60 Minutes fabricates DeSantis scandal

60 Minutes fabricates DeSantis scandal

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, April 5, 2021 In today’s corporate media climate, it is only fitting that 60 Minutes would create a false scandal while ignoring a real one. The so-called “news program” has yet to report on New York Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s nursing homes scandal in which a large number of seniors lost […]

‘Operation Mockingbird’: Is the CIA still using the corporate media?

‘Operation Mockingbird’: Is the CIA still using the corporate media?

by WorldTribune Staff, April 5, 2021 Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program in which the agency paid or forced U.S. media organizations to do its bidding. The operation was exposed in the 1970s, but a columnist, given the current corporate media climate, asked “is this operation still going on?” “The program,” wrote The Daily Beast […]

Coca-Cola requires ID for admission to shareholder meetings

Coca-Cola requires ID for admission to shareholder meetings

by WorldTribune Staff, April 5, 2021 Coca-Cola believes its racist to require an ID to vote, but the company requires valid ID to be admitted to its annual meeting of shareholders. Coca-Cola Chairman and CEO James Quincey issued a statement last week saying the company is “disappointed in the outcome of the Georgia voting legislation.” […]

‘Happy Easter’! Trump blasts media for ignoring election fraud; Pastor evicts covid cops: ‘Gestapo, get out’

‘Happy Easter’! Trump blasts media for ignoring election fraud; Pastor evicts covid cops: ‘Gestapo, get out’

by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2021 Donald J. Trump sent out Easter good wishes on Sunday in his own indomitable fashion. “​Happy Easter to ALL, including the Radical Left CRAZIES who rigged our Presidential Election, and want to destroy our Country!​” Trump said in a statement.​ The former president’s statement came a day after he […]

Major League Baseball expands deal with CCP-linked firm, boycotts Georgia next day

Major League Baseball expands deal with CCP-linked firm, boycotts Georgia next day

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2021 In case you’re keeping score at home. Number of people murdered by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since the communist revolution of 1949: About 100 million. Number of Muslims currently being held in concentration camps in China: More than 1 million. Number of people murdered by Georgia’s voter […]

YouTube removes 2.5 million ‘dislikes’ from Biden White House videos

YouTube removes 2.5 million ‘dislikes’ from Biden White House videos

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2021 How does it feel to be ratioed even when the system is rigged in your favor? Ask Joe Biden. The propagandists at YouTube have removed millions of “dislikes” from Biden’s White House videos, a report said. Not a single “like” has been removed. Still, the dislikes far outnumber […]

Top propagandist AOC ranks 230th in effectiveness: ‘Tweeting is easy, governing is hard’

Top propagandist AOC ranks 230th in effectiveness: ‘Tweeting is easy, governing is hard’

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2021 In the realm of celebrity, where a huge Twitter following and media personalities fawning over fashionistas reign, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a superstar. Arguably, she has forced Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand more than once. But, when it comes to effective legislating, the New York Democrat is not even […]

Panic in Maricopa County as Arizona Senate launches ‘comprehensive’ forensic audit

Panic in Maricopa County as Arizona Senate launches ‘comprehensive’ forensic audit

by WorldTribune Staff, April 2, 2021 A team of independent auditors has been hired by the Arizona Senate leadership to conduct a “comprehensive, full forensic audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County.” The audit includes a hand recount of all ballots and an audit of the “electronic voting system”. The news led to flurry […]

Help wanted: Codevilla offers a job description for leadership against the oligarchy

Help wanted: Codevilla offers a job description for leadership against the oligarchy

by WorldTribune Staff, April 2, 2021 Needed: Leaders willing to step forward and guide a national effort “to discredit and stop the oligarchy’s growing totalitarianism,” an analysis said. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul are three Republicans who have set examples that other would-be leaders should follow, intelligence […]

Two entrepreneurs agree: New evidence could return Trump to White House this year

Two entrepreneurs agree: New evidence could return Trump to White House this year

by WorldTribune Staff, April 2, 2021 Both MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne have said that the whole story about what happened in the 2020 presidential election will be revealed soon and that truth may lead to Donald Trump returning to the White House. Lindell says he has collected new “evidence” […]