The death of Gen. Stonewall Jackson and June 19, 1865, the day history changed

The death of Gen. Stonewall Jackson and June 19, 1865, the day history changed

Special to By Bill Federer, June 19, 2024 President Abraham Lincoln’s National Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer was observed April 30, 1863. Two days later, a freak accident occurred which altered the course of the war. One of the South’s best generals was accidentally shot by his own men. Lt. General Thomas J. […]

De Niro: Unflattering character references for a diminished actor

De Niro: Unflattering character references for a diminished actor

Special to By Bill Juneau, June 9, 2024 I am lacking for any real credentials which would allow me to assess the character of actor, Robert De Niro. He is 80- years-old and has been around Hollywood for many years and has starred and appeared in many award winning flicks. He is the winner […]

On June 27, will voters see the real or the ‘jacked up’ Joe Biden?

On June 27, will voters see the real or the ‘jacked up’ Joe Biden?

Special to By Bill Juneau, May 29, 2024 Frozen in the eyes and minds of many Americans is the bumbling and fumbling public appearances of President Biden. There were times when on a public stage, the President seemed to be wandering about, ignored by others. At other moments, he seemed to be searching for […]

Remember fallen heroes who sacrificed all for our freedoms that ‘are on the line today’

Remember fallen heroes who sacrificed all for our freedoms that ‘are on the line today’

By John McNabb, May 26, 2024 [Editor’s Note: Columnist John McNabb is a 2024 recipient of the Horatio Alger Award and was awarded the Press Freedom Prize in 2023 by Free Press Foundation. Following are excerpts from his Memorial Day tribute on May 28, 2023.] Last year on Memorial Day I warned that our nation […]

ABC’s Stephanopoulos vaporized what’s left of media credibility

ABC’s Stephanopoulos vaporized what’s left of media credibility

Special to By Grace Vuoto, May 2, 2024 [Editor’s Note: George Stephanopoulos parlayed his role as a Clinton White House official and “insider” into a revolving-door, lucrative career at ABC News. Columnist Grace Vuoto suggests he could use a refresher course in what were once high standards for the American Free Press.] ABC News […]

Justice of the Democrat kind for Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas

Justice of the Democrat kind for Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas

Special to By Bill Juneau, April 22, 2024 He is an obedient and obsequious Democrat with full protection from the Party of the Jackass and its head mule, the lame-thinking and befuddled Joe Biden. And so, the deserving impeachment trial of Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas by the House of Representatives has been trashed and rejected […]

Bowe Bergdahl is back in the news, thanks to a D.C. judge

Bowe Bergdahl is back in the news, thanks to a D.C. judge

Special to By Bill Juneau, April 18, 2024 You may have figured that you’d heard the last of Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier who deserted his regiment in Afghanistan and subsequently was convicted of the offense in a court martial at which he plead guilty. But the story of the ex-sergeant has taken a new […]

It’s April 15, do you know where your money went? History of income tax

It’s April 15, do you know where your money went? History of income tax

Special to By Bill Federer, April 15, 2024 On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank. It struck an iceberg the night before. Among the 1,514 lives that were lost were millionaires John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss, all of whom opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. In 1954, April […]

‘Doublethink’: U.S. politics, Gaza ceasefire, and the future of Western civilization

‘Doublethink’: U.S. politics, Gaza ceasefire, and the future of Western civilization

Special to WorldTribune, April 15, 2024 Commentary by Laurence F Sanford The United States should demand a Gaza ceasefire — from Hamas. Instead, the Biden administration has demanded and succeeded in forcing Israel to withdraw troops from southern Gaza by threatening to cut off military aid. President Biden, after the Hamas Oct. 7 invasion, said […]

Impeachment trial would confront Americans with the truth about Biden and his family

Impeachment trial would confront Americans with the truth about Biden and his family

Special to By Bill Juneau, April 3, 2024 The Biden family history of selling its influence to some of this nation’s greatest enemies appears to have only one chance of fully coming to light, and that is the current impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives. The history of this simmering scandal, and how […]

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