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Corporate WATCH
Americans may have been spared having her as president, but Hillary Clinton still remains a powerful force for progressive globalism behind the scenes.
We are going to examine here three global feminist organizations founded by Hillary and track how their tentacles extend to major brand corporations and even a leading Republican establishment organization. Once again, powerful elites who supposedly represent a wide array of business and political perspectives are remarkably walking in rigid lockstep to promote new world order values.
Vital Voices Global Partnership touts itself as a “leader in the women’s empowerment space for 20 years.” The first name listed under the “Honorary Chairs Emeriti” category on its leadership page is Hillary Clinton. This should be no surprise considering her intimate associate Huma Abedin is the first name listed for the organization’s Board of Directors. In fact the group was directly founded under the auspices of first lady Hillary in the 1990s.

“The Vital Voices Democracy Initiative was established in 1997 by then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright after the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing to promote the advancement of women as a U.S. foreign policy goal,” the group’s history states.
Its pursuit of a feminist foreign policy is nothing short of radical. “No country affords women equal rights in the workplace,” a Vital Voices paper prepared in 2009 to mark the 15th anniversary of the 1995 United Nations’ Conference on Women in Beijing shrieks. Women’s traditional role as homemakers, mothers and nurturers is singled out as an obstacle to “equality.” “Often entrenched in national labor laws and policies, women’s disproportionate share of unpaid labor as housekeeper, childcare provider and caretaker of the sick and elderly, is in fact one of the most prominent barriers to the full and equal participation of women in society,” the paper declares.
Abortion and homosexuality stand out as vehicles of liberation, according to the Vital Voices dogma.
“The impact of advances in reproductive rights and reproductive health on women has been truly revolutionary and has arguably done more for women’s independence than any other single factor,” the group’s Beijing paper states. “Conservative forces in many societies, however, want to restrict and control these rights and to prevent women from exercising them in decisions that range from family planning to abortion to sexual orientation.”
This is the vision Hillary Clinton helped unleash upon the world thanks to the rise of globalism in the 1990s. It only makes sense, then, that many prominent global corporations have helped her implement this agenda. Corporate “partners” listed on Vital Voices’ website include Airbnb, FedEx, mass-produced beer giant Heineken, Hilton hotels, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and Target.
Corporate “partnerships” listed in the group’s 2017 annual report detail many more well-known companies, including ExxonMobil, Google, IBM, Mastercard, Pepsi, Pond’s/Unilever beauty products and Walmart.
Marc Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer for Gillette razors, owned by Procter & Gamble, recently joined the board of Vital Voices. Pritchard achieved renown this year for being the “mastermind” behind Gillette’s financially disastrous campaign against “toxic masculinity.”
The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security describes itself as a partner of Vital Voices. And why not, considering that it too owes its beginnings to Hillary Clinton? She is titled “Honorary Founding Chair” of GIWPS on the group’s website. “During her tenure as Secretary of State, Clinton launched the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security at Georgetown University on Dec. 19, 2011, at which time she also announced the creation of the Institute,” the Hillary page reads.
This Hillary organization showcases how a feminist foreign policy warmly welcomes the Third World invasion of the West. “A new report by the [radical pro-refugee] International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS) addresses another economic question: how could GDP grow if refugee women and men were fully included in the labor market?” reads a July pro-migration post on the group’s website.
“Broadly following the methodology developed and applied by the McKinsey Global Institute in their influential 2016 Power of Parity report, this study finds that refugees in the U.S. could generate an additional $3.2 billion to GDP if they worked and earned the same income as native men and women.” Let the unique identity of the nation be lost so long as GDP rises.
The organization’s Advisory Board includes Michael Goltzman, “Vice President for International Government Relations and Public Affairs at the Coca-Cola Company,” and Ann Cairns, “President of International Markets for MasterCard.” “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell and Shéhérazade Semsar-de Boisséson, managing director of POLITICO Europe, are also on the advisory board. Corporate Watch regular Bank of America gave GIWPS a $1 million grant “for research on the social enterprise movement and women’s economic mobility” in 2018.
GIWPS also partners with the Wilson Center’s Global Women’s Leadership Initiative. This is yet another global feminist outfit with close ties to Hillary Clinton.
“The Global Women’s Leadership Initiative’s global network is the platform for the Women in Public Service Project which was launched by Secretary [of State] Hillary Clinton in partnership with the historic Seven Sisters women’s colleges and moved to the Wilson Center in June 2012,” the organization states on its website. “The GWLI is a unique platform for change – connecting current and emerging women leaders, promoting the goal of 50 percent women in public service jobs worldwide, advancing inclusive policies, and bringing new research to the forefront. ”
GWLI does not hide its championing of global abortion. A 2015 tweet by the group crowed, “Sierra Leone legalizes abortion, will save ‘countless’ lives, activists say.”
