Trump outside courtoom in NYC: ‘There was no victim here …. the crime is against me’

Trump outside courtoom in NYC: ‘There was no victim here …. the crime is against me’

by WorldTribune Staff, October 2, 2023 In what Citizen Free Press described as a “high school beauty pageant for Democrats,” former President Donald Trump appeared in a New York court on Monday to face civil fraud charges. “This has to do with election interference, plain and simple,” Trump said as he arrived for the opening […]

Feinstein’s replacement is black lesbian abortion activist

Feinstein’s replacement is black lesbian abortion activist

by WorldTribune Staff, October 2, 2023 California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom said he will appoint Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Butler checks all of the Left’s woke boxes. She is a black lesbian and is president of EMILY’s List, an abortion advocacy group which says its goal is […]

AP trusts FAA on downing of airline pilots: No connection to Covid vaccines

AP trusts FAA on downing of airline pilots: No connection to Covid vaccines

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, October 2, 2023 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not investigated a link between pilots suffering sudden cardiac events and the Covid shots, but denies there is one: “The FAA has no evidence of aircraft accidents or incapacitations caused by pilots suffering medical complications associated with Covid-19 vaccines,” a spokesperson told […]

‘It won’t be nice’: Strategist explains why real Americans will take their country back

‘It won’t be nice’: Strategist explains why real Americans will take their country back

by WorldTribune Staff, October 2, 2023 [In a Facebook video titled “Looking forward to the past,” political strategist Carter Clews explains from “Trump Country” in West Virginia how the Left has turned Americans “against each other” and how “real Americans” will take their country back.] Please Support Real Journalism Hello! . . . . Intelligence […]

North Carolina is 11th state to enact universal school choice

North Carolina is 11th state to enact universal school choice

by WorldTribune Staff / 247 Real News October 2, 2023 The North Carolina General Assembly has approved a budget which includes a massive expansion of the state’s school-choice program. Republicans, who hold a veto-proof majority in the state legislature, effectively made North Carolina the 11th state to enact universal school choice. The General Assembly on […]

Hunter’s defense against Biden crime family evidence? All-out lawfare; Who is picking up the tab?

Hunter’s defense against Biden crime family evidence? All-out lawfare; Who is picking up the tab?

by WorldTribune Staff, October 1, 2023 Along with paying big bucks in legal fees for the ongoing criminal investigation against him after his sweet plea deal fell apart, Hunter Biden has deployed his legal team to hunt down practically everyone involved in the dissemination of information from the infamous “laptop from hell.” On Tuesday, the […]

Scientific paper: Risk of death from Covid shots 1,000 times greater than previously reported

Scientific paper: Risk of death from Covid shots 1,000 times greater than previously reported

by WorldTribune Staff, October 1, 2023 All-cause mortality data from 17 countries show that the Covid shots had zero beneficial effect on reducing mortality, researchers say in a scientific paper. Researchers wrote in a paper published Sept. 17 by Correlation Research in the Public Interest (not yet peer-reviewed), that unprecedented peaks in high all-cause mortality […]

Will Democrat Congressman face hard time in the ‘American gulag’?

Will Democrat Congressman face hard time in the ‘American gulag’?

by WorldTribune Staff, October 1, 2023 U.S. Capitol Police and the House Administration Committee, which oversees House operations and Capitol security, are reportedly investigating after New York Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman was seen on security video pulling a fire alarm in the Capitol moments before the House was scheduled to vote on a bill to […]

Two young Murdoch proteges built a globalist entity that plotted migration invasion of U.S. cities years ago

Two young Murdoch proteges built a globalist entity that plotted migration invasion of U.S. cities years ago

Special to, October 1, 2023 Corporate WATCH Commentary by Joe Schaeffer The lines aren’t even blurred anymore. The dominant media nexus is a working agency of the globalist progressive ruling establishment today. The fiasco that was the second Donald Trump-less Republican presidential debate was exacerbated to a great extent by the controlled narrative dutifully […]

Report: Entire family, including 2-year-old, sentenced to life in North Korean prison camp for possessing Bible

Report: Entire family, including 2-year-old, sentenced to life in North Korean prison camp for possessing Bible

by WorldTribune Staff, October 1, 2023 North Korea’s new “Anti-reactionary thought law” states that “being a Christian and/or possessing a Bible is a serious crime and will be severely punished,” an Open Doors 2023 report noted. According to the U.S. State Department, North Korea has imprisoned around 70,000 citizens who are Christians. For decades, North […]