Legal foundation charges voter fraud likely already has occurred in 2020

Legal foundation charges voter fraud likely already has occurred in 2020

by WorldTribune Staff, September 9, 2020 Analysts estimate that 80 million Americans will vote by mail in the 2020 general election. The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) “has investigated instances in which fraud already may have occurred,” Rowan Scarborough noted in a Sept. 6 report for The Washington Times. According to numbers provided by PILF, […]

Bill appears thrilled as Hillary goes on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ video rant

Bill appears thrilled as Hillary goes on ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ video rant

by WorldTribune Staff, September 9, 2020 In a new video, Hillary Clinton dusts off the old excuse of blaming President Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 on Russia. But, Blaze TV’s Pat Gray Unleashed program noted that the highlight of the video is Bill Clinton’s expression as he sat behind his wife and listened to her […]

Chilling election scenarios: Left said focused on post-vote coup

Chilling election scenarios: Left said focused on post-vote coup

by WorldTribune Staff, September 8, 2020 The 2020 presidential election will be marked by an inundation of mail-in ballots, individuals casting multiple in-person ballots, and the chaos of conducting an election amid media-generated coronavirus fear. But Democrats plan to go much further to defeat President Donald Trump, analysts say. “Over the next sixty days we […]

Book: Mega tech’s ‘hate speech algorithms’ aim to ‘steal’ election, suppress popular posts

Book: Mega tech’s ‘hate speech algorithms’ aim to ‘steal’ election, suppress popular posts

by WorldTribune Staff, September 8, 2020 A new book exposes the plan by major tech companies to undermine the Trump movement and “steal” the 2020 election. Allum Bokhari, Breitbart News technology reporter and author of “#DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase The Trump Movement and Steal The Election“, said the book will “shake the foundations […]

‘That’s rich’: Meet wealthy white BLM store smasher

‘That’s rich’: Meet wealthy white BLM store smasher

by WorldTribune Staff, September 8, 2020 Here is one of the bright young faces of the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement. Clara Kraebber, age 20, lives a life of privilege with her wealthy parents in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Her mother is an architect and her father a child psychiatrist. They have a second home […]

National outrage growing over California’s sex offender law

National outrage growing over California’s sex offender law

by WorldTribune Staff, September 7, 2020 Outrage is growing over legislation passed by California’s State Assembly which would eliminate automatic sex-offender registration for adults who have voluntary oral or anal sex with 14- to-17-year-olds when the offender is within 10 years of the age of the teenager involved. SB 145 passed both chambers of the […]

‘Journalism was abandoned’: Trump campaign slams The Atlantic and its anonymous sources

‘Journalism was abandoned’: Trump campaign slams The Atlantic and its anonymous sources

by WorldTribune Staff, September 7, 2020 The Atlantic abandoned “journalistic integrity” in running with a report in which anonymous sources claimed President Donald Trump had disparaged American soldiers while on a trip abroad, Trump 2020 campaign Press Communications Director Erin Perrine said. It’s “really clear that The Atlantic sources are lying,” Perrine said in an […]

Reports: Rochester mayor enlisted church elders as human shields to stand between police and rioters

Reports: Rochester mayor enlisted church elders as human shields to stand between police and rioters

by WorldTribune Staff, September 7, 2020 The mayor of Rochester, New York had church elders act as a “buffer” between the city’s police and rioters on Sunday night, reports say. Mayor Lovely Warren said she and local pastor Myra Brown came up with a plan to have about 50 “elders” form a line of “peaceful […]

Wisconsin priest: ‘You cannot be a Catholic and a Democrat. Period.’

Wisconsin priest: ‘You cannot be a Catholic and a Democrat. Period.’

by WorldTribune Staff, September 6, 2020 In a viral video, a Catholic priest in Wisconsin warns faithful who may support Democrats: “Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell.” In the video, Fr. James Altman, a priest of the diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, says: “Here’s a […]

Anti-police ‘protesters’ lock selves out of car … guess who helped them

Anti-police ‘protesters’ lock selves out of car … guess who helped them

by WorldTribune Staff, September 6, 2020 After spending the afternoon on Thursday demonstrating against what they claim are the injustices perpetrated by police in Hoover, Alabama, some “protesters” discovered they had locked their keys in their car. Guess who came to their assistance? The very police officers they had just been screaming at and accusing […]