‘I really don’t care’: Rising GOP star dismisses ‘media garbage’

‘I really don’t care’: Rising GOP star dismisses ‘media garbage’

by WorldTribune Staff, August 25, 2020 Via her anti-socialism, pro-life and pro-Second Amendment stances, Republican congressional candidate Marjorie Greene says she has “made all the right enemies.” In a tweet prior to her GOP primary runoff victory this month, Greene noted: “The Fake News Media hates me. Big Tech censors me. The DC Swamp fears […]

Trump’s quiet war with Mitt Romney’s niece over the soul of the GOP

Trump’s quiet war with Mitt Romney’s niece over the soul of the GOP

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 President Donald Trump wanted the 2020 Republican Party platform to be a “short form” 4-page statement of principles. Ronna Romney McDaniel, who is Mitt Romney’s niece and the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, preferred to go with the 54-page 2016 platform. Prior to the Republican National Convention kicking […]

Kamala Harris, like Adam Schiff, fell for pranksters’ claim to have dirt on Trump

Kamala Harris, like Adam Schiff, fell for pranksters’ claim to have dirt on Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, August 24, 2020 Being easily manipulated into believing anyone alleging to have dirt on President Donald Trump is a top symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Rep. Adam Schiff is a prime example. In 2017, the rabid anti-Trump Democrat fell hook, line, and sinker for a prank pulled off by Russian comedians […]

Biden live: ‘Dark’ speech praised by media chorus, repeated Charlottesville lie

Biden live: ‘Dark’ speech praised by media chorus, repeated Charlottesville lie

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2020 Joe Biden closed out a dreary Democratic National Convention by focusing on the gathering’s four-day theme — darkness and division. The Democrat candidate emerged from his basement to accuse President Donald Trump of having “cloaked America in darkness for far too long.” Biden vowed to help the country […]

President’s poll numbers surged during Democrat National Convention

President’s poll numbers surged during Democrat National Convention

by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2020 Presidential candidates usually see a bump in their poll ratings following a national convention. Usually, however, it’s their own national convention. This week, President Donald Trump saw his approval rating in the Rasmussen Reports daily average go from 47 percent when the Democratic National Convention started, to 51 percent […]

Biden’s ‘green’ plan would devastate industries that made U.S. energy independent

Biden’s ‘green’ plan would devastate industries that made U.S. energy independent

by WorldTribune Staff, August 21, 2020 To implement his “green energy” plan, Joe Biden as president would not only raise taxes but would cut hundreds of thousands of fracking, mining, and quarrying jobs, analysts say. Data from the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources shows that at least about one million American energy […]

This is the right time to recall what was done to Sarah Palin

This is the right time to recall what was done to Sarah Palin

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, August 20, 2020 It was already obvious before her speech at the Democratic National Convention that whatever Kamala Harris said would be cast in glowing terms by the Democrat’s cheerleaders in the major media. But the pro-Harris media and other leftist groups are taking it much further than just fawning fandom. […]

Report: Trump 8 times more accessible to hostile press than Biden to friendlies

Report: Trump 8 times more accessible to hostile press than Biden to friendlies

by WorldTribune Staff, August 20, 2020 Since mid-July, President Donald Trump has taken 700 percent more questions from a media that is mostly hostile to him than Joe Biden has taken from a media that is mostly friendly to him, a columnist noted. “One of the most remarkable aspects of newly bashful Joe Biden’s march […]

The new Republican woman: Laura Loomer, Anna Paulina Luna win in Florida

The new Republican woman: Laura Loomer, Anna Paulina Luna win in Florida

by WorldTribune Staff, August 19, 2020 Lara Loomer on Tuesday won the Republican primary for Florida’s 21st Congressional District, which covers President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. The 27-year-old Loomer is one of the most banned political commentators in the U.S., having been kicked off Twitter, Facebook, Uber, Lyft, PayPal, GoFundMe, and other platforms. In Tuesday’s […]