vax mandate

Ninth Circuit reinstates LA school employees’ challenge to vax mandate

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2024 Contract With Our Readers The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday reversed the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) employees challenging the district’s Covid vaccine mandate. The suit was remanded back to the District Court level, where it will proceed toward trial. […]

Report: CDC concealed its own records showing Pfizer, Moderna vaccines caused deaths

Report: CDC concealed its own records showing Pfizer, Moderna vaccines caused deaths

by WorldTribune Staff, May 1, 2024 Even though it claimed otherwise, the CDC had evidence that the Pfizer and Moderna Covid injections had caused multiple deaths, a report said. “CDC employees worked to track down information on reported post-vaccination deaths and learned that myocarditis — or heart inflammation, a confirmed side effect of the vaccines […]

Fauci hosted 2013 meeting where Baric laid out plans to make coronaviruses more lethal

Fauci hosted 2013 meeting where Baric laid out plans to make coronaviruses more lethal

by WorldTribune Staff, April 19, 2024 On June 24, 2013, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) hosted a meeting featuring Ralph Baric who is considered by many to be the world’s top coronavirus researcher. Baric gave a presentation titled “Destroying the world in order to save it.” A photo from the presentation shows an interested […]

Scientist: Billions of DNA particles in Pfizer vax could explain cardiac, cancer consequences

Scientist: Billions of DNA particles in Pfizer vax could explain cardiac, cancer consequences

by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2024 One dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine typically contains over 200 billion DNA fragments which have the potential to incorporate into the DNA of the vaccinated individual and interfere with the expression of oncogenes and tumor suppression genes, a cancer genomics expert said. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults spoke about the […]

COVID vaccine made her a media star; Now observe how doctor sells Big Pharma’s obesity drug

COVID vaccine made her a media star; Now observe how doctor sells Big Pharma’s obesity drug

Special to WorldTribune.com, March 27, 2024 Corporate WATCH Commentary by Joe Schaeffer @Schaeff55 An Alabama physician who reached the heights of ruling establishment favor during the heyday of the coronavirus hysteria with an exceedingly far-fetched tale of young unvaxxed Americans tearfully regretting not getting jabbed just before they died in her presence is making her […]

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