Only the British press are answering multiple questions about the death of Obama’s chef

Only the British press are answering multiple questions about the death of Obama’s chef

by WorldTribune Staff, July 28, 2023 What exactly happened to Tafari Campbell, the private chef of the Obamas? Campbell, 45, drowned while paddle boarding on Great Edgartown Pond at Martha’s Vineyard on July 23, police said. While major media lined up to pay tribute to the man who was sous chef in the Obama White […]

Yes, Biden is the most corrupt U.S. president ever, but Obama is and was ‘the guy giving the orders’

Yes, Biden is the most corrupt U.S. president ever, but Obama is and was ‘the guy giving the orders’

Special to Commentary by Wayne Allyn Root, July 28, 2023 It’s so damn obvious. You’d have to be delusional, naive, a moron or a Democrat to not understand what went down. You’d have to be delusional, naive, a moron or a Democrat to not understand our country has been sold out. And you’d have […]

Panic in Delaware: Hunter Biden pleads not guilty after deal falls through

Panic in Delaware: Hunter Biden pleads not guilty after deal falls through

by WorldTribune Staff, July 26, 2023 After his attorneys fought the introduction of IRS whistleblower testimony, Hunter Biden’s plea deal on criminal charges unraveled during a court hearing in Wilmington, Delaware on Wednesday. The first son entered a plea of not guilty and the Trump-appointed judge hearing the case put the deal on hold. U.S. […]

‘If I Was the Deep State’: Pro-Trump video triggers Democrats, alarms pollster Frank Luntz

‘If I Was the Deep State’: Pro-Trump video triggers Democrats, alarms pollster Frank Luntz

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 26, 2023 The narrator in a new digital pro-Trump video states: “If I was the Deep State, I would make everyone an example why you should never question a Democrat ever winning an election. I would imprison my foes. I would use my corrupt DAs and blackmail judges to destroy […]

RFK Jr. calls for investigation of Joe Biden

RFK Jr. calls for investigation of Joe Biden

by WorldTribune Staff, July 25, 2023 Allegations that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden accepted millions of dollars in bribes are worth “a real investigation,” Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in a significant campaign shift. “I think the issues now coming up are worrying enough that we really need a real investigation of […]

Analysis: Democrats’ 2024 election strategy based on making 2020 template permanent

Analysis: Democrats’ 2024 election strategy based on making 2020 template permanent

by WorldTribune Staff, July 25, 2023 In Covid, Democrats found the excuse they had long been looking for to transform the American election system. Changes that were supposedly “temporary” in 2020 due to the pandemic, including earlier voting, mass mail-in voting, and no-excuse absentee voting, “have become codified everywhere Democrats rule unopposed,” Hayden Ludwig wrote […]

Reports: Luxury buses bring thousands of military-age CCP males from Panama to southern border

Reports: Luxury buses bring thousands of military-age CCP males from Panama to southern border

Special to WorldTribune, July 24, 2023 Commentary by Laurence F Sanford Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military-age males are illegally crossing the American border. They are joining the millions of other illegal aliens who have crossed the border. Michael Yon, a war correspondent, states thousands of young, physically fit Chinese males are heading to the U.S. […]

Making sense of Arizona’s election system: Sun Devils are in the details?

Making sense of Arizona’s election system: Sun Devils are in the details?

by WorldTribune Staff, July 24, 2023 In February of this year, Arizona Republican state Rep. Liz Harris invited an election fraud investigator to testify before the state legislature. Jacqueline Breger proceeded “to disclose evidence of significant, far reaching fraud implicating elected Arizona officials, judges, and election workers of fraud and corruption charges involving the Sinaloa […]

Assault on free speech by 34 ‘honors’ professors at ASU intimidated students, shut down center

Assault on free speech by 34 ‘honors’ professors at ASU intimidated students, shut down center

Special to Dennis Prager, July 24, 2023 In February, I was invited along with Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), and Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestseller, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” to speak at Arizona State University (ASU) at a conference titled “Health, Wealth and Happiness.” The invitation came from the […]

Michelle, their belle? In a lackluster Democrat landscape, the Obamas loom large

Michelle, their belle? In a lackluster Democrat landscape, the Obamas loom large

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 21, 2023 Roger Stone believes the scenario playing out in the Democrat Party’s circle of trust has it that a white guy over the age of 75 will not be president in 2025 and a black woman will be. “As a veteran of many years in American politics, I’m going […]

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