Team Trump warns GOP: Don’t go wobbly on historic border crisis

Team Trump warns GOP: Don’t go wobbly on historic border crisis

by WorldTribune Staff, June 13, 2021 Former President Donald Trump and his chief immigration adviser are calling on House and Senate Republicans to keep the pressure on open borders Democrats amid the historic crisis at the U.S. southern border. “The Republican Party needs to turn this up from a three to 10 on the attention […]

Journalist who broke story of Clinton-Lynch secret tarmac meeting found dead

Journalist who broke story of Clinton-Lynch secret tarmac meeting found dead

by WorldTribune Staff, June 13, 2021 The reporter who broke the story about the secret tarmac meeting between ex-President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found dead by first responders at his home in Hoover, Alabama on Saturday morning. Hoover police Lt. Keith Czeskleba said the death of Chris Sign is being investigated […]

Biden buys world 500 million vaccine shots paid for by U.S. taxpayers

Biden buys world 500 million vaccine shots paid for by U.S. taxpayers

by WorldTribune Staff, June 13, 2021 Joe Biden announced he is dispatching half a billion Pfizer Covid vaccine doses to destinations around the world. “We’re a nation full of people who step up at times of need to help our fellow human beings, both at home and abroad,” Biden said, in making his announcement. “We’re […]

Texas is flyover country for Kamala Harris; Guatemala gives hostile reception to Team Biden agenda

Texas is flyover country for Kamala Harris; Guatemala gives hostile reception to Team Biden agenda

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, June 13, 2021 Rough week. After months of inaction after being appointed border czar by Team Biden, Kamala Harris journeyed to Guatemala and Mexico this week in an effort to try to explain the administration’s border policy. When Team Biden’s cheering section at CNN runs an analysis under the headline “Kamala […]

Diver swallowed by whale thought it was lights out: ‘All I could think of was my boys’

Diver swallowed by whale thought it was lights out: ‘All I could think of was my boys’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 13, 2021 ‘And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.’ — Jonah 2:10 In the twenty-first century, the Bible has been steadily erased from large swathes of the collective consciousness, and its legendary stories widely-dismissed as mythology by secular cultural czars. Friday morning, a lobster diver […]

Eyes on Arizona: ‘If they don’t have the ballots, they don’t have the victory’

Eyes on Arizona: ‘If they don’t have the ballots, they don’t have the victory’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 11, 2021 The corporate media may be ignoring the Arizona audit, but Americans shouldn’t because, at the end of the audit, if Joe Biden doesn’t “have the ballots” he doesn’t “have the victory,” former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens said. During a Friday interview on Steve Bannon’s War Room, Greitens, who is […]

(Don’t tell anyone but . . .) CDC convenes ‘emergency meeting’ about young men who got vaccine

(Don’t tell anyone but . . .) CDC convenes ‘emergency meeting’ about young men who got vaccine

by WorldTribune Staff, June 11, 2021 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced it will convene an “emergency meeting” on June 18 to discuss “rare but higher-than-expected reports of heart inflammation following doses of the mRNA-based Pfizer and Modern COVID-19 vaccines.” The CDC said it has identified 226 reports “that might meet the […]

‘Pathway’ to jail: Gov. Abbott says Texas will block border, arrest illegals

‘Pathway’ to jail: Gov. Abbott says Texas will block border, arrest illegals

by WorldTribune Staff, June 11, 2021 Since Team Biden won’t build a border wall, Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas will. The state will construct border barriers at crossing areas along the Rio Grande that allow easy access to illegals entering the country, Abbott said on Thursday. Texas will also start arresting and jailing illegal immigrants […]

Riveting speech by NC Lt. Gov. Robinson goes viral

Riveting speech by NC Lt. Gov. Robinson goes viral

by WorldTribune Staff, June 11, 2021 Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s lieutenant governor, and a rising star in the Republican Party, delivered an address at the North Carolina Republican Party State Convention that was hailed as a speech that “will set your American soul on fire.” Robinson made clear that, despite the constant bombardment from the […]

Prom hell: Unvaccinated students treated ‘like prisoners in Nazi Germany’

Prom hell: Unvaccinated students treated ‘like prisoners in Nazi Germany’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 11, 2021 Unvaccinated students attending prom in Exeter, New Hampshire were forced to be marked with a sharpie pen to enter and then tracked throughout the evening, parents told a state representative. New Hampshire state Rep. Melissa Litchfield, who represents the Brentwood district, said in a Facebook post that some angry […]