Can a nation so divided against itself stand?

Can a nation so divided against itself stand?

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON ― The two top American political parties are so badly fractured you wonder if they’ll ever come together again. And that’s to say nothing of the American public: that is, the vast majority who don’t participate in party politics at all. It’s difficult to know which party is […]

As red-hot campaign rhetoric intensifies, the North Koreans are taking notes

As red-hot campaign rhetoric intensifies, the North Koreans are taking notes

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON ― The venom of opposing forces in the U.S. presidential campaign inspires comparison to the rhetoric of Kim Jong-un and his propaganda machine. Insults, accusations, and lies are common currency of the opposing candidates. Having just watched the hyper speech-making that accompanied the nomination of Donald Trump at […]

Jolly good? Post-Brexit politics cuts to the chase and only one lady is left standing

Jolly good? Post-Brexit politics cuts to the chase and only one lady is left standing

Special to By Donald Kirk LONDON ― Nobody does politics like the Brits. Just as Hillary and the Trumpster were turning into bores in the U.S., along came an unpredictable change in the leadership of the United Kingdom. While one conservative takes over from another as prime minister, confusion reigns. For the benefit of […]

Letter from London: A lady warns Britain faces tougher challenges than Brexit angst

Letter from London: A lady warns Britain faces tougher challenges than Brexit angst

Special to By Donald Kirk LONDON ― Here in the eye of Typhoon Brexit, the hot air, internet and print media reverberate with the shockwaves of what is seen as the End of Britain as we know it or a tempest in a teapot. The roar of the storm is such that it can […]

Brexit comes as a shock depending on which Brits you talk to

Brexit comes as a shock depending on which Brits you talk to

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON ― We’ve been reading for so long about Britain’s economic troubles, the social system and the culture intertwined with the country’s slow, not always graceful, decline, that the British exit from the European Union comes as less than a shock. Or if it is a shock, that’s because […]

Stranger in a strange land: Foreign correspondent returns to post-Orlando America

Stranger in a strange land: Foreign correspondent returns to post-Orlando America

Special to By Donald Kirk TORONTO — A drive across the American continent takes you through a strange land where the airwaves are full of personal invective mingled with expert analysis of what’s an automatic weapon or semi-automatic or plain old-fashioned pistol or rifle. Say what you want about the political charges and counter-charges […]

Shooting it out in America, and may the good guys win

Shooting it out in America, and may the good guys win

Special to By Donald Kirk, [Editors’ Note: Don Kirk normally lives in Seoul under the constant threat of a nuclear missile attack from North Korea. Currently on a road trip back in the USA, he’s taking dead aim at the “gun nuts” on this side of the Pacific. Don is believed to be […]

Surreal world: Ever notice how celebrity visitors to N. Korea have nothing to say about horrors there?

Surreal world: Ever notice how celebrity visitors to N. Korea have nothing to say about horrors there?

Special to By Donald Kirk, North Korea, that is the people who run the place, likes nothing better than endorsements from foreign visitors. The list of foreigners paying obeisance to the Kim regime, Kim Jong-Un and his father and grandfather before him, is quite long. The operator of a website in Los Angeles […]

Muhammad Ali, unlike Rodman, did not honor Kim dynasty when visiting N. Korea

Muhammad Ali, unlike Rodman, did not honor Kim dynasty when visiting N. Korea

by WorldTribune Staff, June 5, 2016 On a 2013 visit to Pyongyang, former NBA star Dennis Rodman referred to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un as “awesome” and a “friend for life.” On a 1995 visit to Pyongyang, boxing legend Muhammad Ali, who passed away on June 3 at the age of 74, refused to bow […]

North Korea ‘experts’ agree on the certainty of uncertain outcomes

North Korea ‘experts’ agree on the certainty of uncertain outcomes

Special to By Donald Kirk, JEJU ― Ask an expert analyst how to deal with North Korea, and the responses range from getting tough to massaging gently. Nobody has the real answer ― though some people like to talk with absolute certainty ― and there’s no proof that anything’s going to work. The […]

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