Emissions report: Joe Biden’s flatulence at climate summit ‘impossible to ignore’

Emissions report: Joe Biden’s flatulence at climate summit ‘impossible to ignore’

by WorldTribune Staff, November 7, 2021 Joe Biden went to Scotland last week to tell the world to wake up to the climate emergency. He promptly fell asleep during the COP26 summit in Glasgow. Piers Morgan was quick to comment on Biden’s tiredness as he tweeted: “Jeez… not the best look when you’re trying to […]

Sudan coup jolts country’s fragile comeback hours after U.S. envoy’s visit

Sudan coup jolts country’s fragile comeback hours after U.S. envoy’s visit

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler Here we go again; Another military coup in Sudan. The army takeover in one of Africa’s largest if most unstable countries, underscores the growing economic, social and political turmoil between a new civilian-led government and the restive military who’s been in and out of the shadows since the […]

In Glasgow to tell world to ‘wake up,’ Sleepy Joe nods off

In Glasgow to tell world to ‘wake up,’ Sleepy Joe nods off

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, November 1, 2021 Oh, he had jet lag. He’s 4 hours behind. You would fall asleep, too under the circumstances. That is what Joe Biden’s apologists and unconditional fans claimed after he appeared to nod off at the opening of the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow, Scotland on Monday. But […]

Gen. Flynn mocks ‘absolutely evil’ Covid fakery at G20

Gen. Flynn mocks ‘absolutely evil’ Covid fakery at G20

by WorldTribune Staff, October 31, 2021 Leaders at the Group of 20 summit in Rome on Sunday vowed that they would spare no effort in getting everyone on the planet injected with the Covid vaccination. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn noted in a Telegram post that it was “all fake, not about health, all about control. […]

World’s top polluter, China’s Xi Jinping, won’t be joining gung-ho Joe at Climate Summit

World’s top polluter, China’s Xi Jinping, won’t be joining gung-ho Joe at Climate Summit

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, October 29, 2021 Accountability is not high on the priority list in the era of globalist rules for thee and not for me and incompetent governments and world organizations. Take, for example, the United Nations-led COP26 Climate Summit that begins Sunday in Glasgow, Scotland. As they party in Scotland, Joe Biden […]

Climate crisis? 25,000 elites will spew massive amounts of CO2 en route to Glasgow summit

Climate crisis? 25,000 elites will spew massive amounts of CO2 en route to Glasgow summit

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, October 20, 2021 Those who like to lecture us commoners on environmental stewardship seem unaware of just how much CO2 they are about to unleash on the Earth when 25,000 elites travel to Glasgow, Scotland for the United Nations COP26 climate summit. What about that climate emergency? Shouldn’t they be holding […]

Wrong again, Dr. Fauci: More Covid cases than ever in highly-vaxxed UK, Israel, Singapore

Wrong again, Dr. Fauci: More Covid cases than ever in highly-vaxxed UK, Israel, Singapore

by WorldTribune Staff, October 17, 2021 U.S. covid czar Anthony Fauci said on June 3: “If you have a very high percentage of people vaccinated, you’re not going to see a substantial blip” as in a big uptick in covid infections. Great Britain apparently didn’t get the memo. In the UK, 86 percent of all […]

Soros-speak: ‘I have eliminated “the West” from my vocabulary,’ says top Merkel adviser

Soros-speak: ‘I have eliminated “the West” from my vocabulary,’ says top Merkel adviser

by WorldTribune Staff, September 28, 2021 Analysis by Joe Schaeffer The globalists are dropping more explicit hints as to what they are up to. In a rather stunning public acknowledgment, veteran German diplomat Christoph Heusgen, who “served as foreign policy adviser to… Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2005 to 2017,” had the following exchange during an […]

Why aren’t more Croatians vaccinated? ‘I don’t care,’ president tells reporter

Why aren’t more Croatians vaccinated? ‘I don’t care,’ president tells reporter

by WorldTribune Staff, September 22, 2021 The president of Croatia is breaking with his leftist and globalist contemporaries on vaccine mandates. When a reporter pointedly suggested that Croatia is “not sufficiently vaccinated, unlike the E.U. average. We are only at 50 percent,” President Zoran Milanović responded: “I don’t care. We’re vaccinated enough and everyone knows […]

‘You’re not welcome here’: Pelosi heckled while on Trump-bashing tour in UK

‘You’re not welcome here’: Pelosi heckled while on Trump-bashing tour in UK

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, September 19, 2021 U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who used her visit to the G7 Heads of Parliament Conference in Great Britain as a Donald Trump-bashing tour, was given a proper northern welcome during her stop in northern England. Protesters heckled the California Democrat on Sept. 18, with one man proclaiming: […]

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