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by WorldTribune Staff, January 22, 2021 “Russians and East Germans under Communists Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker in the 1970s lived under less ruling class pressure than do today’s Americans. And their rulers were smart enough not to insult them, their country, or their race,” Angelo Codevilla noted in a Jan. 19 op-ed for American […]
by WorldTribune Staff, December 13, 2019 So, a guy who believes it’s OK to have sex with animals is running to replace the woman who resigned for allegedly having sex with a congressional staffer and campaign staffer. Only in America? Or, only in the Democratic Party? The guy, one-time bestiality fan Cenk Uygur, now has […]
by WorldTribune Staff, October 21, 2019 The Left “detests” President Donald Trump for a lot of reasons beyond his winning the 2016 election “and aborting the progressive project,” columnist Victor Davis Hanson wrote. “But mostly they hate his guts because he is trying and often succeeding to restore a conservative America at a time when […]
by WorldTribune Staff, November 14, 2018 The fact that leftist candidacies in Florida and Georgia which “would have been unthinkable” just 10 years ago made strong showings on Nov. 6 proves that “the formula for changing America being pushed by powerful progressive billionaire donors George Soros and Tom Steyer is not only feasible but gaining ground by the day,” […]
by WorldTribune Staff, October 30, 2018 President Donald Trump’s agenda for the next two years will be at stake on Nov. 6 when Americans vote in the 2018 midterm elections. “The direction of the nation’s most contentious and consequential issues – health care, immigration, taxes, climate change, trade, gun control, ethics and campaign finance overhauls […]
by WorldTribune Staff, October 25, 2018 In the Left’s lexicon and corporate media studios, nationalism is apparently the new “n-word”, a columnist wrote. “When President Donald Trump described himself as a ‘nationalist’ at a rally in Texas, it set off a firestorm of criticism,” James S. Robbins wrote for USA Today on Oct. 25. Robbins, […]
by WorldTribune Staff, July 23, 2018 The Left has tried several approaches to overturn President Donald Trump’s election victory, but how far will they ultimately go? “Almost every aspect of American culture has been weaponized to delegitimize Trump,” columnist Victor Davis Hanson wrote for American Greatness on July 23. “I fear that we have seen […]
Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, July 23, 2018 President Donald Trump’s overall support has risen by 6 percent since late 2017. So, how does the so-called “resistance” keep getting it so wrong? “After each purported outrage – Charlottesville, separating children from their immigrant parents, now Helsinki – they confidently contend that this latest event will finally […]
by WorldTribune Staff, March 7, 2018 Leftist billionaire George Soros funneled nearly $1 million to a Democratic district attorney candidate in Texas who went on to defeat an incumbent who opposed sanctuary cities. Soros backed Joe Gonzales in the DA election for Bexar County, which includes the city of San Antonio. Gonzales defeated incumbent Nico […]