Researchers: Covid shots increased risk of asthma for kids

Researchers: Covid shots increased risk of asthma for kids

by WorldTribune Staff, October 9, 2024 Contract With Our Readers Researchers studying the health records of 200,000 American children found those who took the Covid mRNA injections were more likely to develop asthma in the next year than those who did not take the shots. “The children were at higher risk whether or not they […]

Analysis: Trump was right, hydroxychloroquine could have been Covid ‘game-changer’

Analysis: Trump was right, hydroxychloroquine could have been Covid ‘game-changer’

by WorldTribune Staff, September 10, 2024 Contract With Our Readers In the early stages of the Covid pandemic, President Donald Trump and senior adviser Peter Navarro arranged for the donation of 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to America’s strategic drug stockpile. The Trump administration began securing the HCQ in March 2020, after Trump, on […]

Study: Excess deaths caused by public health response, not Covid virus

Study: Excess deaths caused by public health response, not Covid virus

by WorldTribune Staff, July 22, 2024 Contract With Our Readers The main causes of death globally during the Covid pandemic was the public health establishment’s mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions, and the so-called vaccines, according to a new study which examined excess mortality in 125 nations. Researchers from the Canadian […]

Did EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak perjure himself before Congress? Will there be consequences?

Did EcoHealth’s Peter Daszak perjure himself before Congress? Will there be consequences?

by WorldTribune Staff, May 3, 2024 EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak in long-awaited testimony before Congress on May 1 denied that his organization’s partnership with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), the Chinese lab where Covid likely originated, included dangerous gain-of-function research. Ohio Republican Rep. Brad Westrum, chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus […]

Biologist to Tucker Carlson: Data suggest 17 million have died from Covid injections

Biologist to Tucker Carlson: Data suggest 17 million have died from Covid injections

by WorldTribune Staff, January 9, 2024 The global death toll from the Covid injections is about 17 million, biologist Dr. Bret Weinstein said, citing a September 2023 study titled “COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere.” In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Weinstein, a former distinguished professor of evolutionary biology at Evergreen State College, said […]

Reality has left the station: 24 percent in poll say they knew someone who died from Covid jab

Reality has left the station: 24 percent in poll say they knew someone who died from Covid jab

by WorldTribune Staff, November 3, 2023 Nearly one quarter of respondents in a new Rasmussen Reports survey say they personally knew someone who died as a result of the Covid shots. An even larger percentage indicated they would be interested in being part of a class action lawsuit against the Big Pharma manufacturers of the […]

Cognitive dissonance: Why retribution not likely for Covid mRNA injections

Cognitive dissonance: Why retribution not likely for Covid mRNA injections

by WorldTribune Staff, October 8, 2023 As most Americans, with the exception of those who still parade around in public wearing face diapers, move on from Covid they are rejecting additional mRNA booster shots but they also “would rather believe they did the right thing than worry they didn’t,” an analysis said. “People aren’t dumb. […]

Scientific paper: Risk of death from Covid shots 1,000 times greater than previously reported

Scientific paper: Risk of death from Covid shots 1,000 times greater than previously reported

by WorldTribune Staff, October 1, 2023 All-cause mortality data from 17 countries show that the Covid shots had zero beneficial effect on reducing mortality, researchers say in a scientific paper. Researchers wrote in a paper published Sept. 17 by Correlation Research in the Public Interest (not yet peer-reviewed), that unprecedented peaks in high all-cause mortality […]

Report: Researchers find heart injury in 1 of 35 Swiss hospital workers who took Moderna Covid booster

Report: Researchers find heart injury in 1 of 35 Swiss hospital workers who took Moderna Covid booster

by WorldTribune Staff, August 14, 2023 A new study by researchers in Europe found that 1 in 35 health care workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with Moderna’s Covid booster shot, a report said. “Damage to the heart is more common than thought after receipt” of the mRNA-1273 booster, Zachary […]

Analysis: Obama political operative made gain of function policy change

Analysis: Obama political operative made gain of function policy change

by WorldTribune Staff, June 15, 2023 It was not a scientist but a political operative in the Obama administration who made the decision that led to the worldwide Covid outbreak, an analysis said. Days before the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci revealed that it was Lisa Monaco who “directed the Obama White House […]

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