Reports: Soros groups weaponize non-citizen voters in battleground states

Reports: Soros groups weaponize non-citizen voters in battleground states

by WorldTribune Staff, September 24, 2024 Contract With Our Readers The impact on the 2024 election of newly-naturalized migrants and non-citizens registering and voting could be staggering, especially in battleground states, a pair of Sept. 24 reports say. A network of leftist groups backed by George Soros boasts that it is naturalizing and mobilizing migrants […]

Report: Joe Biden’s army of Gen Z foot soldiers funded by George Soros

Report: Joe Biden’s army of Gen Z foot soldiers funded by George Soros

by WorldTribune Staff, September 18, 2023 An army of woke Gen Z foot soldiers has been unleashed by Team Biden with the aim of abolishing border enforcement, defunding police, and ending cash bail, a report said. The precocious propagandists, who are prominent on the Chinese Communist Party-linked TikTok platform, are being financed in part by […]

Son of Soros on the rise: Visited Biden White House 14 times

Son of Soros on the rise: Visited Biden White House 14 times

by WorldTribune Staff, April 10, 2023 George Soros will not live forever and that gives hope to small dollar donors to conservative causes whose offerings are a butterfly’s belch against the tsunami of cash destroying the cultural foundations of American exceptionalism. But Soros, the hedge fund billionaire atheist, leaves nothing to chance in his granular […]

Blood money and Liz Cheney’s soft landing: Who are Bruce and Martha Karsh?

Blood money and Liz Cheney’s soft landing: Who are Bruce and Martha Karsh?

Special to, March 6, 2023 Corporate WATCH Commentary by Joe Schaeffer From Paul Ryan on the board of Fox News to Jeff Flake as Biden administration ambassador to Turkey and Adam Kinzinger as newly minted political analyst at CNN, The Swamp always takes care of its own. It especially makes sure to look out […]

Report: George Soros is funding network of leftist ‘fact-checkers’

Report: George Soros is funding network of leftist ‘fact-checkers’

by WorldTribune Staff, January 27, 2023 George Soros funds are linked to a global network of “fact-checkers” and so-called “misinformation” experts who have been tasked with suppressing and discrediting conservative voices online, a report said. “Fact checking” is an important element in the Left’s online censorship machine, giving social media companies a politically neutral pretext […]

Soros-backed group got $41 million windfall from Biden to help illegals fight deportation

Soros-backed group got $41 million windfall from Biden to help illegals fight deportation

by WorldTribune Staff, October 2, 2022 A group aligned with the George Soros-backed Vera Institute of Justice has received $41 million in U.S. taxpayer funds from Team Biden in order to help immigrants who are in the United States illegally fight deportation, government records show. The Acacia Center for Justice was awarded six contracts from […]

Soros-backed attempt fails to undo new Arizona voter integrity laws

Soros-backed attempt fails to undo new Arizona voter integrity laws

by WorldTribune Staff, August 30, 2022 A ballot initiative fueled by funding from George Soros that would undo Arizona’s new election integrity laws failed when the state Supreme Court on Friday ruled there were not enough valid signatures to get the initiative on the November ballot. The ballot initiative, Proposition 210, sought the repeal of […]

Politico — conduit of leaked Supreme Court Roe draft — is brought to you by Soros, Facebook and Goldman Sachs

Politico — conduit of leaked Supreme Court Roe draft — is brought to you by Soros, Facebook and Goldman Sachs

Special to WorldTribune, May 17, 2022 Media WATCH Analysis by Joe Schaeffer, 247 Real News Maybe you’ve noticed the dramatic lurch by Politico from progressive establishment-biased media outlet to full-throated hard-Left statist rag in the past year or two. Heavily utilized coverage tags such as Insurrection Fallout and Misinformation say it all. There are also […]

Soros group funded harassment of Arizona Democrat senator

Soros group funded harassment of Arizona Democrat senator

by WorldTribune Staff, October 6, 2021 The open borders activists who followed Arizona Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema into a bathroom and harassed her at Arizona State University are operatives from a group tied financially to leftist billionaire George Soros, reports say. On Saturday, Sinema was stalked by operatives with the group Living United for Change […]

Big deal? Gates-Soros group acquires for-profit Covid testing firm

Big deal? Gates-Soros group acquires for-profit Covid testing firm

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 21, 2021 George Soros and Bill Gates have joined forces to buy out the UK-based Covid-19 testing firm Mologic. In a July 19 statement, the Soros Economic Development Fund, an arm of Soros’s Open Society Foundations, confirmed that it has partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Soros–Gates […]

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