Hillary calls for ‘massive legal operation’: Biden ‘shouldn’t concede under any circumstances’

Hillary calls for ‘massive legal operation’: Biden ‘shouldn’t concede under any circumstances’

by WorldTribune Staff, August 25, 2020 Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is advising current Democrat nominee Joe Biden not to concede if he loses to President Donald Trump in November. Biden “should not concede under any circumstances” because the final results are “going to drag out” due to mail-in voting, Clinton told former aide […]

‘This dude is shooting at us!’: Milwaukee homeowner fires warning shot, BLM mob flees

‘This dude is shooting at us!’: Milwaukee homeowner fires warning shot, BLM mob flees

by WorldTribune Staff, August 25, 2020 Some in the Black Lives Matter movement have said they would not limit their rioting to big cities, with one even warning “We’re bringing it to your front door!” Amid the ongoing riots in neighboring Kenosha, Wisconsin on Monday night, a BLM mob descended on a Milwaukee neighborhood — […]

Columnist: Hitleresque tyranny spreading in Maryland

Columnist: Hitleresque tyranny spreading in Maryland

by WorldTribune Staff, August 25, 2020 Officials in Maryland are encouraging residents to snitch on one another for breaking coronavirus “prevention guidelines.” And they are allowing the citizens to do so anonymously, a columnist noted. The Maryland Emergency Management Agency, State Police, and Department of Health are touting a “COVID Prevention Line” and email address […]

‘I really don’t care’: Rising GOP star dismisses ‘media garbage’

‘I really don’t care’: Rising GOP star dismisses ‘media garbage’

by WorldTribune Staff, August 25, 2020 Via her anti-socialism, pro-life and pro-Second Amendment stances, Republican congressional candidate Marjorie Greene says she has “made all the right enemies.” In a tweet prior to her GOP primary runoff victory this month, Greene noted: “The Fake News Media hates me. Big Tech censors me. The DC Swamp fears […]

Trump’s quiet war with Mitt Romney’s niece over the soul of the GOP

Trump’s quiet war with Mitt Romney’s niece over the soul of the GOP

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 President Donald Trump wanted the 2020 Republican Party platform to be a “short form” 4-page statement of principles. Ronna Romney McDaniel, who is Mitt Romney’s niece and the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, preferred to go with the 54-page 2016 platform. Prior to the Republican National Convention kicking […]

Editor: Trump’s foreign policy record trumps that of uni-party establishment

Editor: Trump’s foreign policy record trumps that of uni-party establishment

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 Democrats, RINOs and Republican never-Trumpers want their foreign policy back. And they believe they have found the vessel in Joe Biden to sail them back to “a Glorious Restoration,” a columnist noted. Several dozen national security officials from recent Republican administrations took out a full-page ad in the Wall […]

Virginia’s health commissioner: Vaccine will be mandatory for every man, woman and child

Virginia’s health commissioner: Vaccine will be mandatory for every man, woman and child

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 The health commissioner of Virginia told a Richmond news station that he will mandate coronavirus vaccinations for all of the state’s residents. The virus “is killing people now, we don’t have a treatment for it and if we develop a vaccine that can prevent it from spreading in the […]

Brennan accused Barr’s DOJ in 8-hour Durham interview at CIA

Brennan accused Barr’s DOJ in 8-hour Durham interview at CIA

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 Former CIA Director John Brennan was interviewed by U.S. Attorney John Durham for eight hours at CIA headquarters on Aug. 14. Durham asked the former CIA chief about intelligence-related activities before the 2016 election, as well as about an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) about Russian meddling in the election, […]

Kamala Harris, like Adam Schiff, fell for pranksters’ claim to have dirt on Trump

Kamala Harris, like Adam Schiff, fell for pranksters’ claim to have dirt on Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 Being easily manipulated into believing anyone alleging to have dirt on President Donald Trump is a top symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Rep. Adam Schiff is a prime example. In 2017, the rabid anti-Trump Democrat fell hook, line, and sinker for a prank pulled off by Russian comedians […]

Report: Michigan’s Whitmer the ‘one roadblock’ holding up Big Ten football season

Report: Michigan’s Whitmer the ‘one roadblock’ holding up Big Ten football season

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is said to be the primary “roadblock” to the Big Ten college football season starting up, a report said. Though the Big Ten has postponed the season until the spring, Ohio State insider Jeff Snook told The Spun that several Big Ten athletic directors […]