Democrats will push D.C. statehood — do they have the votes?

Democrats will push D.C. statehood — do they have the votes?

by WorldTribune Staff, February 17, 2021 In their pursuit of a permanent majority in Congress, Democrats are lining up to sponsor a push for Washington, D.C. statehood. Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting House member representing the District, has reintroduced the Washington, D.C. Admission Act, which has 210 Democrat co-sponsors. The Senate version of the […]

Team Biden security experts issue ‘threat assessment’ on 74 million Americans

Team Biden security experts issue ‘threat assessment’ on 74 million Americans

by WorldTribune Staff, February 16, 2021 Soon after the Jan. 20 inauguration, Joe Biden’s team issued a “comprehensive threat assessment” on “domestic violent extremism.” Conducted jointly by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and Director of National Intelligence, the “assessment” does not include the violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter movements which burned and looted […]

Comey signed FISA warrant on same day he told DNI that FBI could not verify ‘dossier’

Comey signed FISA warrant on same day he told DNI that FBI could not verify ‘dossier’

by WorldTribune Staff, February 16, 2021 In a Jan. 12, 2017 email to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, then-FBI Director James Comey said of Christopher Steele’s dossier on alleged Trump-Russia collusion: “We are not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting.” On the same day, Comey contradicted that sworn avowal by telling the FISA court […]

‘America’s #1 Bad Christian’ won’t apologize for doubting 2020 election was legit

‘America’s #1 Bad Christian’ won’t apologize for doubting 2020 election was legit

by WorldTribune Staff, February 16, 2021 Radio host and Trump supporter Eric Metaxas noted in a recent interview that he doesn’t believe Joe Biden is the legitimately elected president. “There will always be an asterisk next to him for me until — if — things are clarified,” Metaxas, who has been dubbed “America’s #1 Bad […]

President’s Day: More than 1 million watched Trump parade; 100,000 watched Biden speech

President’s Day: More than 1 million watched Trump parade; 100,000 watched Biden speech

by WorldTribune Staff, February 16, 2021 An impromptu rally in West Palm Beach, Florida was reportedly organized to mark Presidents Day on Monday and to celebrate former President Donald Trump’s acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial. Right Side Broadcasting’s video of the rally was viewed online by over 1.1 million people. It received 89,000 up […]

Facebook suppresses WorldTribune distribution for alleged ‘false content’ about covid

Facebook suppresses WorldTribune distribution for alleged ‘false content’ about covid

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, February 16, 2021 Facebook has “reduced distribution” and imposed other “restrictions” on, saying a coronavirus-related article reviewed by an “independent fact-checker” contained “false content.” Covid-related articles in the New York Post and other alternative news sites also appear to have struck sensitive nerves in Silicon Valley’s “Big Tech”. The Feb. […]

Rep. Mike Johnson: Democrats used impeachment to criminalize support for Trump

Rep. Mike Johnson: Democrats used impeachment to criminalize support for Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, February 16, 2021 Though they knew they could not win in a Senate trial, House Democrats went ahead with their second impeachment of former President Donald Trump in order to brand all of his supporters as criminals, a Louisiana Republican representative said. The ultimate aim of impeaching Trump a second time was […]

Americans ‘have been played’: Don Jr.’s self-published book does end run around censors

Americans ‘have been played’: Don Jr.’s self-published book does end run around censors

by WorldTribune Staff, February 15, 2021 With social media and publishing houses instituting a ban on his father and Republicans fighting amongst themselves on how to deliver what message or whom to back, Donald Trump Jr. has stepped in to “fill the GOP vacuum on the national stage,” a columnist noted. “As the only bestselling […]

Timely quotes by George Orwell making comeback online

Timely quotes by George Orwell making comeback online

by WorldTribune Staff, February 15, 2021 Last month, as Big Tech and corporate media were coordinating in Big Brother fashion to silence conservative voices, George Orwell’s novel “1984” was the top-selling book on Amazon. Other Orwell quotes relevant to the times are making the rounds on the Internet: “Freedom is the right to tell people […]

Biden asks Congress to side with gun control advocates; Utah allows concealed carry without permit

Biden asks Congress to side with gun control advocates; Utah allows concealed carry without permit

by WorldTribune Staff, February 15, 2021 Joe Biden used the anniversary of the Parkland, Florida school shooting to officially launch his team’s assault on the Second Amendment, critics say. Biden on Feb. 14 said he was “calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault […]