Fulton County made a hash of the 2020 election, but expects voters to trust the system in 2024

Fulton County made a hash of the 2020 election, but expects voters to trust the system in 2024

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 11, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Georgia’s State Election Board on July 9 gave initial approval to an amended rule that would give local officials more authority to dispute election results if there is a discrepancy in vote totals tallied and the number of votes cast at precincts. The proposed […]

Elon Musk on looming 2024 issue: ‘Eliminate electronic voting machines’

Elon Musk on looming 2024 issue: ‘Eliminate electronic voting machines’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 16, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Electronic voting machines should not be in use in U.S. elections due to their vulnerability to being hacked, Elon Musk said. “We should eliminate electronic voting machines. The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high,” Musk remarked in […]

Vote count discrepancies lead to review of Dominion contract in Puerto Rico

Vote count discrepancies lead to review of Dominion contract in Puerto Rico

by WorldTribune Staff, June 12, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Hundreds of ballot discrepancies in Puerto Rico’s recent primary election have prompted the island territory to review its contract with U.S.-based Dominion Voting Systems, a report said. The discrepancies occurred in the June 2 vote due to a software issue that caused machines supplied by […]

Republican member sues Fulton County Board of Elections after being shown results but not data

Republican member sues Fulton County Board of Elections after being shown results but not data

by WorldTribune Staff, May 23, 2024 Contract With Our Readers A Republican member of the Fulton County Board of Registration & Elections (BRE) in Georgia is suing the board she serves on for failing to allow her access to election processes, data, and equipment. Julie Adams, who was sworn in to the board in February, […]

2020 accountability? Fulton County gets off with a slap on the wrist from Georgia Board of Elections

2020 accountability? Fulton County gets off with a slap on the wrist from Georgia Board of Elections

by WorldTribune Staff, May 8, 2024 Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington said via Telegam on May 7: “Very important Georgia State Election Board meeting coming up at 9:30 a.m. The last item on the agenda involves 20,977 unsubstantiated votes in the 2020 Election recount and 20,713 votes in the first count from tabulators that ‘do not […]

John Eastman: Was the 2020 election stolen? ‘Absolutely; I have no doubt in my mind’

John Eastman: Was the 2020 election stolen? ‘Absolutely; I have no doubt in my mind’

by WorldTribune Staff, April 23, 2024 John Eastman, one of the many lawyers in President Donald Trump’s contesting of the 2020 election results who have been targeted in the Democrats’ lawfare campaign, said he still has “no doubt” that the election was stolen from Trump. Last month, a California judge formally recommended that Eastman lose […]

Lawsuit: Politics corrupted prosecution of election software firm’s CEO

Lawsuit: Politics corrupted prosecution of election software firm’s CEO

by WorldTribune Staff, April 19, 2024 LA County DA George Gascon dropped the criminal charges against Konnech CEO Eugene Yu because he was afraid of appearing to be aligned with former President Donald Trump, according to a complaint filed by the lead prosecutor in the case. On Wednesday, Eric Neff, a prosecutor in the Los […]

No signature verification was done in 2020 in Fulton County, election board member testifies

No signature verification was done in 2020 in Fulton County, election board member testifies

by WorldTribune Staff, April 1, 2024 Mark Wingate, who served on the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections, testified on Monday that there was no signature verification done on Fulton County absentee ballots in the 2020 election. Wingate is testifying in the D.C. disbarment trial of Trump Administration Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark. […]

‘Most secure election ever’? Report by agency Chris Krebs headed detailed glaring vulnerabilities

‘Most secure election ever’? Report by agency Chris Krebs headed detailed glaring vulnerabilities

by WorldTribune Staff, February 16, 2024 On Dec. 16, 2020, Chris Krebs, the former Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director, was called to testify before the Senate Homeland Security Governmental Affairs Committee about the 2020 election. Krebs, who was fired from his position by President Donald Trump, famously announced that day, “The 2020 election […]

2020 mail-in ballot study finds Trump ‘almost certainly’ won

2020 mail-in ballot study finds Trump ‘almost certainly’ won

by WorldTribune Staff, February 11, 2024 Without the massive expansion of voting by mail, President Donald Trump would have “almost certainly” won re-election in 2020, according to a new study which examined the likely impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots had in the 2020 vote. Researchers in the study by the Heartland Institute gauged the probable […]

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