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Unexpected and heartbreaking: Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror stories – September 13, 2021

Researcher Andrew Hill’s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million human lives – December 9, 2021

Who is Klaus Schwab? The ‘Great Reset’ is no conspiracy theory – January 12, 2022

Reporter who pushed concentration camps for unvaccinated dies at age 33, – December 14, 2023

‘God is not finished with this state’: 12,000 Christians baptized in California on Pentecost Sunday, – May 20, 2024

Unreported: Naked selfies by Judge Engoron; Fulton County sheriff’s gay porn side hustle, – November 7, 2023

Died suddenly: 8-year-old boy used in Covid vax promotional ad, – October 15, 2023

UK lawmaker stuns parliament with call for members of ‘Covid cabal’ to face death penalty, – March 17, 2024

Part 7: Real sex crimes documented with Biden laptop, – April 15, 2024

Report: mRNA vaccines may be injected into livestock – January 13, 2023

Who is Ray Epps and why has the FBI protected him? – October 27, 2021

Dr. David Martin: 700 million worldwide will die from Covid shots by 2028 – July 18, 2022

‘Literally criminal’: Suppressing data on ivermectin cost ‘half a million lives’, doctor charges – May 26, 2021

Doctor who vaccinated 900 calls blood clots at capillary level an ‘absolutely new phenomenon’ – August 8, 2021

Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in battleground states – November 7, 2020

Letter to my children and grandchildren: ‘It’s like a storm you see coming while the sun is still out’ – July 29, 2020

Who is behind the nationwide violence? NYPD terror chief says it was planned – June 1, 2020

5 years later: Benghazi documents confirm Clinton email cover-up – Oct. 21, 2019

4 people break into Arizona man’s home – he shoots all 4 – Jan. 9, 2019

‘Shame’: Victor Davis Hanson delivers scathing indictment of failed ‘coup’ – Feb. 20, 2019

Secret Service finally releases Obama family’s travel receipts: $105.66 million – Feb. 15, 2017

Records point to unmistakable conclusion: FBI officials plotted president’s ouster – Sept. 12, 2019

Meet the companies helping the Obama Foundation ‘transform’ America – July 19, 2019

Media silence as gang rape survivor from northern Iraq wins Nobel Peace Prize – Nov. 1, 2018

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, Part II: The Soros connection – Sept. 18, 2017

Why does FBI care about solar hurricanes? Observatories closed worldwide for unspecified reasons – Sept. 12, 2018

Who is Attorney General Loretta Lynch? FISA court handled two requests to wiretap Donald Trump – March 9, 2017

Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office – Feb. 26, 2017

Desperate prayers by Trump’s great aunts in ‘sanctuary’ cottage said to spark Hebrides Revival in Scotland – Oct. 18, 2017

Who is Jason Kessler? Reports say ‘hate rally’ staged and its organizer an Obama supporter – Aug. 17, 2017

‘They don’t even try’: Hungary’s new border fence called ‘spectacular success’ – May 2, 2017

Gowdy: No one elected judges to ‘second guess’ commander in chief on national security – Feb. 12, 2017

Flashback: Jerry Brown, Biden and other Dems refused to accept Vietnamese refugees – Jan. 30, 2017

Unrest roils Dominica after reports reveal government’s collusion with China, Iran – Feb. 8, 2017

The rest of the story: Why Trump is right about Judge Gonzalo Curiel – June 8, 2016

No ear mics allowed for debate moderators; But what about the candidates? – Sept. 25, 2016

Pentagon gives Beijing ultimatum on militarizing the South China Sea – June 15, 2016

Documents appear to implicate State Dept. in cover-up on Clinton emails – Sept. 16, 2016

China to finance Egypt’s $45 billion capital city in the desert – Sept. 30, 2016

Cannibalism, sexual perversions, animal abuse: The descent of Middle Eastern Islam into a primeval abyss – June 2, 2016

