Border security ‘horrific’: Veteran vows to oust Nevada Democrat on ‘America First’ tenets

Border security ‘horrific’: Veteran vows to oust Nevada Democrat on ‘America First’ tenets

by WorldTribune Staff, August 1, 2021 Nevada’s 4th Congressional District, which has been reliably Democrat in the recent election cycles, is “going to be a red one in 2022,” GOP candidate Sam Peters believes. Peters told The Washington Times that he wants to restore an “America First” approach to foreign and domestic policy which the […]

IG report: Lessons of the Vietnam War still unlearned in Iraq, Afghanistan

IG report: Lessons of the Vietnam War still unlearned in Iraq, Afghanistan

by WorldTribune Staff, August 1, 2021 American civilian and military leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan have repeated the same mistakes made during the Vietnam War and there is no guarantee those mistakes will not be made again, said John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. “Don’t believe what you’re told by the generals […]

Fox News’ line in the sand: Network balks at airing election fraud symposium

Fox News’ line in the sand: Network balks at airing election fraud symposium

by WorldTribune Staff, July 30, 2021 Media WATCH The network that called Arizona for Joe Biden early on Election Night doesn’t want to run Mike Lindell’s election fraud ads. And it now may lose the My Pillow CEO’s business altogether. Lindell “has requested to have his ads pulled from the Fox News schedule, following a […]

Who shot Ashli Babbitt, and other key questions won’t be addressed by Jan. 6 commission

Who shot Ashli Babbitt, and other key questions won’t be addressed by Jan. 6 commission

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 30, 2021 Democrats don’t need a commission. Their collective minds have been made up from the outset that the events of Jan. 6 amounted to an “insurrection.” The entire justification for their hyper-partisan Jan. 6 commission is based on that false premise and the multiple narratives it spawned, an analysis […]

American Gulag, Part II: Paul Johnson

American Gulag, Part II: Paul Johnson

by WorldTribune Staff, July 30, 2021 In April, FBI agents stormed the Virginia home of Paul Johnson and arrested him in connection with the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol building. Prosecutors have charged Johnson with inflicting bodily injury on certain officers; obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder; obstruction of justice and Congress; […]

‘Hate America, Inc.’: Mark Levin’s new book sold ‘eye-popping’ 565,000 copies in 2 weeks

‘Hate America, Inc.’: Mark Levin’s new book sold ‘eye-popping’ 565,000 copies in 2 weeks

by WorldTribune Staff, July 30, 2021 Having sold more than 565,000 copies in just two weeks, Mark Levin’s “American Marxism” sits atop the New York Times bestseller list and is No. 2 on Amazon. Levin begins with a wakeup call: “The counterrevolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer […]

Jovan Pulitzer says he has secured funding for full forensic audit in Michigan

Jovan Pulitzer says he has secured funding for full forensic audit in Michigan

by WorldTribune Staff, July 30, 2021 Pattern recognition specialist Jovan Pulitzer has reported that he has obtained a commitment to fund his forensic audit of the 2020 election in Michigan. Pulitzer’s statement: “#MICHIGAN MICHIGAN LEGISLATORS I have been able to secure the verbal commitment from a private donor to fully fund my PKAD initial Forensic […]

Twitter bans election audit accounts in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia

Twitter bans election audit accounts in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia

by WorldTribune Staff, July 29, 2021 Twitter on Tuesday suspended several accounts which link to 2020 election audits. Twitter shut down such accounts that were following audits and potential audits in Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. When trying to access the Maricopa County Audit, the Audit War Room, and various “war room” audit accounts, […]

Tucker Carlson: No American should be forced to take medicine they don’t want

Tucker Carlson: No American should be forced to take medicine they don’t want

by WorldTribune Staff, July 29, 2021 Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Team Biden is approaching dangerous ground as it moves closer to mandating that some Americans, including federal workers, receive the Covid vaccine. INFORMATION WORLD WAR: How We Win . . . . Executive Intelligence Brief