Back in the USSR: Sight of American flag traumatized Griner

Back in the USSR: Sight of American flag traumatized Griner

S A T I R E Freed WNBA player Brittney Griner has fled back to Russia after seeing an American flag for the first time in months. Griner spotted the flag near the tarmac of Los Angeles International Airport upon the arrival of her flight from Russia and had a negative reaction . . . […]

FBI on alert amid reports of widespread Christian Nationalist activity

FBI on alert amid reports of widespread Christian Nationalist activity

S A T I R E The FBI has dispatched surveillance teams after several reports surfaced of Christian Nationalists planning to spend a day thanking God for His blessings and praying for America. “Looks like the turkey’s hit the table, boys,” reported Agent Schwartz to the tactical team. “That means the praying will be inbound […]

Big winner in beauty pageant finally puts women in their place

Big winner in beauty pageant finally puts women in their place

S A T I R E After an intense competition, the winner of a local Miss America beauty pageant for a college scholarship was revealed to be the Patriarchy. Brían Nguyen, the male winner who left twelve female competitors in the dust, accepted his prize on behalf of oppressive, dominating males everywhere. “I’m a beautiful […]

Stocking stuffer: New Greta thermostat scowls if you turn up the heat

Stocking stuffer: New Greta thermostat scowls if you turn up the heat

S A T I R E Google, the makers of the Nest™ thermostat that totally does not track your every movement and thought, has partnered with climate activist Greta Thunberg to make a thermostat that scowls at you when you attempt to turn the heat up. The Greta Thunberg Thermostat™ also emits an audible, “How […]

There are still actual people voting Democrat, and here’s why

There are still actual people voting Democrat, and here’s why

S A T I R E Wondering why people actually still vote for Democrats? Believe it or not, there are still Democrat voters out there and we’ve compiled their top reasons for doing so! __  They’re dead: Hard to object to candidates like Joe Biden when you are no longer alive! __ They’re Drag Queens […]

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