1619 Project creator: Parents shouldn’t decide what is taught in schools

1619 Project creator: Parents shouldn’t decide what is taught in schools

by WorldTribune Staff, December 27, 2021 Parents should not be deciding what is taught in their kids’ schools, according to Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the 1619 Project. “I don’t really understand this idea that parents should decide what’s being taught. I’m not a professional educator. I don’t have a degree in social studies or science. […]

Fact-checking elites on ‘uneducated’ West Virginians: New Yorkers and Californians are less literate

Fact-checking elites on ‘uneducated’ West Virginians: New Yorkers and Californians are less literate

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 26, 2021 Wrong Turn anyone? When residents of West Virginia voiced their approval of Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin’s decision to vote “no” on Joe Biden’s Build Back Better socialist spending behemoth, Hollywood and Big Media types revived the old stereotype of West Virginians as uneducated toothless backwoods hillbillies. Bette Midler […]

Dr. Zelenko: Government knows Covid end is near, about to ‘go full totalitarian’

Dr. Zelenko: Government knows Covid end is near, about to ‘go full totalitarian’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 22, 2021 New York family medicine physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is warning that “tyrants” in government know that the end of Covid “is coming” and are now “going to go full totalitarian.” Zelenko said in a Dec. 20 video posted to social media that the “suppression” of his voice and “voices […]

Childrens’ ‘bodily autonomy’: Progressive social agenda takes sinister public turn

Childrens’ ‘bodily autonomy’: Progressive social agenda takes sinister public turn

Special to WorldTribune, December 20, 2021 Analysis by Joe Schaeffer, 247 Real News Yes, it’s an agenda and, yes, people in power are implementing it, unchecked. Two highly disturbing recent events highlight the demonic attempt by progressives in positions of authority to diminish parental oversight and control and warp children’s minds with leftist cultural poison. […]

God or no God: How have secular upbringings worked out for society at large?

God or no God: How have secular upbringings worked out for society at large?

Special to WorldTribune.com Dennis Prager Anyone who thinks about the current civil war in America comes to realize that it is, in large measure, a war between the religious and the anti-religious. The Left has contempt for evangelical Protestants, traditional Catholics and Orthodox Jews for good reason: They represent everything the Left loathes; and while […]

Sucking up to the Red Capitalists: NFL map shows Taiwan as part of China

Sucking up to the Red Capitalists: NFL map shows Taiwan as part of China

by WorldTribune Staff, December 16, 2021 The NFL sees a sea of green in Red China. For a boatload of communist cash, the NFL is more than willing to sell Taiwan down the river. The NFL endorsed the Chinese Communist Party’s claims to sovereignty over Taiwan this week by displaying a map announcing the pro […]

Silence greets trans swimmer’s win at women’s event; UPenn parents demand changes from NCAA

Silence greets trans swimmer’s win at women’s event; UPenn parents demand changes from NCAA

by WorldTribune Staff, December 16, 2021 Since identifying as female and joining the women’s swimming team at the University of Pennsylvania, Lia Thomas has been shattering records and setting national-leading times in the pool. Newly released video shows just how dominant Thomas, who competed for three years on the UPenn men’s team before transitioning, is […]

Thomas Paine’s ‘The American Crisis’: ‘These are the times that try men’s souls’

Thomas Paine’s ‘The American Crisis’: ‘These are the times that try men’s souls’

WorldTribune, December 16, 2021 At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, as the American army was being chased out of New York and New Jersey, Thomas Paine, an aide-de-camp to Gen. Nathanael Greene, anonymously wrote “The American Crisis” in the freezing cold, using the head of a drum for a desk. According to historian Bill Federer, “Gen. George Washington was so moved that […]

‘It’s a lot of fun’: ‘Let’s go Brandon’ retail outlets boom in New England

‘It’s a lot of fun’: ‘Let’s go Brandon’ retail outlets boom in New England

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 14, 2021 Joe Biden’s handlers likely kept him away from last weekend’s Army-Navy football game to avoid the optics of the 79-year-old shuffling onto the field amid chants of “Let’s go Brandon”. If Team Biden is fully determined to shield Biden from the chant, they may have to return him […]

Would no-longer-funny SNL give the twerking-baby-Jesus treatment to the prophet Mohammed?

Would no-longer-funny SNL give the twerking-baby-Jesus treatment to the prophet Mohammed?

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 13, 2021 Leftists killed comedy. Leftists hate Christmas. With that in mind, Saturday Night Live’s “Hip-Hop Nativity” segment which featured Mary as a stripper, Joseph as the “baby daddy,” and Jesus as a twerking infant, was neither surprising nor shocking. “Blasphemous and unfunny,” Washington Times columnist Cheryl K. Chumley noted […]

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