Gannett cancels cartoon duck: Mallard Fillmore plucked

Gannett cancels cartoon duck: Mallard Fillmore plucked

by WorldTribune Staff, March 5, 2021 There are many third rails that the Left says conservatives can’t touch lest the cancel culture mob come after them. Transgenderism and Joe Biden are two of them. When you touch both of them at the same time, as was the case with cartoon duck “Mallard Fillmore”, you’re roasted. […]

House passes HR-1: Bill enshrines new voting strategy that brought Democrats to power

House passes HR-1: Bill enshrines new voting strategy that brought Democrats to power

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2021 House Democrats on Wednesday passed H.R. 1, their election reform legislation which they call the “For the People Act”. The legislation passed in a mostly party-line vote of 220-210. Only Democrats voted in favor. All Republicans and Mississippi Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson were opposed. The bill would void […]

Unreported: 2020 election fraud update

Unreported: 2020 election fraud update

by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2021 [Only WorldTribune, Epoch Times, Gateway Pundit, and One America News, continue to report on the evidence of strategic election and voting data fraud.] On Feb. 28, the Daily Caller ran a headline that sounded like it had come from CNN: Trump Repeats False Claims That 2020 Election Was ‘Rigged’ […]

How to rein in Big Tech and why we can’t afford not to

How to rein in Big Tech and why we can’t afford not to

by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2021 “Big Tech has become the most powerful election-influencing machine in American history. It is not an exaggeration to say that if the technologies of Silicon Valley are allowed to develop to their fullest extent, without any oversight or checks and balances, then we will never have another free and […]

No firearms recovered during Jan. 6 Capitol breach, FBI says

No firearms recovered during Jan. 6 Capitol breach, FBI says

by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2021 The Department of Justice, not known for moving quickly on politically-charged transgressions, has charged more than 300 people with taking part in breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. An FBI official testified before the Senate on Wednesday that no firearms were recovered from any of those arrested […]

Leftists in media who fawned over Cuomo now change their tune

Leftists in media who fawned over Cuomo now change their tune

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2021 Throughout the covid pandemic, whenever leftist media personalities heard the name Andrew Cuomo they in effect Υbroke into the Rick Astley dance and proclaimed “Never Gonna Give You Up”. The fawning was embarrassing, as CNN’s Chris Cillizza proved by embracing Cuomo as the “single most popular politician in […]

Pelosi’s Silicon Valley subway tunnel removed from covid relief bill

Pelosi’s Silicon Valley subway tunnel removed from covid relief bill

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, March 4, 2021 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s move to add $140 million for a Silicon Valley subway tunnel to the coronavirus relief package was rejected by the Senate parliamentarian on Wednesday. “Parliamentarian rules against Pelosi tunnel earmark,” tweeted Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley, who called it a “small victory.” Grassley said […]

‘Eyes of Texas’ are on UT as governor ends mask mandates, opens state ‘100 percent’

‘Eyes of Texas’ are on UT as governor ends mask mandates, opens state ‘100 percent’

by WorldTribune Staff, March 3, 2021 “The Eyes of Texas are upon you”. And now, so are a lot of the mouths and noses of Texas after Republican Gov. Greg Abbott ended the state’s mask mandate. “Too many Texans have been sidelined from employment opportunities; too many small-business owners have struggled to pay their bills. […]

Ocasio-Cortez fact-checked after slamming NYPD’s ‘racist’ robot dog

Ocasio-Cortez fact-checked after slamming NYPD’s ‘racist’ robot dog

by WorldTribune Staff, March 3, 2021 The New York Police Department (NYPD) has deployed a crime-fighting robotic dog. “Digidog” weighs approximately 70 pounds, is equipped with lights, two-way communication and video cameras, the NYPD said. “The robot is fitted with cameras to search an area and send back real-time footage and is powered by artificial […]