Machines changed voting data (in 2018) says Biden FEC nominee who sued Georgia

Machines changed voting data (in 2018) says Biden FEC nominee who sued Georgia

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2022 In February, a group called Georgia Patriots delivered 40,000 sworn affidavits from voters regarding 2020 election fraud to the office of Gov. Brian Kemp. Likewise, many thousands of affidavits from voters detailing irregularities and fraud in the 2020 election have been taken in several swing states. Democrats and […]

Where’s Joe? Video of Obama’s return seems to confirm he’s serving 3rd term

Where’s Joe? Video of Obama’s return seems to confirm he’s serving 3rd term

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2022 If there were ever any doubts about who has really been running Team Biden, they were put to rest at the White House on April 5. Barack Obama on Tuesday was back for the first time in five years. In his speech, touting the 12th anniversary of Obamacare, […]

Russian space chief hurls a Hunter Biden ‘Molotov Cocktail’ at the U.S. and its geostrategic power

Russian space chief hurls a Hunter Biden ‘Molotov Cocktail’ at the U.S. and its geostrategic power

FPI / April 6, 2022 On April 2 the director general of the Russian space corporation Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, a close ally of Vladimir Putin, continued to play hardball with the United States when he posted on Twitter his latest threat to end cooperation with the United States on the International Space Station (ISS): “I […]

Durham filing: Hillary Clinton and others formed ‘joint venture or conspiracy’ against Trump

Durham filing: Hillary Clinton and others formed ‘joint venture or conspiracy’ against Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, April 5, 2022 Special counsel John Durham has for the first time suggested that Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, her researchers, and others were involved in a “joint venture or conspiracy” to invent the Russia collusion story in an effort to derail both Donald Trump’s election chances and then the start of his […]

Trump declares war on Team Biden’s transgender policies

Trump declares war on Team Biden’s transgender policies

by WorldTribune Staff, April 5, 2022 On March 31, Team Biden trotted out two documents which offer guidance for children allegedly struggling with their gender identity. The documents advocated for “ ‘top’ surgery – to create male-typical chest shape or enhance breasts;” and “ ‘bottom’ surgery – surgery on genitals or reproductive organs, facial feminization […]

Report: Fauci colleague offered to delete evidence that NIH erased Chinese Covid data

Report: Fauci colleague offered to delete evidence that NIH erased Chinese Covid data

by WorldTribune Staff, April 4, 2022 A close colleague of Anthony Fauci reportedly offered to delete a research paper which exposed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for its own deletion of Chinese data which contained information on the origins of Covid-19. Kristian Andersen, who has received millions of dollars worth of research grants from […]

Judge Jackson gave minimum sentence even in child sex case involving torture

Judge Jackson gave minimum sentence even in child sex case involving torture

by WorldTribune Staff, April 3, 2022 Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on several occasions disregarded the recommendations of prosecutors and gave the lightest punishment possible to child sex and kiddie porn offenders, a report said. In eight cases before her, the former D.C. District Court judge and current nominee for the Supreme Court, “heard horrifying details […]

Hunter Biden texted brother’s widow about ‘my client the chief of intelligence’ of China

Hunter Biden texted brother’s widow about ‘my client the chief of intelligence’ of China

by WorldTribune Staff, April 1, 2022 New revelations from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” may show why top U.S. intelligence officials did not want it gaining credence in the weeks before the 2020 presidential election. Hunter Biden had texted his brother’s widow that China arrested CIA informants in “retaliation” for the U.S. arresting of “my […]

Biden’s Feb. 11 Indo-Pacific Strategy nullified by Ukraine invasion; Analyst lays out emergency Taiwan plan

Biden’s Feb. 11 Indo-Pacific Strategy nullified by Ukraine invasion; Analyst lays out emergency Taiwan plan

by WorldTribune Staff, April 1, 2022 On Feb. 11, Team Biden released its Indo-Pacific Strategy. Less than two weeks later it had been overtaken by events, an analyst noted. “Russian dictator Vladimir Putin made this strategy obsolete by demonstrating the failure of American and European deterrence with his invasion of Ukraine,” Rick Fisher, a […]

Report: Biden pulling medical personnel from VA to assist with expected flood of illegals

Report: Biden pulling medical personnel from VA to assist with expected flood of illegals

by WorldTribune Staff, April 1, 2022 Team Biden reportedly has proposed pulling medical personnel from the Veterans Administration (VA) to deal with the deluge of illegal aliens expected to swarm the border as the administration eliminates Title 42, which allows the government to turn away migrants at the southern border. Title 42 is a little-known […]

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