Personal information of conservative applicants for wide range of top jobs exposed online for months

Personal information of conservative applicants for wide range of top jobs exposed online for months

by WorldTribune Staff, May 15, 2024 Contract With Our Readers The sensitive personal information of hundreds of conservative job seekers was left unprotected for months on the “jobs bank” of the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI), a report said. The job seekers included members of the U.S. intelligence community, congressional aides, former Trump administration officials, and […]

Who is Peter Navarro and why did DOJ target him but not Mike Pence and Mark Meadows?

Who is Peter Navarro and why did DOJ target him but not Mike Pence and Mark Meadows?

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, June 5, 2022 SWAMP WATCH The Department of Justice and the partisan Jan. 6 Committee are coming down hard on Peter Navarro. The question is, why is the relatively low-profile trade adviser in the Trump White House being targeted in such public-enemy-number-one style? The answer, observers say, is that Navarro remained […]

‘Contempt of Congress’? DOJ indicts Bannon, but what about Rosenstein and the FBI’s 7th floor?

‘Contempt of Congress’? DOJ indicts Bannon, but what about Rosenstein and the FBI’s 7th floor?

by WorldTribune Staff, November 16, 2021 Former Trump White House chief advisor Steve Bannon turned himself in on Monday at the Washington, D.C. FBI Field House following his indictment by the Biden regime on Friday. Bannon was charged with two counts of contempt of Congress for failure to comply with a subpoena from the partisan […]

Democrat joy as Facebook upholds indefinite ban on popular former president

Democrat joy as Facebook upholds indefinite ban on popular former president

by WorldTribune Staff, May 5, 2021 Big Tech censorship was allowed to “destroy and decimate our Electoral Process,” former President Donald Trump charged on Wednesday as Republicans threatened to break up Facebook after the behemoth’s Oversight Board upheld an indefinite ban on the popular former president. “What Facebook, Twitter, and Google have done is a […]

Meadows: Congress spurned Trump’s offers to deploy 10,000 National Guard to D.C. ahead of Jan. 6

Meadows: Congress spurned Trump’s offers to deploy 10,000 National Guard to D.C. ahead of Jan. 6

by WorldTribune Staff, February 10, 2021 A comment by former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows triggered cognitive dissonance about the Democrats’ narrative that President Donald Trump incited an “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Meadows said in an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” that Trump had offered to deploy […]

Intel war: Trump worked at Walter Reed to declassify Spygate documents

Intel war: Trump worked at Walter Reed to declassify Spygate documents

by WorldTribune Staff, October 6, 2020 President Donald Trump  was not wasting time or energy during his stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center while recovering from coronavirus. Among other initiatives, he worked on declassifying documents related to the Russia investigation that the CIA may not want released. “This morning we’ve already had a […]

Two people of humble origins and the Biltmore Forest Country Club

Two people of humble origins and the Biltmore Forest Country Club

Special to, June 1, 2018 Commentary by John McNabb Author’s note: The following is my opinion based on personal experience and comments from others. ASHEVILLE, NC — I had breakfast with Sheila Fender in Biltmore Village this morning. After 45 years of loyal service and enduring love for Biltmore Forest Country Club she was summarily […]

Meadows stood up to ‘master negotiator’ Trump, but sees compromise by Easter

Meadows stood up to ‘master negotiator’ Trump, but sees compromise by Easter

Special to By Pete Zamplas, Asheville Tribune Freedom Caucus Chairman U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows sees the health care stalemate unlocked by Easter, easing off from a demand for a full Obamacare repeal that made national waves after he stood toe to toe with President Donald Trump. But the congressman still firmly seeks to undo […]