China assists as North Korea rolls out new monster ICBM

China assists as North Korea rolls out new monster ICBM

BREAKING . . . [Editor’s Note: We have added ‘Breaking‘ as a new feature because . . . Drudge has gone away.] Geostrategy-Direct By Richard Fisher North Korea used the Oct. 10 parade to mark the 79th Anniversary of its North Korean Workers Party dictatorship to reveal its latest and largest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), carried […]

Fly didn’t bug the VP, but Pence certainly rattled nasty Kamala

Fly didn’t bug the VP, but Pence certainly rattled nasty Kamala

Special to Commentary by Bill Juneau Watching the Vice Presidential debate, we got a good look at the grimacing, smug grin and head shaking of Democratic candidate Kamala Harris who is relatively new on the national stage. She is Joe Biden’s selection as his running mate and the televised debate with Mike Pence, the […]

Power to the big corporations: Interview with ‘free thinker’

Power to the big corporations: Interview with ‘free thinker’

FUNNIES SEATTLE, WA—The Babylon Bee had the honor of sitting down with a local brave #resistance fighter to learn more about the fearless counterculture fighting against hate and other bad stuff like that. According to Doy Keeblesmush, a leader of the local resistance movement in Seattle, the ideology consists of whatever the media, universities, corporations, and […]

30 years after German reunification, ‘Danke to the American people’

30 years after German reunification, ‘Danke to the American people’

Special to By John J. Metzler Germany’s reunification is now history. It seemed not so long ago that the Berlin Wall had fallen in 1989, Central European countries had regained their sovereignty through the freedom tsunami sweeping Europe, and unimaginably on Oct. 3, 1990, West and East Germany, the front line frontier of a very […]

Trump hated by Left for hitting where it hurts: The courts

Trump hated by Left for hitting where it hurts: The courts

Special to By Grace Vuoto President Donald Trump is at the climactic moment of his presidency: the opportunity to add another conservative judge to the Supreme Court. Since his election in 2016, he has steadily been transforming the American justice system — a legacy that will have a monumental impact on the nation over […]

War: Silicon Valley censors ‘the Great One’ weeks before election

War: Silicon Valley censors ‘the Great One’ weeks before election

BREAKING . . . [Editor’s Note: We have added ‘Breaking‘ as a new feature because . . . Drudge has gone away.] Radio host Mark Levin, affectionately known as “The Great One,” says Facebook is censoring his content. “Facebook has just sent us this message. It’s a clear effort at censorship,” Levin wrote on Monday […]

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