Barack Obama, Huey Long and the totalitarian temptation

Barack Obama, Huey Long and the totalitarian temptation

Sol W. Sanders   We live in dangerous times. Not so much that the world economy threatens to crash, that our carefully nuanced political system in the U.S. is momentarily checkmated, or even that while the U.S. is running the highest unemployment rates in recent memory the European Community has not resolved its disintegrating common […]

Sale of Exxon Mobil stakes makes Beijing top consumer of Iraq’s oil

Sale of Exxon Mobil stakes makes Beijing top consumer of Iraq’s oil

Special to Compiled by Miles Yu, The U.S. oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp has decided to sell its stakes in the West Qurna phase 1 oilfield in Iraq. Exxon will sell its stakes to Chinese state-run oil giant China National Petroleum Corp [CNPC], China’s official newspaper China Daily confirmed on Jan. 24. With […]

CNN suggests Whole Foods CEO should stifle his views on Obamacare

CNN suggests Whole Foods CEO should stifle his views on Obamacare

Special to By Cliff Kincaid A brave soul, John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, raised the specter of fascism when he was talking about the requirements of the top-down federal Obamacare system. The term made Carol Costello of CNN go into orbit on a recent program but Mackey got the better of the exchange […]

UN report predicts likely global economic downturn in 2013

UN report predicts likely global economic downturn in 2013

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The global economy risks sliding back into recession.  That’s the sober assessment from the UN’s World Economic Situation and Prospects 2013, which cites weak economic growth in 2012, and an anemic expected expansion over the next two years.  And while economic woes in the United States, Europe and Japan […]

Remind me again: What is so great about Europe?

Remind me again: What is so great about Europe?

Sol W. Sanders   Maybe it’s because you can fly faster from America to Europe than westward to the U.S.? But for whatever reason, a standard politically correct mantra these days is how if we would just imitate the Europeans, everything would be better. Which of the accepted five categories of propaganda this argument falls […]

U.S. global competitiveness ranking: From 1 to 7th since 2007

U.S. global competitiveness ranking: From 1 to 7th since 2007

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — As the seemingly interminable election campaign nears the finish line, there are a few glaringly missing topics which remain almost untouched. The first deals with an issue affecting nearly everyone and the other one which may determine America’s future scientific prowess and potential. Gasoline prices. Here we have record […]

The 2012 debate for a pampered republic: Belt-tightening or more pump-priming?

The 2012 debate for a pampered republic: Belt-tightening or more pump-priming?

Sol W. Sanders   “Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things — bread and circuses.” – Juvenal, circa 100 B.C. Thus a Roman satirist […]

Noticing Romney’s unnoticed energy proposal

Noticing Romney’s unnoticed energy proposal

Sol W. Sanders   Stolid Mitt Romney has come up with an energy plan with a stinger in its tail. The mainstream media, fixated on distractions of the Democratic matador’s cape, virtually ignored it. Energy aficionados gave it a ho-hum reception since it calls on hoary common-sense arguments. But the plan contains a magnificent hidden […]

To hell with comprehensive solutions in general and Obamacare in particular

To hell with comprehensive solutions in general and Obamacare in particular

Sol W. Sanders   Lost in the political fracas in the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision, but emeshed in the still expanding bureaucratic jungle — and cost — of Obamacare is a fundamental issue: it is another failed attempt at “a comprehensive solution” to complex problems. It‘s not a new phenomenon. Since the French […]

It’s the oil, stupid: The coming energy revolution

It’s the oil, stupid: The coming energy revolution

Sol W. Sanders   [See Archive] If we can get your attention off Dred Scott II — the Supreme Court decision on health care costs with its byzantine political implications — something perhaps as fundamental for the U.S. and world economies is happening: a second fossil fuel revolution. The Saudis are pumping oil like mad. […]