AOC dismisses Green New Deal critics: ‘Like, I’m the boss’

AOC dismisses Green New Deal critics: ‘Like, I’m the boss’

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2019 Brushing off critics of her New Green Deal, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that, until naysayers come up with a better plan, “I’m the boss.” During a “Girls Who Code” event in the Queens borough of New York City, the Democrat who embraces socialism said: “Like I just introduced the […]

Former NSC official: Some intel officials undermining U.S. summit strategy

Former NSC official: Some intel officials undermining U.S. summit strategy

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2019 President Donald Trump is driving negotiations with North Korean’s leader Kim Jong-Un “in a positive direction” despite some in the U.S. intelligence community who have tried to “rain on the president’s parade,” a former National Security Council (NSC) official said. The remarkable assertion by a longtime aide to U.S. […]

Columnist: ‘Tolerant’ Left inciting hatred against those wearing MAGA hats

Columnist: ‘Tolerant’ Left inciting hatred against those wearing MAGA hats

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2019 “If I see a #MAGA hat, I’ll treat it like a Klan hood,” someone with the Twitter handle “liberalVeteran” posted last month. The “tolerant” Left has painted a bullseye on supporters of President Donald Trump, a columnist noted. Leftists and their allies in the media “continuously fan the flames […]

A North Korean defector’s advice for Trump’s Korea ‘Doctrine’

A North Korean defector’s advice for Trump’s Korea ‘Doctrine’

Special to By Donald Kirk Thae Yong-Ho, the former North Korean deputy chief of mission at their embassy in London, has come up with the term “doctrine” to describe Trump’s policy toward North Korea. He even compares the nascent “Trump doctrine” with the “Nixon doctrine.” That’s bad news. I was following President Richard Nixon […]

U.S. contingent to remain in Syria after delayed withdrawal

U.S. contingent to remain in Syria after delayed withdrawal

by WorldTribune Staff, February 22, 2019 The U.S. will maintain a “small peacekeeping group” of 200 troops in Syria following the withdrawal of most its forces from the country, the White House said on Feb. 21. U.S.-backed forces on Feb. 22 began to evacuate civilians from Baghouz, the last enclave of the Islamic State (ISIS) […]

Russian ‘dossier’? What dossier? On book tour, McCabe not asked, doesn’t tell

Russian ‘dossier’? What dossier? On book tour, McCabe not asked, doesn’t tell

by WorldTribune Staff, February 22, 2019 As he makes the rounds to promote his book “The Threat”, disgraced ex-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe has presented his dark vision of the Trump presidency with no sniper fire. McCabe has been allowed to give his assessment of the Russia investigation without ever having to comment on why, […]

‘Alarming’: Defeated ISIS jihadists streaming back to Europe

‘Alarming’: Defeated ISIS jihadists streaming back to Europe

by WorldTribune Staff, February 22, 2019 The threat of terrorism is increasing across Europe as hundreds of jihadists return from Mideast battlefields following the destruction of the Islamic State (ISIS) caliphate, Hungary’s foreign minister warned. “This must be stopped,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said. Szijjarto cited the “alarming” arrest of former ISIS members in Bosnia-Herzegovina […]

U.S. ambassador to Lebanon notes Hizbullah’s clout in new cabinet

U.S. ambassador to Lebanon notes Hizbullah’s clout in new cabinet

by WorldTribune Staff, February 22, 2019 U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Elizabeth Richard has voiced concern over Hizbullah’s increasing power in Lebanese parliament and in the new cabinet of Prime Minister Saad Hariri. In a meeting with Hariri on Feb. 19, the U.S. ambassador said she was “very frank with the prime minister about U.S. concern […]

Bookies say Trump is huge favorite to win in 2020

Bookies say Trump is huge favorite to win in 2020

by WorldTribune Staff, February 22, 2019 Bookies say that President Donald Trump is the heavy favorite to win the 2020 presidential election. Trump is a 3-2 favorite, according to Dave Mason of His closest rival is Sen. Kamala Harris at 8-1. The entry of Sen. Bernie Sanders this week has not changed the odds, […]

Conflicting reports in Seoul about Bolton’s pre-summit visit; Trump firm on sanctions

Conflicting reports in Seoul about Bolton’s pre-summit visit; Trump firm on sanctions

by Staff, February 21, 2019 U.S. national security adviser John Bolton has reportedly headed to Seoul ahead of next week’s summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Citing two Trump administration officials, CNN reported on Feb. 21 that Bolton will travel to South Korea this week for “a round of […]