Special to WorldTribune, March 25, 2024
[Third in a series of excerpts from ‘Report on the Biden Laptop‘ by the Marco Polo Research Group, founded by former Trump White House official Garrett Ziegler.*]Background, Continued
According to their former and current colleagues who have come forward as whistleblowers to U.S. senators, FBI HQ Supervisory Intelligence Analyst (SIA) Brian Auten and Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) of the Washington Field Office (WFO) Tim Thibault were the so-called “tip of the FBI spear” in D.C. handling the Biden Laptop slow-walk operation.
Auten evidently opened a so-called “assessment” in August 2020 — just three months before the presidential election — which threw cold water on the Bureau’s already-beleaguered investigation, which was being managed by the BAFO [Baltimore Field Office, see Part 2]. Auten’s “assessment” was then utilized by ASAC Thibault — who re-posted numerous vile and derogatory messages about his then-boss, President Trump — as a justification for ordering investigative activity to cease.

SIA Auten also played a central role in the Russian collusion hoax and bogus Steele dossier. In other words, a single analyst has stood in the middle of two of the most consequential FBI scandals of the 21st century.
During the same month that SIA Auten cooked up his baseless “assessment,” two other operatives from the FBI HQ — Nikki Floris and Brad Benavides — were busy spreading falsehoods to the aforementioned U.S. senators who were approached by the whistleblowers. Specifically, Floris (who met multiple times with Joe’s top lawyer in the West Wing) and Benavides (who “retired” following the exposure of his role in the FBI conspiracy and took an executive position with Amazon) briefed a U.S. Senate committee on 08/06/2020 about how legitimate inquiries into the Bidens’ foreign business deals were enabling a “Russian disinformation campaign.” Naturally, the briefing’s details were leaked to the Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Benavides’s new employer.
Three weeks before the 2020 [s]election, the New York Post published a story proving that not only were the Bidens’ foreign business deals unrelated to a “Russian disinformation campaign,” but also that the FBI had been in possession of the Biden Laptop since December 2019. When the same U.S. senators who were approached by the aforementioned whistleblowers wrote a letter to the Director of the FBI inquiring about this blatant gaslighting, FBI official Jill Tyson responded on behalf of the Bureau and said it had “nothing to add” and could not “provide any additional information[.]” At the same time Tyson penned the response letter, she was engaging in an “inappropriate” “romantic relationship with a subordinate” which “disrupt[ed] the workplace[.]” Tyson still works at the FBI.
Three days after Tyson penned the FBI’s bogus response letter, the aforementioned Bobulinski spent more than five hours in a room at the FBI WFO detailing precisely what went down with the Bidens’ business activities with CCP-linked operatives. Coincidentally (or not), Joe’s brother (Jimmy) actually called Bobulinski via WhatsApp during the FBI interview. ASAC Thibault was not in D.C. that day, but four of his colleagues — SAC of the Criminal and Cyber Division Jim Dawson, Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Giulio Arseni, Bill Novak, and Garrett Churchill — met with Bobulinski. Novak and Churchill even videotaped Bobulinski’s interview and impounded his devices.
Following the interview, ASAC Thibault repeatedly assured Bobulinski’s attorneys that the FBI agents Tony met with would follow up with him regarding the evidence he provided — the agents never did.
In essence, there was a multi-vector suppression campaign at the FBI — the Bureau did not follow the facts and enforce U.S. law. In addition to the FBI HQ and FBI WFO, the aforementioned Wilmington Resident Agency under the direction of the BAFO evidently told staff that they “will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop” because the FBI was “not going to change the outcome of the election again.”
Furthermore, the DOJ OIG watchdog — led by Michael Horowitz and his top lawyer, Adam Miles — has also done nothing in terms of accountability for the repeated and verifiable FBI policy violations.
In other words, a single analyst has stood in the middle of two of the most consequential FBI scandals of the 21st century. |
To add more injury to the insult of gaslighting, the DOJ HQ under the leadership of Bill Barr — and specifically the U.S. attorney for Delaware, David Weiss — slow-walked the investigation into the Biden family’s crimes. The reasons for slow-walking the investigation put forth by the DOJ HQ were about “avoiding election politics,” yet the DOJ HQ’s delay was itself a political decision, as it withheld key information from voters. Said differently: If not for the Biden surname, members of the family would have been treated much differently. Justice delayed was justice denied; Barr and Weiss delayed justice. President Trump responded to these revelations by lamenting the fact that the “Justice” Department denied to the American people the very thing it was charged to deliver by delaying subpoenas and otherwise hindering the normal course of law enforcement. As was the case in many previous instances, Hunter’s surname got him out of a serious pinch — at least for now.
Having received cover from the DOJ until after the 2020 [s]election certification vote on 12/08/2020, Hunter released a statement filled with doublespeak. To ensure that the federal investigation went nowhere uncomfortable for the Bidens, Joe appointed the colleague of Hunter’s attorney to be the chief deputy of the DOJ’s criminal division on his first full day in office. Tellingly, Nick McQuaid refused to confirm whether he recused himself from the federal investigation into the Bidens. To map out how the illegal influence operation worked: Chris Clark (Hunter’s attorney) and Nick McQuaid both worked at Latham & Watkins. Clark and McQuaid argued cases together, so spin doctors in the media cannot claim that Latham & Watkins is just a huge international law firm and the pair barely interacted. In one of his very first decisions as pResident, Joe appointed McQuaid to help oversee the division investigating Joe’s family; The criminal division at DOJ HQ oversees the U.S. Attorney’s office in Delaware. In short, McQuaid likely violated 28 CFR § 45.2 by not recusing himself from the investigation; indeed, McQuaid’s boss at the DOJ HQ (Ken Polite) did not publish an opinion stating that McQuaid’s participation in the case “would not create an appearance of a conflict of interest likely to affect the public perception of the integrity of the investigation or prosecution.”
…. It is important for Marco Polo to make clear — especially to law enforcement agencies — that this Report was prepared with an extremely attentive eye towards 18 USC § 119, having seen the lengths the FBI and other entities in the apparatus have gone to harass citizens who expose corruption. Said differently, we redacted whatever was legally required to be redacted in this Report and absolutely nothing more.
Marco Polo does not break the law — we expose those who do.
Additionally, 18 USC § 4 requires that any person who has “knowledge of the actual commission of a felony” must report it “as soon as possible” to “some judge or other person in civil or military authority.” In plain-speak, this statute required us to expose the felonies and other crimes contained on the Biden Laptop and send the Report to law enforcement agencies across the nation at the federal and state levels. Furthermore, Marco Polo unequivocally disclaims any intention to cause any threat, intimidating action, or incitement of harm to any person covered by 18 USC § 119 and we do not condone, encourage, intend, or have any knowledge that any other person will or may use the information in this Report for any unlawful purpose. As we will demonstrate, Marco Polo’s motive is to see justice delivered — to all criminals — by those whose responsibility it is to carry out that duty.
AP will not publish this series. You can with FPI.
* The significant and voluminous footnotes for ‘Report on the Biden Laptop‘ are available online and with the purchased edition.
Part 1: The DOJ ‘has utterly failed at its mission’ as documented by the Biden laptop
Part 2: What the FBI did with the Biden laptop and other U.S. officials’ electronic devices
Part 3: ‘Tip of the FBI spear’ managed the early ‘assessment’ of the Biden laptop