Special to WorldTribune.com
It’s happening. It’s been happening. Parents, you are being replaced.
Where? Right under your noses, in your neighborhoods, in your public and private schools, and in your local children’s hospitals.
How? Under the guise of health, safety, compassion, tolerance, diversity, intellectual superiority and, of course, the public good.

By whom? Woke educators, radical school counselors, gender queer-promoting librarians, meddling school-based health clinic staffers, Big Pharma drug and jab peddlers, and medical establishment “experts” like the ones at the American Medical Association, who, as investigative researcher and City Journal writer Christopher Rufo reported this week, are “asking Big Tech and the Department of Justice to censor, deplatform, investigate, and prosecute journalists who question the orthodoxy of radical gender surgeries for minors, arguing that public criticism is ‘disinformation.'”
It’s not just journalists that the AMA is targeting, but outspoken parents on social media who dare to question State Science and who fearlessly assert and defend their family sovereignty. As usual, questioning the authority of the elites is tantamount to threatening “violence, intimidation, and physical harm” — even as these control freaks oversee the mass poisoning of vulnerable children’s minds and bodies across the country.
Why? Newly elected Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni summarized it well in a viral 2019 speech at the World Congress of Families that Big Tech has tried to suppress.
“Why is the family the enemy?” she asked. “Why is the family so frightening?”
Answer: “Because family is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now the enemy for those who would like us to have no identity and simply be perfect consumer slaves. That’s why they attack national identity, that’s why they attack religious identity, attack sexual identity, attack family identity. I cannot define myself as Christian, Italian, wife, mother, no. I have to be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2. I have to be a number … That’s why we cause so much fear … Because we don’t want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being … We will defend God, country and family.”
Yes. We are more than just automatons and QR codes. Our children are more than just advertising-coveted eyeballs and addicted mouse-clickers, more than data-mining sitting ducks and docile worker cogs in the globalist machine. Our children are more than just bottomless receptacles for the next government-subsidized, billion-dollar experimental drugs from cradle to grave — be they puberty-blocking hormones, lifestyle vaccines (Gardasil, PrEP), ineffective and natural immunity-undermining flu shots, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant pills, or experimental bivalent COVID booster jabs that have only been tested on a handful of mice.
‘Everything that defines us is now the enemy for those who would like us to have no identity and simply be perfect consumer slaves. … That’s why we cause so much fear … Because we don’t want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being … We will defend God, country and family.’ |
Moms and dads, you are more than a pesky nuisance to the architects and engineers of the Great Parental Replacement.
You are a hindrance.
At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the Daily Caller’s Chrissy Clark reported, a “Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic” has held 33 trainings in 15 schools over the past five years on “trans-inclusive policies” in which attendees are advised to “keep gender identity secret from parents.”
You are abusers.
At Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, an academic “expert” claimed that parents “refusing puberty-blocking treatment” amounted to “psychological harm,” which she equated with physical abuse that should be subject to criminal prosecution.
You are nosybodies.
In the U.S., 17 children’s hospitals have now hidden information about their gender transmogrification programs after parents exposed their practices. Most prominent among them: Boston Children’s Hospital and its demented program, HOTT (Health Outreach to Teens), which advises boys on how to “tuck” and tape up their penises to make them look like vaginas.
To distract from this perversity, Boston Children’s is playing the victim, decrying alleged threats of “violence” (cue the Southern Poverty Law Center smear machine). We’ve seen this playbook before. Remember: In 2013, young Justina Pelletier was ripped from her parents’ custody by Boston Children’s Hospital. The teen, who lives with mitochondrial disease and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, had gone to BCH after coming down with a severe case of the flu.
Instead of receiving top-notch care and attention at BCH, however, Justina was medically kidnapped and recklessly re-diagnosed with a psychological condition, “somatoform disorder.”
Justina was dragged from BCH’s neurology department to its infamous psych ward, where she was reprimanded for being unable to move her bowels or walk unassisted in her weakened state. At the Wayside Youth and Family Support Network residential treatment center, where she was confined, she and her family recounted to me in my 2018 documentary on the case, she was harassed by a staffer while taking a shower. The physical and mental torture lasted 16 months.
Doctors at BCH dubbed their evil practice a “parentectomy” — and this savage removal of parental rights has been repeated nationwide. The Pelletier family sued BCH and lost in early 2020, at exactly the time the World Economic Forum was ushering in the Great Reset and its replacement of sovereign nations and sovereign parents with drug-pushing, gender-destroying, child-kidnapping, surveillance-state managers of the “global commons.”
It’s time for nuclear families to go nuclear on their enemies. That’s not a call to violence, but a call to protect your children’s minds, hearts, bodies and souls from those who seek to obliterate our identity, bonds and God-given rights.
Michelle Malkin is a columnist for WorldTribune.com Her email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@protonmail.com.