Warning to conservatives: Unelected billionaires club is running your lives

Warning to conservatives: Unelected billionaires club is running your lives

by WorldTribune Staff, December 25, 2022 Thanks in large part to Elon Musk’s liberation of Old Twitter, Americans know much more about the new reality: “We are being ruled by unelected super-rich left-wing ideologues,” a columnist noted. “The pantheon: Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Lauren Powell Jobs, Tom Steyer, Tim Cook, the […]

Update: Judge dismisses Kari Lake election lawsuit; Rules no intentional misconduct

Update: Judge dismisses Kari Lake election lawsuit; Rules no intentional misconduct

by WorldTribune Staff, December 24, 2022 [Editor’s Note: The following is an update of a December 23 report: ‘Maricopa elections director admits printer settings were changed on Election Day’] An Arizona judge on Saturday dismissed Republican candidate for governor Kari Lake’s election lawsuit. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson found that Lake had not […]

So Trump is already losing? We interrupt the narrative with poll results

So Trump is already losing? We interrupt the narrative with poll results

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 23, 2022 The relentless messaging that casts Donald Trump’s chances of retaking the White House as slim and none point to the 2022 midterm elections as a definitive indication that support for the former president is collapsing. Writing for US News on Dec. 14, Claire Hansen declared: “Trump’s stock among […]

Biden’s Christmas message manages partisan attack, again removes Christ

Biden’s Christmas message manages partisan attack, again removes Christ

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 23, 2022 During the lighting of the National Christmas Tree last year, Joe Biden became the first occupant of the White House to take Christ out of Christmas. He continued that tradition in his Christmas message to Americans on Thursday, most likely courtesy of his leftist handlers, by skirting around […]

Doctor: CDC removing data on vaccine injuries from VAERS as grand jury investigation looms

Doctor: CDC removing data on vaccine injuries from VAERS as grand jury investigation looms

by WorldTribune Staff, December 22, 2022 Soon after Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo announced a significant rise in myocarditis among young men who received the Covid shot, Gov. Ron DeSantis petitioned for a grand jury to investigate “crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the Covid-19 vaccine.” In the meantime, the CDC […]

Omnibus bill provides DOJ budget increase to prosecute Jan. 6 prisoners

Omnibus bill provides DOJ budget increase to prosecute Jan. 6 prisoners

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 22, 2022 The $1.7 trillion omnibus bill passed by the Senate on Thursday includes an increase of some $180 million for the Department of Justice to carry out its political persecution of Jan. 6 protesters, a House Appropriations Committee summary revealed. The DOJ had asked Congress for $34 million for its […]

Arizona election lawsuit witness: ‘Something systemic was going on’

Arizona election lawsuit witness: ‘Something systemic was going on’

by WorldTribune Staff, December 22, 2022 A polling expert and director of Big Data Poll testified in Arizona Republican governor candidate Kari Lake’s lawsuit that the Election Day chaos in Maricopa County disproportionately effected Republican voters and possibly affected the outcome of the governor’s race. Richard Baris testified on Thursday that Lake would have won […]

GOP backs massive spending bill days before taking control of the House

GOP backs massive spending bill days before taking control of the House

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, December 21, 2022 The omnibus spending package that is about to be passed by Congress days before Republicans take control of the House contains 6,825 pages: 4,155 pages of legislative text plus 2,670 pages of explanatory materials that instruct agencies how to carry out the provisions and include at least 4,000 […]

Blogger: 99.6% chance that Celine Dion got Stiff Person Syndrome from Covid vaccine

Blogger: 99.6% chance that Celine Dion got Stiff Person Syndrome from Covid vaccine

by WorldTribune Staff, December 21, 2022 Celine Dion’s one-in-a-million health condition, which forced her to cancel her tour due to “consistent muscle spasms,” was almost certainly caused by the Covid vaccine, a blogger contends. Dion said earlier this month she was diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS), which affects roughly one or two out of […]

FBI paid Twitter millions in taxpayer dollars for ‘staff time’ before censoring of laptop story

FBI paid Twitter millions in taxpayer dollars for ‘staff time’ before censoring of laptop story

by WorldTribune Staff, December 20, 2022 The FBI paid Twitter nearly $3.5 million to censor and discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election, according to the latest “Twitter Files” release. Former FBI employees also had their own private Slack channel at Twitter, according to internal documents published on Monday by author […]