Martin Luther King’s niece endorses Trump; Black Panther leader says, blacks being ‘pimped’ by Democratic Party – Aug. 28, 2016

North Carolina publisher sickened by his survey of 2016 campaign coverage – Aug. 28, 2016

Sisi takes control, eclipses Obama, restores Egypt’s regional clout – Sept. 28, 2015

Boston’s radical Islam problem and the media elites that dare not speak its name – Jun 4, 2015

ISIL hit U.S. F-15 with anti-aircaft batteries captured from Iraq – Sept. 12, 2014

The elites’ problem with Donald Trump: He’s not for sale – July 1, 2015

Saudi King Salman hospitalized after erratic behavior – Oct. 8, 2015

Letter from the parents of Aaron Carson Vaughn of SEAL Team VI: Please resign, Mr. President – Aug. 27, 2014

Minutes of Sudan strategy session reveal hidden agenda to eliminate S. Sudan by backing Riek Machar – Jan. 19, 2015

Obama blocked arms deliveries to Israel, ordered no shipments be made without his approval – Aug. 15, 2014

Huge blast reported near secret Iran nuclear site; City of Qazvin closed – May 7, 2014

Beijing’s strategy to ‘buy’ Taiwan: Coerced unification without firing a shot – Feb. 19, 2014

The strange death of Hawaii’s Department of Health Director, Loretta Fuddy – Jan. 10, 2014

Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’ – July 8, 2013

What happened to SEAL Team Six? The most serious scandal of all – May 30, 2013

The story Rush Limbaugh discussed on Sept. 3: Mounting evidence raises questions about Syrian chemical weapon attack – Sept. 4, 2013

NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds – May 31, 2013

Former Joint Chiefs chairman: Obama plotted to destabilize regimes in Bahrain, Egypt – Oct. 3, 2013

Sexual predator honored with U.S. postage stamp – Nov. 4, 2013

Behind Al Haig’s 1981 ‘I’m in control here’ statement – March 19, 2013

With Syria in tailspin, Lebanon said under control of Iran, Hizbullah – August 3, 2011

Bibi be gone: Obama team plotting overthrow of Israel’s Netanyahu –  April 28, 2010

Obama blocks delivery of bunker-busters to Israel – March 18, 2010

T. Boone Pickens on Iraq: ‘We leave there with the Chinese getting the oil’ – Oct, 23, 2009

Hamas couldn’t fire smuggled Stingers against Israelis due to embedded ID system – April 2, 2009

FBI: China may use counterfeit Cisco routers to penetrate U.S. networks – May 15, 2008

From Jerusalem to Annapolis: 30 years later, who will be the next Anwar Sadat? – Nov. 28, 2007

Researcher spots China’s new nuclear sub on Google Earth – July 5, 2007

Ongoing ‘intifada’ in France has injured 2,500 police in 2006 – Oct. 27, 2006

Nuke over U.S. could unleash electromagnetic tsunami – Dec. 7, 2005

Wilsongate: Did CIA run a covert op against an elected president? – Oct. 22, 2005

Media’s coverage has distorted world’s view of Iraqi reality — LTC Tim Ryan – Jan. 18, 2005

Person to person interview with President Bush: ‘New opening for peace . . .’ – Nov. 14, 2004

Ten years later: Ronald Reagan’s poignant farewell letter – Nov. 5, 2004

Heckling a Yankees fan landed editor in a Baltimore prison hell – Sept. 17, 2004

Move over Tiger: N. Korea’s Kim shot 38 under par his 1st time out – June 16, 2004

UN inspectors: Saddam shipped out WMD before war and after– June 11, 2004

Original archive version – June 11, 2004

Report: U.S suspects Iraqi WMD in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley – Aug. 26, 2003

Original archive version – Aug. 26, 2003

Ronald Reagan and the day the Challenger exploded – Feb. 17, 2003

WorldTribune pulled off the air on its biggest news day ever – Oct. 13, 2000
