[Editor’s Note: We have added ‘Breaking‘ as a new feature because . . . Drudge has gone away.]Following its report in the early hours of Nov. 7, ‘Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in battleground states,’ came under pressure to drop its focus on this story. After discussions and based on the continuing influx of new alternative media reports and information, the editors decided instead to spotlight the role played in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election by Dominion Voting Systems, related firms and their software, networks and equipment.
This coverage by the non-mainsteam media is not really centered on a specific company but rather on the powerful and stealthy functions that unknown people have assigned to computer systems and algorithms in the tabulation and adjudication of votes in 21st century elections. The resulting impact on elections not only in the United States and Venezuela but worldwide has yet to be determined.
As a service to its readers, is dedicating a special section to this coverage: Voting Data Fraud.