Texas governor deploys National Guard; Will not be ‘accomplice’ to ‘open border policies’

Texas governor deploys National Guard; Will not be ‘accomplice’ to ‘open border policies’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2021 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he has deployed the National Guard in response to the crisis at the southern border which he said gets worse by the day due to Joe Biden’s “open border policies.” Abbott on Saturday said he launched Operation Lone Star “to combat the smuggling of […]

Report: Bill Gates tied to Chinese firm ‘mining’ Americans’ DNA data through covid tests

Report: Bill Gates tied to Chinese firm ‘mining’ Americans’ DNA data through covid tests

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2021 [Note: Google’s algorithms are objecting to some WorldTribune articles, including this one, for unexplained reasons. Specific comments from credible human sources about the following content should be directed to the editors’ attention. WorldTribune upholds the First Amendment Freedom of the Press for diverse and responsibly edited presentations of news, […]

Cheney challenged: State lawmaker to represent Wyoming, not ‘D.C. elitists’

Cheney challenged: State lawmaker to represent Wyoming, not ‘D.C. elitists’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2021 Wyoming state Rep. Chuck Gray announced he will challenge Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney in the 2022 GOP primary. Cheney, the No. 3 Republican in the House, chose Swamp values over Wyoming values on Jan. 13 when she was one of ten Republicans who voted to impeach former President […]

Military eyes using social media to keep troops in line: ‘Extreme’ patriotism a no no?

Military eyes using social media to keep troops in line: ‘Extreme’ patriotism a no no?

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 5, 2021 Fighting the “enemy within” is apparently a top priority for the team running the Joe Biden White House and the military brass under their command. During his Senate confirmation hearings, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin pledged to “rid our ranks of racists and extremists.” “The job of the Department […]

Democrats’ voting bill unconstitutional, 20 state attorneys general say

Democrats’ voting bill unconstitutional, 20 state attorneys general say

by WorldTribune Staff, March 5, 2021 The so-called “For the People Act” passed by House Democrats on Wednesday is unconstitutional, the attorneys general for 20 states said in a letter to House and Senate leaders. The 20 attorneys general, led by Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, said in the letter that the legislation, H.R. 1, […]

YouTube scrubs all versions of Trump’s CPAC speech, suspends RSBN for broadcasting it

YouTube scrubs all versions of Trump’s CPAC speech, suspends RSBN for broadcasting it

by WorldTribune Staff, March 5, 2021 Former President Donald Trump’s speech to CPAC 2021 has reportedly been blacklisted by YouTube. The Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) first noted the deletion of their CPAC Trump video on Thursday in a tweet from their official account. The RSBN video on YouTube had nearly 4 million views. “RSBN […]

Report: Former Clinton fixer talking with prosecutors in Epstein sex trafficking investigation

Report: Former Clinton fixer talking with prosecutors in Epstein sex trafficking investigation

by WorldTribune Staff, March 5, 2021 Doug Band, notoriously known as Bill Clinton’s “bagman,” has provided the Department of Justice with evidence in the sex trafficking investigation involving Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein that could implicate the former president, a report said. Band spoke with criminal investigators from the Southern District of New York in […]

Report: Team Cuomo suppressed data, changed report on nursing home deaths

Report: Team Cuomo suppressed data, changed report on nursing home deaths

by WorldTribune Staff, March 5, 2021 Top advisers to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo were successful in coercing state health officials into altering a report on Covid-19 nursing home deaths, resulting in a significant undercount of the death toll, a report said. In the July report, New York health officials, at the Cuomo team’s behest, […]

Gannett cancels cartoon duck: Mallard Fillmore plucked

Gannett cancels cartoon duck: Mallard Fillmore plucked

by WorldTribune Staff, March 5, 2021 There are many third rails that the Left says conservatives can’t touch lest the cancel culture mob come after them. Transgenderism and Joe Biden are two of them. When you touch both of them at the same time, as was the case with cartoon duck “Mallard Fillmore”, you’re roasted. […]

House passes HR-1: Bill enshrines new voting strategy that brought Democrats to power

House passes HR-1: Bill enshrines new voting strategy that brought Democrats to power

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2021 House Democrats on Wednesday passed H.R. 1, their election reform legislation which they call the “For the People Act”. The legislation passed in a mostly party-line vote of 220-210. Only Democrats voted in favor. All Republicans and Mississippi Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson were opposed. The bill would void […]