Security tight amid the Paris Olympic countdown spectacle

Security tight amid the Paris Olympic countdown spectacle

Special to By John J. Metzler, July 25, 2024 PARIS — France went into full Olympic countdown this week as the long-awaited Summer Games will begin in Paris with a spectacular evening parade of 85 boats and barges along the iconic River Seine. The uniquely creative Opening Ceremony on July 26, with over 10,000 […]

Never mind Biden’s cognitive state; His policies wrecked America

Never mind Biden’s cognitive state; His policies wrecked America

Special to By Stephen Moore, July 23, 2024 President Joe Biden’s time in the White House is mercifully coming to an end. He’s now officially a lame duck with six months to go. Biden was a victim here of a corrupt Democratic machine (with a complicit media) that thought it could pull off a […]

Ukraine’s trauma continues; UN and NATO have no solution

Ukraine’s trauma continues; UN and NATO have no solution

Special to By John J. Metzler, July 17, 2024 As Ukraine’s war enters its third summer of fighting, there’s a morbid cadence to the conflict. The Russian invaders continue a bloody slugfest with a tough but worn-down Ukrainian army. Civilians throughout Ukraine are intended victims of indiscriminate Russian missile attacks. Clearly the international community […]

Drain the swamp please: Expanding remote work force for ‘Club Fed’ is an outrage

Drain the swamp please: Expanding remote work force for ‘Club Fed’ is an outrage

Special to By Stephen Moore, July 11, 2024 The latest official employment report finds once again that the federal government and state-local hiring spree is still in full gear. Over the past year, health care and government hiring has outpaced every private sector industry. It isn’t just the IRS bringing on thousands of new […]

Global foreign investment falling warns UN report

Global foreign investment falling warns UN report

Special to By John J. Metzler, July 7, 2024 How does today’s climate of international chaos and uncertainty serve as a business barometer for foreign investment? Foreign investment has declined globally by 2 percent, to $1.3 trillion for 2023. Yet, in developing countries the dip was much deeper as investment flows fell by 7 percent […]

CNN and PBS agree: Cows and other livestock are bad news

CNN and PBS agree: Cows and other livestock are bad news

Special to By Stephen Moore, July 4, 2024 Enjoy your cheeseburgers and steaks when you fire up the grill this Fourth of July weekend, because they may not be available much longer. That’s because the climate fanatics have declared war on livestock. Turns out the biggest planet killers are apparently cows. That’s the only […]

July 4: From one-world globalist King George to a new world of ‘citizen Kings’ under God

July 4: From one-world globalist King George to a new world of ‘citizen Kings’ under God

Special to By Bill Federer, July 4, 2024 38-year-old King George the Third ruled the largest empire that planet earth had ever seen — “on which the sun never sets.” He was a one-world government globalist, with him at the top, ruling through mandates. President Ronald Reagan declared May 9, 1983: “The Founding Fathers understood that only by MAKING […]

Living in ‘too interesting’ times: Credibility of the USA imploded as world watched

Living in ‘too interesting’ times: Credibility of the USA imploded as world watched

Special to By John J. Metzler, July 1, 2024 There’s said to be a Chinese curse which suggests, “May you live in interesting Times.” On the one hand it appears like a gesture of good fortune and happiness. It certainly can be. But what it subliminally implies is that you live in a world […]

For unpopular climate cultists, the courts are their last, best hope

For unpopular climate cultists, the courts are their last, best hope

Special to By Stephen Moore, June 26, 2024 Things aren’t going well at all for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent on green energy over the past decade, the world and America used more fossil fuels than ever before in history last year. The electric vehicle movement is […]

The new Trump Administration will have only 4 years to save America: Here’s how

The new Trump Administration will have only 4 years to save America: Here’s how

Special to Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, June 21, 2024 It’s time to think B-I-G. Just electing President Donald Trump is not enough. Yes, it’s true if Democrats win in November, America is finished. Here is a short list of what will happen: — Democrats will escalate the open border to the point another […]

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