Marxists in Obama’s orbit called key to ongoing ‘silent coup’

Marxists in Obama’s orbit called key to ongoing ‘silent coup’

by WorldTribune Staff, July 8, 2019 While the anti-Trump dossier was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, it was President Barack Obama’s Marxist-aligned “minions at the FBI, CIA, and White House who weaponized this Soviet disinformation against President Trump,” a columnist noted. “We are all victims of the Obama cabal’s collusion with Russia — […]

Spygate: Brennan, Democrats, media falsely called president Kremlin agent daily for 2 years

Spygate: Brennan, Democrats, media falsely called president Kremlin agent daily for 2 years

by WorldTribune Staff, May 27, 2019 In his 22-month investigation, special counsel Robert Mueller had access to 40 FBI agents and massive volumes of U.S. intelligence community files, and did not find one instance in which candidate Donald Trump communicated with Russian government officials, was spying for Moscow or was being blackmailed, a report said. […]

DiGenova: Brennan ‘at core’ of spying conspiracy against Trump

DiGenova: Brennan ‘at core’ of spying conspiracy against Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, May 16, 2019 Former CIA Director John Brennan was “the mastermind” behind what was essentially a coup against President Donald Trump, former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova said. “John Brennan is at the core of this conspiracy,” diGenova said in a May 15 interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily. “His handymen and acolytes […]

Trey Gowdy: John Brennan in more dossier trouble than Comey

Trey Gowdy: John Brennan in more dossier trouble than Comey

by WorldTribune Staff, May 15, 2019 Former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of President Donald Trump, may find himself in more trouble than ex-FBI chief James Comey over the use of the unverified anti-Trump dossier, former Rep. Trey Gowdy said. In a May 14 interview on Fox News, the former Republican congressman from […]

Report: FISA court has investigated and notified DOJ of findings

Report: FISA court has investigated and notified DOJ of findings

by WorldTribune Staff, April 29, 2019 The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) has communicated to the Department of Justice its findings on abuse of the FISA system, according to attorney Joe diGenova, who was one of the original lawyers on the FISA court. There will be grand juries and indictments, according to diGenova, who added, […]

Game over: The Washington Whack-A-Moles face a growing storm

Game over: The Washington Whack-A-Moles face a growing storm

Special to By John McNabb President Trump has been in office for just over 825 days. His administration’s accomplishments continue to be breathtaking. We are experiencing a rebirth of our American economy due to his bold but make sense policies. His accomplishments include cancelling 22 existing regulations for every two new regulations put in […]

Justice: Suddenly, the hunters have become the hunted

Justice: Suddenly, the hunters have become the hunted

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, April 2, 2019 When thousands of once-sealed government documents in the Russia collusion hoax are released in unredacted form, “those who eagerly assumed the role of the hunters may become the hunted, due to their own zealous violation of the nation’s trust and its laws,” columnist Victor Davis Hanson said. Special […]

‘Real reckoning’ demanded from major media, U.S. intel agencies over Mueller investigation

‘Real reckoning’ demanded from major media, U.S. intel agencies over Mueller investigation

by WorldTribune Staff, March 26, 2019 Two prominent journalists yesterday called for a full accounting from major U.S. media and intelligence agencies that helped launch and fuel Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, which cleared the Donald Trump campaign of rumors its colluded with the Russian government to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton. For two years, the […]

‘Transatlantic scandal’: Real 2016 ‘collusion’ was between London spooks and Langley

‘Transatlantic scandal’: Real 2016 ‘collusion’ was between London spooks and Langley

by WorldTribune Staff, November 30, 2018 The Obama CIA, under John Brennan, and British Intelligence engaged in the real “collusion” of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a report said. Agents on both sides are now furiously working to keep President Donald Trump from declassifying documents that could expose their game, wrote George Neumayr in the […]

Neither Brennan nor key U.S. ally will deny spying on Trump official

Neither Brennan nor key U.S. ally will deny spying on Trump official

by WorldTribune Staff, September 26, 2018 A former Australian ambassador at the forefront of the Trump campaign investigation and ex-CIA chief John Brennan have sidestepped questions on whether U.S. intelligence agencies spied on the Trump campaign in 2016. Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer was evasive during a recent BBC interview regarding suggestions made by Trump campaign […]