No greeters as Netanyahu arrives in D.C. to address Congress; Will visit Mar-a-Lago

No greeters as Netanyahu arrives in D.C. to address Congress; Will visit Mar-a-Lago

by WorldTribune Staff, July 23, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu touched down in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday. Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris met the prime minister upon his arrival. Netanyhau will address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Biden and Harris are scheduled to meet with Netanyahu on […]

‘Everything is wrong with this group’: Son of Hamas founder shocked by protesters’ ignorance

‘Everything is wrong with this group’: Son of Hamas founder shocked by protesters’ ignorance

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2024 Contract With Our Readers The son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef says those engaging in anti-Israel protests on college campuses are “misguided,” “misinformed,” and are only “making the situation worse.” “They found an angry cause, and this is very dangerous to advocate on behalf of something they don’t […]

Broken $320 million Gaza pier latest of many Team Biden foreign policy blunders

Broken $320 million Gaza pier latest of many Team Biden foreign policy blunders

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Less than two weeks after being completed, the Gaza pier ordered built by Joe Biden has broken into pieces and much of it submerged “[d]ue to high sea states and a North African weather system,” Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said Tuesday. The pier which was […]

Netanyahu has ‘gone off the rails,’ says former IDF general; What happened?

Netanyahu has ‘gone off the rails,’ says former IDF general; What happened?

FPI / May 29, 2024 Geostrategy-Direct On Oct. 7, some 1,000 Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. It all happened on the watch of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a one-time warrior who had put a spotlight on Palestinian terror operations. And, as former President Donald Trump frequently says, it never would have happened had he been president. […]

Poll: Americans side with Israel against Hamas, subsidized protests

Poll: Americans side with Israel against Hamas, subsidized protests

by WorldTribune Staff, May 23, 2024 Contract With Our Readers In a new Harvard/Harris poll, a strong 80 percent are siding with Israel in its war with the Hamas terror organization. Other poll findings: • 74 percent believe Israel should move forward with an operation to eliminate Hamas by attacking its last stronghold in Rafah. […]

Palestine’s UN membership: Political theater continues

Palestine’s UN membership: Political theater continues

Special to By John J. Metzler, May 20, 2024 The United Nations General Assembly massively endorsed a plan which brings the State of Palestine one step closer to full membership in the 193-member multinational body. In a lopsided vote of 143 to 9 with 23 abstentions, the Assembly passed a resolution which seemingly puts […]

Behind America’s new pro-terror network: Well-funded and not-at-all spontaneous

Behind America’s new pro-terror network: Well-funded and not-at-all spontaneous

FPI / May 16, 2024 Geostrategy-Direct The shocking outpouring of support for terrorism this year at major campuses across the nation is neither spontaneous nor organic. It is supported by a well-funded network of leftist nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, and dark-money groups that are largely backed by big-money donors aligned with the U.S. Democrat Party, according […]

White House tries to unsay Biden’s fateful pro-Hamas policy shift in disastrous interview

White House tries to unsay Biden’s fateful pro-Hamas policy shift in disastrous interview

by WorldTribune Staff, May 12, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Soon after Joe Biden blurted out in an interview with CNN on Wednesday night that he had suspended military arms shipments to Israel and warned Israel against moving into the city center of Rafah, the White House was reportedly thinking of ways to unsay what […]

In new interview, Biden stands with Hamas in Israel’s war

In new interview, Biden stands with Hamas in Israel’s war

by WorldTribune Staff, May 9, 2024 Joe Biden on Wednesday reversed long-standing U.S. policy by saying he would halt precision weapons shipments to Israel if the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) moves deeper into the Gaza Strip city of Rafah, which is the last stronghold of the Hamas terror organization. During an interview on CNN, host […]

October 7 survivors charge U.S.-based groups served as pro-Hamas terror arm

October 7 survivors charge U.S.-based groups served as pro-Hamas terror arm

FPI / May 8, 2024 Geostrategy-Direct A group of American and Israeli survivors of the Hamas Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel have filed a lawsuit against U.S.-based groups which the suit accuses of collaborating with Hamas to legitimize and potentially extend the attack’s impact in the United States. The suit, filed on May 1 […]

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