The 2012 debate for a pampered republic: Belt-tightening or more pump-priming?

The 2012 debate for a pampered republic: Belt-tightening or more pump-priming?

Sol W. Sanders   “Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things — bread and circuses.” – Juvenal, circa 100 B.C. Thus a Roman satirist […]

Dangerous: An undetected Russian sub and the ‘likeability’ factor in U.S. politics

Dangerous: An undetected Russian sub and the ‘likeability’ factor in U.S. politics

Lev Navrozov “For Almost a Month, Americans Failed to Detect Russian Submarine Near Its Shores” reads the headline on an article by Yelena Sidorenko in the Russian newspaper “Vzglyad: Delovaya Gazeta” (“The View: the Business Newspaper”) of Aug. 15. A Russian “Akula-B”-class nuclear-powered attack submarine of Project 971 (as it is classified by the NATO), […]

Noticing Romney’s unnoticed energy proposal

Noticing Romney’s unnoticed energy proposal

Sol W. Sanders   Stolid Mitt Romney has come up with an energy plan with a stinger in its tail. The mainstream media, fixated on distractions of the Democratic matador’s cape, virtually ignored it. Energy aficionados gave it a ho-hum reception since it calls on hoary common-sense arguments. But the plan contains a magnificent hidden […]

How the media treats Joe Biden and how it treats Todd Akin: Who are the real extremists?

How the media treats Joe Biden and how it treats Todd Akin: Who are the real extremists?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Vice President Joseph R. Biden is mentally unstable, and it’s time for Republicans to point it out. For years, Mr. Biden has been making outrageous comments that reveal not only his low intelligence, but also a dangerous detachment from reality. Yet the liberal media refuse to hold him accountable. Instead, their rationalization […]

Stalin’s dentist: Talent, that mysterious quality, is a rare thing

Stalin’s dentist: Talent, that mysterious quality, is a rare thing

Lev Navrozov England was our first love. Good Old England. There was no way for us who studied English to go and live there, which was our impossible dream. We got to learn so much about it from books and recordings. Our son studied English by listening to Gielgud’s recitals of Shakespeare’s poems. He imitated […]

Hotel California: Those who can have already checked out

Hotel California: Those who can have already checked out

Wesley Pruden LOS ANGELES — Not for nothing do the bundlers, bag men and swag agents call California the golden state. They decamp here early and stay late. A lot of the money they raise for the campaigns is collected in California. But the presidential candidates themselves spend their time mostly elsewhere. California, with its […]

The Cheney precedent: Will Ryan serve as ‘assistant president’?

The Cheney precedent: Will Ryan serve as ‘assistant president’?

Sol W. Sanders   Jack Garner, a Texan whom Franklin Delano Roosevelt chose as his first vice president for “balance,” put it succinctly: The vice presidency was “not worth a bucket of warm p–” (later cleaned up to “spit”). But Garner, ironically enough, helped block FDR’s power grab when that most charismatic of presidents tried […]

Sacrosanct social safety net: Why devout Catholic Paul Ryan threatens cafeteria Catholics

Sacrosanct social safety net: Why devout Catholic Paul Ryan threatens cafeteria Catholics

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Rep. Paul Ryan poses a mortal threat to our social safety net. This is the argument being made against him by many liberal Catholics. It will be the next wave of the left’s assault on the Republican ticket after Mitt Romney’s decision to choose Mr. Ryan as his running mate. The attack […]