Kim arrives from media-proof Pyongyang on a bullet-proof train

Kim arrives from media-proof Pyongyang on a bullet-proof train

by WorldTribune Staff, February 26, 2019 After a 65-hour trek across China on his green, bulletproof train, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un arrived at Dong Dang Railway Station at the Vietnam-China border at around 8:10 a.m. on Feb. 26. Accustomed to complete control of public information back home where the state media dominate, there was […]

Green miracle: Report suggests CO2 could be answer to world hunger

Green miracle: Report suggests CO2 could be answer to world hunger

by WorldTribune Staff, February 26, 2019 A new report counters the Green New Deal’s claim that the U.S. must move quickly to make all of its energy carbon-free or face environmental catastrophe. A report by the CO2 Coalition of scientists said that civilization should take advantage of increased CO2 levels by growing plants and food […]

Columnist: Bernie Sanders could never pass an FBI background check

Columnist: Bernie Sanders could never pass an FBI background check

by WorldTribune Staff, February 25, 2019 Since Sen. Bernie Sanders has emerged as a legitimate contender for the 2020 Democratic Party presidential nomination, the corporate media has taken to referring to the 77-year-old as a “progressive” or “pragmatist,” rather than “socialist,” a columnist noted. Sanders is not even a socialist – he’s a die-hard communist, […]

Anti-Kim group that rescued son of half-brother he assassinated, promises ‘announcement’

Anti-Kim group that rescued son of half-brother he assassinated, promises ‘announcement’

by WorldTribune Staff, February 26, 2019 A clandestine group which says its mission is to assist North Korean defectors said it would issue an “important” announcement this week, a report said. Cheollima Civil Defense, which is believed to have rescued the son of the late Kim Jong-Nam from North Korea’s assassination squads, is set to […]

A new crisis erupts in Kashmir between nuclear powers India and China-backed Pakistan

A new crisis erupts in Kashmir between nuclear powers India and China-backed Pakistan

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — A deadly terrorist bombing in the disputed Indian province of Kashmir has reignited tensions between both India and Pakistan. In the broader sense, the suicide bomb attack by the Islamic militant Jaish-e-Mohammed which killed 44 Indian para-military police, has brought the nuclear-armed neighbors to a […]

Courage: Protests erupt in Cuba as freedom fight surges in Venezuela

Courage: Protests erupt in Cuba as freedom fight surges in Venezuela

by WorldTribune Staff, February 25, 2019 President Donald Trump, in a Feb. 18 speech in Miami, said that “The days of socialism and communism are numbered, not only in Venezuela, but in Nicaragua and Cuba as well.” “And right on cue, the dominos started tottering,” Monica Showalter wrote for American Thinker on Feb. 24. Cuban […]

Socialism now: AOC slams Feinstein, questions advisability of having children

Socialism now: AOC slams Feinstein, questions advisability of having children

by WorldTribune Staff, February 25, 2019 The young socialist has some urgent advice for an old progressive – and, while she’s at it – for the entirety of human civilization as well. In a Feb. 24 Instagram video, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29-year-old New York Democrat, took a swipe at Sen. Dianne Feinstein, 85-year-old California Democrat, […]

‘Sinkhole’ Connecticut? Democrat governor wants tolls for all vehicles and no spending cuts

‘Sinkhole’ Connecticut? Democrat governor wants tolls for all vehicles and no spending cuts

by WorldTribune Staff, February 24, 2019 In his budget proposal announced last week, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont called for tolls for all cars and trucks on the state’s highways, expanded sales taxes on dozens of new items, and a $15 minimum wage. None of the newly-installed Democratic governor’s proposals involved cutting spending. According to Truth […]

Planned Parenthood’s claim to boosting women’s health challenged

Planned Parenthood’s claim to boosting women’s health challenged

by WorldTribune Staff, February 25, 2019 Dr. Leana Wen, president of Planned Parenthood, has said that the abortion provider has “done more for women’s health than any other [organization] for the last 100 years.” John Block, digital communications manager at Americans United for Life, notes that Wen’s claim is “baseless,” and further states that it […]

China rebuffs Germany on joining nuclear arms control agreement

China rebuffs Germany on joining nuclear arms control agreement

Special to By Geostrategy-Direct China made official its longstanding rejection of treaties that would control its nuclear weapons on Feb. 16 at the 55th Munich Security Conference. The most senior Chinese Communist Party leader to attend this annual conference, Politburo Member Yang Jiechi, rejected German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s request that China join the 1987 […]