by WorldTribune Staff, June 15, 2023
It was not a scientist but a political operative in the Obama administration who made the decision that led to the worldwide Covid outbreak, an analysis said.

Days before the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci revealed that it was Lisa Monaco who “directed the Obama White House gain of function policy change that led to the Wuhan Virus ‘plandemic,’ ” Mike McCormick wrote in a June 15 analysis.
At the conclusion of a “resist” Trump event at Georgetown University on Jan. 10, 2017, Anthony Fauci said: “Because when we have our discussions as a whole of government response … in the room are, you know, the National Security Council. I mean, Lisa Monaco — when we really get up to a big decision, we have Lisa there. We have Amy (Pope) there. We have the people from the security there. And we have all the health people there. We have the CDC, the FDA, myself, and the Secretary (Burrell, of Health and Human Services.)”
McCormick noted: “Lisa Monaco is not a virologist. She’s not a scientist. She’s a political operative. At the time she was Obama’s senior advisor on homeland security and counterterrorism.”
One day before Fauci’s comment, President Barack Obama announced through his Office of Science and Technology Policy that he was reinstating government funding for gain of function research (GOF).
“As Fauci and everyone in that room knew, reversing the GOF funding pause was as ‘big’ a health decision as Team Obama ever made. And now we see that according to Fauci, it was Lisa Monaco’s call,” McCormick noted. “Days before Trump took over.”
So Lisa Monaco, McCormick added, “one of the fiercest partisans in the Obama White House, who was then primally outraged that Donald Trump had been elected president, green-lighted funding for pandemic potential research that she knew was then being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She was Obama’s intelligence operative. She knew. Evil, evil, evil.”
Did Fauci and the Obama/Biden operatives screw up the GOF decision, or did they do it on purpose?
“I think they did it on purpose,” McCormick wrote, noting that Fauci had said on Jan. 10, 2017, “We have the people from the security there.” Fauci, “was covering for certain people. So he unmasked Lisa Monaco and Amy Pope, but no one else. Hmmm. Who could have been in that specific meeting on restoring GOF funding — Obama, Biden, Klain?
Without the White House visitor logs, it can’t be know for sure. Obama never released the visitor logs that cover the last three months of his second term.
(Read McCormick’s full analysis here.)
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