Trump critiques news conference by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, wows crowds in Georgia, NC

Trump critiques news conference by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, wows crowds in Georgia, NC

by WorldTribune Staff, June 10, 2023 Was former President Donald Trump disheartened by his unprecedented federal indictment on June 9 and the media coverage which suggested he would go to jail for life for endangering U.S. national security? Well he enjoyed a round of golf and later responded with the following characterization of his accuser: […]

‘You want to talk about an insurrection? This is an insurrection’

‘You want to talk about an insurrection? This is an insurrection’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2023 “What’s going on here is a disgusting disgrace,” TV and radio host Mark Levin said of the weaponized Biden Department of Justice’s indictment on Thursday of former President Donald Trump which was unsealed Friday. Levin characterized the DOJ’s move as “an insurrection.” “It is war on Trump. It is […]

At CNN, Bill Gates-funded cultural Marxist content is king regardless of CEO

At CNN, Bill Gates-funded cultural Marxist content is king regardless of CEO

Special to, June 9, 2023 Corporate WATCH Commentary by Joe Schaeffer Now that CNN has parted ways with CEO Chris Licht, can we all stop pretending that the former executive producer of Stephen Colbert’s bizarrely wooden establishment propaganda late-night “comedy” program was genuinely seeking to pivot the struggling cable TV “news” network from its […]

Turley: Trial will be after election; If Trump wins he can pardon himself

Turley: Trial will be after election; If Trump wins he can pardon himself

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2023 Since Donald Trump’s trial on charges he was indicted for on Thursday is not likely to start until after the 2024 election, the former president can immediately pardon himself if he wins another term in the White House, law professor Jonathan Turley said. In fact, Turley told Fox News […]

Whistleblower claims U.S. government has ‘intact’ vehicles of ‘non-human origin’

Whistleblower claims U.S. government has ‘intact’ vehicles of ‘non-human origin’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2023 The U.S. government has in its possession “intact” craft of non-human origin, a whistleblower former intelligence official said. The former intelligence official, David Grusch, told The Debrief that he led analysis of unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAP) within a U.S. Department of Defense agency. “We are not talking about prosaic […]

‘Wolves’: New Trump video eviscerates ‘rabid D.C. regime’

‘Wolves’: New Trump video eviscerates ‘rabid D.C. regime’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2023 Amid relentless attacks by the weaponized Biden Department of Justice aimed at removing him from the 2024 race, former President Donald Trump’s campaign has crafted a new one-minute ad titled “Wolves.” “This powerful ad exposes the rabid regime, tearing them apart and leaving no doubt about their intentions,” Revolver […]

‘If the president in power can jail his political opponents …’

‘If the president in power can jail his political opponents …’

by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News June 9, 2023 South Carolina Republican Rep. Nancy Mace said that the Biden Department of Justice has secured former President Donald Trump’s GOP nomination for president in 2024 with the new federal indictment out of Florida. “I want to be very clear here: Donald Trump and I have […]

Trump scoops media, announces indictment: ‘I am an innocent man!’

Trump scoops media, announces indictment: ‘I am an innocent man!’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 8, 2023, 2023 Following is a statement by former President Donald J. Trump on June 8, 2023: The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys that I have been Indicted, seemingly over the Boxes Hoax, even though Joe Biden has 1850 Boxes at the University of Delaware, additional Boxes in Chinatown, […]

‘Credible’: Republicans view long withheld FBI document alleging Joe Biden bribery scheme

‘Credible’: Republicans view long withheld FBI document alleging Joe Biden bribery scheme

by WorldTribune Staff, June 8, 2023 Republicans who have viewed the document which alleges Joe Biden was involved in a pay-to-play scheme as vice president, which was long withheld from them by FBI Director Christopher Wray, say the allegations are credible and deeply disturbing. After viewing the unclassified FD-1023 FBI form alleging that then-Vice President […]