Colorado school teaching kindergartners: ‘Disrupt the nuclear family’

Colorado school teaching kindergartners: ‘Disrupt the nuclear family’

by WorldTribune Staff, January 23, 2022 A Colorado elementary school is instructing its kindergarten and first grade students to “disrupt the nuclear family,” affirm transgenderism, and support Black Lives Matter. Included in Centennial Elementary School’s guide of listed principles is “globalism,” which the school described as “our ability to see how we are impacted or […]

M&M’s finally melt: Candy mascots have ‘evolved’ in response to ‘progressive world’

M&M’s finally melt: Candy mascots have ‘evolved’ in response to ‘progressive world’

by WorldTribune Staff, January 21, 2022 They/Them do exist. As it has been for 80 years, M&M’s is still the candy that “melts in your mouth, not in your hands.” But the mascots who peddle the candy in commercials simply weren’t progressive enough for today’s woke society. The mascots will now dress and act in […]

Soviet-style posters in D.C. mock Biden, Fauci

Soviet-style posters in D.C. mock Biden, Fauci

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, January 17, 2022 Popping up over the weekend in Washington, D.C. were posters in the style of Soviet-era propaganda which mocked Joe Biden and his Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci. One poster showed an angry Biden holding a hammer labeled OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and with the word “COMPLY” […]

Can a private citizen pray in public? Supreme Court to hear case of coach sidelined 6 years ago

Can a private citizen pray in public? Supreme Court to hear case of coach sidelined 6 years ago

by WorldTribune Staff, January 16, 2022 A Washington state high school football coach who was fired for holding a private prayer at the 50-yard-line after each game will have his case heard by the Supreme Court. The high court on Friday said it would hear Joseph Kennedy’s case in April, his attorney’s said, according to […]

Actor/comedian Bob Saget dies suddenly 1 month after receiving Covid booster

Actor/comedian Bob Saget dies suddenly 1 month after receiving Covid booster

by WorldTribune Staff, January 10, 2022 Bob Saget, the actor and stand-up comedian best known for his role as Danny Tanner in the sitcom “Full House”, died suddenly and unexpectedly in a hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Orlando on Sunday. Saget, 65, passed away just a month after getting his Covid booster shot. […]

Report: Women looking for mates are lying about their vax status

Report: Women looking for mates are lying about their vax status

by WorldTribune Staff, January 6, 2022 Some women who have received the Covid shots say they are lying about their vaccination status for fear of being shunned in the dating scene over issues related to possible birth defects and infertility, a report said. In a Jan. 4 report, The Covid World cited one man who […]

Get comfortable with tyranny: Plantation insider rationalizes slavery in the name of liberty

Get comfortable with tyranny: Plantation insider rationalizes slavery in the name of liberty

by WorldTribune Staff, January 5, 2022 247 Real News In the United States of Absurdia, “civil libertarians” promote enslavement. It’s important to understand how these people think. In September, WorldTribune noted: Two leading [American Civil Liberties Union] officials wrote an infamous op-ed in big-box media organ The New York Times on Sept. 2 in which […]

Oregon business owner ordered to remove patriotic mural

Oregon business owner ordered to remove patriotic mural

by WorldTribune Staff, January 2, 2022 City leaders in Salem, Oregon have ordered the removal of a mural on the wall of a private business which depicts an American flag with the scene of the flag-raising on Iwo Jima. The owner of the business commissioned a local artist to create the display of patriotism. “The […]

Poll asking for stories on abortions gets overwhelming pro-life responses

Poll asking for stories on abortions gets overwhelming pro-life responses

by WorldTribune Staff, December 29, 2021 On Christmas Day, the polling analysis website FiveThirtyEight posted the following request on Twitter: “Do you have an abortion story? We want to hear from you.” Included was a link to the website where women could fill out a Google form about their abortion. FiveThirtyEight stated that there are […]

Biological male is all-time ‘female’ money winner on ‘Jeopardy!’

Biological male is all-time ‘female’ money winner on ‘Jeopardy!’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 29, 2021 I’ll take gender identity for $1,000. The all-time female money winner on the “Jeopardy!” game show. Thomas E Schneider. We’re going to need that in the form of a question. Who is Thomas E Schneider? Remember, the category is gender identity. The “correct” answer is therefore Amy Schneider. Amy, […]

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