Trump’s 20-plank 2024 election platform approved by RNC

Trump’s 20-plank 2024 election platform approved by RNC

by WorldTribune Staff, July 8, 2024 Contract With Our Readers The Republican Party’s platform committee on Monday approved Donald Trump’s 2024 election platform which emphasizes border security and reining in inflation while also adapting the party’s stance on abortion for the first time in four decades. Trump’s 20-plank platform leads with promises to “seal the […]

Chinese nationals arrested attempting to cross into U.S. … from Canada

Chinese nationals arrested attempting to cross into U.S. … from Canada

by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2024 Border Patrol agents in Maine reported they arrested three Chinese nationals attempting to illegally cross into the United States. Agents from the Fort Fairfield Border Patrol Station reportedly observed what was described as “suspicious activity along the border” during the dark overnight hours and upon investigation spotted the individuals. […]

Border Patrol: Over 20,000 Chinese nationals tried to illegally enter U.S. since Oct. 1

Border Patrol: Over 20,000 Chinese nationals tried to illegally enter U.S. since Oct. 1

by WorldTribune Staff, February 21, 2024 Coming from the other side of the world, well-funded Chinese nationals have quickly become the fastest growing demographic crossing Joe Biden’s open border — an almost unbelievable 5,200 percent increase over two years. Border Patrol has reported that more than 20,000 Chinese nationals have been apprehended while attempting to illegally […]

Report: Team Biden admitted 30,000 ‘special interest aliens’ with possible terror ties

Report: Team Biden admitted 30,000 ‘special interest aliens’ with possible terror ties

by WorldTribune Staff, February 8, 2024 More than 30,000 special interest aliens (SIAs) with possible ties to terrorism or other “nefarious activity” were allowed through Joe Biden’s open border and into the interior of the United States in the last 15 months, a report said. Customs and Border Protection data reviewed by the Daily Caller […]

Unreported terror invasion; Trump warns GOP to kill bill

Unreported terror invasion; Trump warns GOP to kill bill

by WorldTribune Staff, February 5, 2024 In fiscal year 2024, which began in October 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported encountering 50 individuals on the FBI’s terror watch list trying to enter the United States illegally. In the fiscal year ending 2023, the total was 736. In the two years between fiscal year […]

Not a joke: CDC numbers reveal the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is very real

Not a joke: CDC numbers reveal the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is very real

by WorldTribune Staff, February 2, 2024 The CDC has released data which shows that in September of last year there were more migrant encounters at the southern border than births in the United States. “They’re quite literally replacing us. This is a feature, not a bug,” Libs of TikTok wrote in posting the CDC data […]

Shock Rasmussen poll: Majority side with Texas, agree ‘feds are staging a civil war’

Shock Rasmussen poll: Majority side with Texas, agree ‘feds are staging a civil war’

by WorldTribune Staff, January 29, 2024 A majority of American voters support the border wall and razor-wire fence Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered to be built along the Texas border with Mexico and feel that Joe Biden’s efforts to stop it are the first step toward civil war, a new poll found. The Rasmussen Reports […]

UN funneling $1.6 billion in mostly U.S. taxpayer funds to illegal aliens

UN funneling $1.6 billion in mostly U.S. taxpayer funds to illegal aliens

by WorldTribune Staff, January 26, 2024 In its newly released 2024 “Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela” (R4V for short), the United Nations confirmed it plans to hand out $1.6 billion to illegal aliens who plan to cross into the United States. That money comes mostly from U.S. taxpayers. Despite the R4V […]

Report: Team Biden spent $20 billion for migrant resettlement in 2022-2023

Report: Team Biden spent $20 billion for migrant resettlement in 2022-2023

by WorldTribune Staff, January 23, 2024 Since October 2022, Team Biden has shelled out $20 billion in taxpayer funds to resettle refugees in the U.S. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) received $9 billion in fiscal year 2022, and ORR’s Administration for Children and Families (ACF) was gifted […]

‘American Republic will be lost’: Stark warning from former U.S. Pacific Fleet Director of Intelligence

‘American Republic will be lost’: Stark warning from former U.S. Pacific Fleet Director of Intelligence

by WorldTribune Staff, January 14, 2024 Team Biden’s open border policies are a fundamental threat to America’s national security “in ways not felt since the early days of WWII,” wrote former U.S. Pacific Fleet Director of Intelligence James Fanell in a blunt analysis that suggested the U.S. public is unaware of the gravity of the situation. […]

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