Ukraine’s trauma continues; UN and NATO have no solution

Ukraine’s trauma continues; UN and NATO have no solution

Special to By John J. Metzler, July 17, 2024 As Ukraine’s war enters its third summer of fighting, there’s a morbid cadence to the conflict. The Russian invaders continue a bloody slugfest with a tough but worn-down Ukrainian army. Civilians throughout Ukraine are intended victims of indiscriminate Russian missile attacks. Clearly the international community […]

Bowe Bergdahl is back in the news, thanks to a D.C. judge

Bowe Bergdahl is back in the news, thanks to a D.C. judge

Special to By Bill Juneau, April 18, 2024 You may have figured that you’d heard the last of Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier who deserted his regiment in Afghanistan and subsequently was convicted of the offense in a court martial at which he plead guilty. But the story of the ex-sergeant has taken a new […]

Taliban will begin stoning to death women accused of adultery

Taliban will begin stoning to death women accused of adultery

by WorldTribune Staff, March 26, 2024 When Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban in August 2021, some news reports hinted that the Biden team had somehow convinced the terror organization to become more moderate and respectful of women. As part of its war on Western democracy, the Taliban announced on Saturday that it will […]

Reports: New Al Qaida training camps, madrassas in Afghanistan after U.S. pullout

Reports: New Al Qaida training camps, madrassas in Afghanistan after U.S. pullout

FPI / February 21, 2024 Geostrategy-Direct Following the Biden Administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the ruling Taliban is denying reports that it has accommodated a resurgence of the Al Qaida terrorist organization. Al Qaida has established eight new training camps and five madrassas (Islamic educational institutions), around the country, a report from the UN Security Council […]

In nuclear-armed Pakistan, its ISI ‘Deep State’ rules; Actual winner of disputed election sits in jail

In nuclear-armed Pakistan, its ISI ‘Deep State’ rules; Actual winner of disputed election sits in jail

Special to By John J. Metzler, February 18, 2024 Pakistan is politically on the brink again in the aftermath of fractious and inconclusive national parliamentary elections which ended with a wavering question mark hanging over this land of 241 million people like a political Damocles sword. Two former prime ministers, both of whom are […]

U.S. soldier gets the bill for equipment he was ordered to leave behind in Afghanistan

U.S. soldier gets the bill for equipment he was ordered to leave behind in Afghanistan

by WorldTribune Staff, November 22, 2023 A former soldier in the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division has, courtesy of Team Biden, been billed for more than $3,500 worth of equipment he says he was ordered to abandon when Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Brock Michael, who recently concluded his four-year active duty, said […]

U.S. Navy stretched thin to cover global contingencies

U.S. Navy stretched thin to cover global contingencies

Special to By John J. Metzler, November 10, 2023 In the game of baseball, the defending team must cover all bases; First, Second and Third. No matter how good and fast a player is, one person “Can’t cover all bases,” as the expression goes.  Cover one and the ball would be hit to another. […]

U.S. has given Taliban-led Afghanistan $11 billion in aid since disastrous Biden exit

U.S. has given Taliban-led Afghanistan $11 billion in aid since disastrous Biden exit

by WorldTribune Staff, November 7, 2023 After leaving behind tens of billions of dollars worth of U.S. military equipment and surrendering the strategic Bagram Air Base with its disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Team Biden has sent the nation led by the Taliban terror organization another $11 billion of U.S. taxpayer money. The funding was revealed […]

From beautiful Geneva campus, UN Rights Council presides over far-flung, horrific abuses

From beautiful Geneva campus, UN Rights Council presides over far-flung, horrific abuses

Special to By John J. Metzler, October 20, 2023 Over the past year human rights abuses in places ranging from Afghanistan to Ukraine, and to Myanmar/Burma, Xinjiang China, the Middle East, to name a few sordid cases, have splashed across the headlines. Just in the past month, ethnic cleansing of Christian Armenians from Muslim […]

Reports: Timeline indicates weapons left in Afghanistan used in Oct. 7 attack on Israel

Reports: Timeline indicates weapons left in Afghanistan used in Oct. 7 attack on Israel

by WorldTribune Staff, October 13, 2023 In surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Biden Administration left billions of dollars worth of U.S. weaponry behind and those weapons likely ended up in the hands of terrorists, according to a new book  and interviews with a Hamas official. A senior Hamas official said in an interview on […]

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