Hilariously, the Wilson Center declares that it “provides a strictly nonpartisan space for the worlds of policymaking and scholarship to interact.” This statement becomes less humorous when one realizes it is made solely because the Center receives a huge chunk of its annual financing from the U.S. taxpayer.
“Congress supports the Wilson Center through an annual appropriation,” the organization reveals.
An example of this “nonpartisan” fractured feminist policymaking is GWLI Director Gwen K. Young’s discussion with Swedish Ambassador to the United States Karin Olofsdotter in 2018.
“With the launch of a feminist foreign policy in 2014, Sweden has taken national progress to the international stage by integrating gender considerations into all aspects of foreign policy decision-making,” a post on the discussion boasts.
The article touts the interview as “a conversation on driving progress toward gender parity through diplomacy.” Front and center in Olofsdotter’s presentation is her excoriation of President Trump for pulling funding for international organizations that promote abortion.
“A key gender equality issue in our bilateral relationship with the U.S. is sexual/reproductive health and rights, and there, we don’t see eye to eye with the U.S. administration,” the ambassador said. “We are very concerned with the administration’s reinstatement and expansion of the so-called Mexico City policy, or the ‘global gag rule,’ which we really believe undermines the rights of women around the world to decide about their own future.”
Further proof of the “nonpartisan” hoax being played on American taxpayers is the Center’s response by eight of its “experts” on Trump’s proposed tariffs against Mexico in May. Amazingly for such an “unbiased” organization, all eight apparatchiks blasted the president.
“In the face of serious disturbances in President Trump’s thinking and behavior, the immediate treatment on Mexico’s part must be firmness in the defense of the legal framework that has governed our relationship for the past 25 years, and that has contributed to greater competitiveness and growth of the region,” exclaimed Beatriz Leycegui, a former Mexican trade negotiator who is an “expert” for the Center. So nice that we taxpayers can subsidize Mexicans so they can pontificate on the mental fitness of our president as he attempts to secure our porous southern border.
Not all of the Center’s funding comes out of your wallet, however. “Generous support from U.S. and international corporations has played a critical role” in furthering the Wilson Center’s activities. Among “Corporate Council Members” listed by the group are Allstate Insurance, Caterpillar machinery, Chevron, HBO, Hyundai Motor Company, Marriott hotels, Shell Oil, Tyson Foods and Wells Fargo bank.
But perhaps nothing best captures the coziness of these elitist covens as much as Hillary’s global feminist ties to a leading Republican foreign policy organization long championed by deceased RINO John McCain. The International Republican Institute is not officially affiliated with the Republican Party but is overwhelmingly peopled with leading GOP establishment figures. Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) is Chairman of its Board of Directors. Other board members include Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
Among IRI’s “partners” is the Hillary-birthed Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security. Furthermore, Hillary’s Vital Voices board member Ashley Davis is also on the Advisory Council for the Women’s Democracy Network, a branch operation of IRI.
Another IRI partner is The Institute for Inclusive Security, a group founded by former Clinton administration U.S. ambassador to Austria Swanee Hunt. The name of the organization tells you pretty much all you need to know. Articles published on its website include “Integrating Gender Perspectives within the Department of Defense” and “Creating Inclusive National Strategies to Counter Violent Extremism.”
Hunt launched the initial “Vital Voices: Women in Democracy” conference in 1997 while stationed in Vienna. That conference led to the establishment of the Vital Voices Global Partnership by Hillary Clinton. Hunt is also a staunch supporter of abortion. “Take the recent rash of ‘heartbeat bills’ passed by male-dominant legislatures in a growing number of states this past month,” she wrote in a June column for CNN.com. “They include Georgia, Missouri and, most recently, Louisiana. The restrictions are medieval, forcing women and girls to become mothers once a fetal heartbeat is detected (at about six to eight weeks).”
This is the kind of global feminist that neocon RINOS choose to “partner” with.
The full extent of the damage this gigantic global feminist operation that is tearing families apart, promoting antipathy between men and women and slaughtering hundreds of millions of babies in the womb has wrought can be seen today in the broken and atomized communities of the nations of the West. Hillary Clinton has long cultivated this cultural plague through the organizations she has founded and promoted. Republican senators partner with her groups to further her noxious work. And, along the way, she has always been able to count on the support of powerful moneyed corporations as she attempts to reshape the very nature of humanity.
Joe Schaeffer is the former Managing Editor of The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. His columns appear at LibertyNation.com, WorldTribune.com, and FreePressInternational.org.