Special to WorldTribune, December 20, 2021
Analysis by Joe Schaeffer, 247 Real News
Yes, it’s an agenda and, yes, people in power are implementing it, unchecked.
Two highly disturbing recent events highlight the demonic attempt by progressives in positions of authority to diminish parental oversight and control and warp children’s minds with leftist cultural poison.

News item: Illinois Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs bill allowing teen girls to get abortions without parental notification.
The official Dec. 17 press release from the governor’s office is shockingly frank. ‘Bodily autonomy’ for kids is openly touted:
“After years of work, the Youth Health and Safety Act successfully repeals the last anti-abortion law on the books in Illinois,” said Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch (D-Hillside). “With the Governor’s signature, we are ensuring that everyone, regardless of age, has bodily autonomy and can choose who they involve in their most private and personal health decisions. I want to congratulate Reps. Anna Moeller and Kelly Cassidy for their tenacious advocacy, working alongside organizations like Planned Parenthood, ACLU and many more to ensure Illinois sends the very clear message that we will always protect the right to safe reproductive health care.”
“Access to sexual and reproductive health care starting at a young age is crucial,” said State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake). “By providing resources and education, we are giving young girls vital information to allow for free expression and bodily autonomy. The signing of House Bill 370 signals to young women that we are prioritizing them today and for generations to come.”
News item: California parents furious that teachers are steering students into homosexual club while keeping them in the dark.
The Epoch Times reported Dec. 17:
A mixed crowd of more than 150 people packed a school board meeting in Salinas, Calif., on Dec. 15 as frustrated parents clashed with supporters of two teachers accused of subverting parents and recruiting middle school students into a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club.
Jessica Konen, one of about 30 people who spoke during an extended public comment period, told the board that school staff indoctrinated her child and usurped her parental authority.
Konen blasted the board and accused teachers and staff of coaching her gender dysphoric daughter through the Equality Club, an LGBTQ+ support group now called the You Be You (UBU) Club at Buena Vista Middle School.
“I stand here today in front of all of you because I am outraged. Is this really barely coming to light? Are you guys serious?” she said. “How could you even allow this? How could you even have this meeting to question it? How dare you let these teachers come in and act as if they have done nothing wrong? A mistake? How long of a mistake?”
“They didn’t tell me that my child was suicidal,” she said. “You allow these teachers to open their classrooms, teaching predatorial information to a young child, a mindful child that doesn’t even know how to comprehend it all. How do you not know what’s going on your own campuses? Did you think that no parent would ever come forward? You will not quiet me today. I will stand here today and protect my child along with every other child who has not come forward yet.”
“Do they have psychiatry degrees that I was unaware of, because I didn’t hire them? I did not hire them to sit there and nitpick my child’s brain. You took away my ability to parent my child,” Konen added.
WorldTribune has documented this malevolent development numerous times: The new ruling order is coming after your children.
The push is being made on all imaginable fronts. In June it was the coronavirus vaccine:
A Pennsylvania state senator is now sponsoring a bill to allow kids ages 14 and older to get vaccines if their doctors recommend it, even if their parents don’t.
Indeed, state Sen. Amanda Cappelletti had vowed to do as much in a May 4 statement (bold added throughout this article):
“I will be introducing legislation to allow people age 14 or over to consent to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended immunizations as long as that consent is voluntary. “Parents or guardians will not be able to override a minor’s consent for vaccination if the minor is age 14 or over.”
In October, it was education. Biden Education Secretary Miguel Cardona came out and said it: Parents are not the primary stakeholders in their children’s education.
“I believe parents are important stakeholders,” Cardona began. [Indiana Republican Sen. Mike] Braun noted that he had asked if the parents are the “primary” stakeholders. Cardona continued: “But I also believe educators have a role in determining educational programming.”
“I think that’s going to be a little out of focus,” Braun said. “I think you’re going to find, across all elements of education, since they pay the bills, raise the kids, they probably need to be the primary spokespeople for their own kids.”
In May, WorldTribune documented how numerous high-profile 2020 Democrat presidential candidates have lined up behind this sick sexual agenda for children:
The candor displayed in the May 18 official statement from New Jersey Democrat Sen. Cory Booker is remarkable. The failed 2020 Democratic presidential candidate is not attempting to hide exactly what he is using his senatorial position to advance:
[The Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act] would offer the first federal grants for comprehensive sex education programs in the United States and end investments in harmful Title V abstinence-only programs. These grants would fund programs at high schools, colleges, and organizations to support the sexual health and agency of students and young people. This legislation would also require program grantees to promote gender equity and offer instruction that is inclusive of young people with varying gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations.
This is a party line being promoted by a party owned from root to stem by dark forces:
Booker’s statement features quotes from a few other of these radical child-warping organizations. Among them is Advocates For Youth. According to its website, this organization is wielding significant influence with those responsible for the health and education of America’s youngsters:
Advocates for Youth is the only organization that works both in the United States and in developing countries with a sole focus on adolescent reproductive and sexual health. In the previous fiscal year, Advocates worked with over 28,000 health care providers, educators, and other youth-serving professionals, directly and indirectly strengthening the ability of more than nine and a half million youth to make informed, responsible decisions about their sexual health.
Sexualizing children is at the heart of this evil:
Another program targets children as young as 10:
AMAZE… is a partnership between Advocates, Answer and Youth Tech Health and harnesses the power of animation and social media to provide young people, ages 10-14, their parents and educators with an age-appropriate, sex education playlist. These short, engaging, and often funny videos cover topics including puberty, relationships, consent, sexual orientation, gender identity, body image and much more.
Advocates For Youth has been pursuing its vile agenda since 1980. Its funders include progressive globalist billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Institute.
One last quote from Pritzker’s official statement:
“Thank you Governor Pritzker for signing the Youth Health and Safety Act into law,” said Jennifer Welch, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Illinois Action. “Together, we’re ensuring that young people can involve whomever they trust in their health care decisions, protecting them from harmful domestic situations and unnecessary judicial interactions. At a time when reproductive rights are hanging by a thread across the country, today’s bill signing means that in Illinois, regardless of age, people now have the full legal autonomy to make reproductive health care decisions that are best for their bodies.”
The term “Planned Parenthood” takes on an entirely new hue here. Parents are to be circumvented, and statist technocrats will be designated to “guide” children towards appropriate expressions of sexual “autonomy.”
And the ruling progressive War on Natural Law goes on.
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