by WorldTribune Staff, August 3, 2021
Big-box establishment media titan The New York Times deliberately squelched any reporting into the potential Chinese origins of the coronavirus last year, a new report states.
Dominic Green, deputy editor of the UK’s Spectator magazine’s World edition, cites two “well-placed sources” who informed him of the Times’ efforts to avoid shedding any negative light on communist China’s Wuhan Lab at a time when life on the entire planet was about to grind to a halt. Green writes:
“In early 2020,” a veteran Times employee tells me, “I suggested to a senior editor at the paper that we investigate the origins of COVID-19. I was told it was dangerous to run a piece about the origins of the coronavirus. There was resistance to running anything that could suggest that [COVID-19 was manmade or had leaked accidentally from a lab].”
Green notes that even in the early stages of the pandemic, there was plenty of well-founded suspicion surrounding the Wuhan Lab, as pointed out by Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and others:
Yet the Times, according to two well-placed sources, refused to investigate the biggest story of our time. Instead, senior editors are alleged to have suppressed efforts to probe the virus’s origins, and the Times led the charge to dismiss any questioning of the [World Health Organization’s] now-discredited line as conspiracist or even “racist.”
Antagonism against all things Trump seems to have played a part, Green reports:
“It was considered a conspiracy theory,” confirms a second Times insider who was in a senior position on a different section at the time, and also proposed an investigation. “It was untouchable everywhere. The fact that Trump embraced it, of course, also made it a no-go.”
But Green wonders if financial motivations also fueled the Times’ marked disinterest in writing anything COVID-related that could damage the standing of communist China:
In the years before COVID-19, revenue from China was an integral part of the Times’s business model. The paper received millions of dollars from Chinese government-controlled outlets, especially China Daily, and published ‘advertorials’ pushing the Chinese government’s line. The Times wasn’t alone in doing this — though few outlets anywhere in the West went all-in, as the Times did in 2012, when it launched a Chinese-language edition and, soon after that, a luxury magazine.
As WorldTribune has reported, numerous U.S. establishment media organs engage in this communist “advertorial” scheme to generate revenue:
China Daily has spent millions running supplements called “China Watch” in which propaganda is disguised as news in major U.S. media outlets.
These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online.
Researchers looking into Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”
In May, WorldTribune related how one such publication, Time magazine, used its news coverage to rip Trump for questioning China’s role in the pandemic origins:
The opening paragraph to [a] May 2020 climate change story scolded former President Trump for daring to claim that China may be responsible for unleashing the coronavirus upon the world:
As the coronavirus pandemic rages, the Trump administration’s already-rocky relationship with China has deteriorated. President Trump has sought to blame the country for the public health and economic disaster, for a time calling the new coronavirus the “Wuhan virus” or the “Chinese virus,” and as recently as May 7, spreading unsubstantiated claims that the virus emerged from a lab in Wuhan. On May 14, he went so far as to suggest that the U.S. might “cut off the whole relationship.”
One thing is clear. Green unambiguously accuses the Times’ of intentionally playing down the Wuhan Lab’s role in the coronavirus origins:
Reports on gain-of-function research into coronaviruses were already in the public domain in early 2020. So were reports of lab leaks, in the US and abroad. Instead of doing what journalists are supposed to do — ask questions — the Times led the charge in stigmatizing debate about COVID-19’s origins as a “fringe theory.”
Now that this basic dereliction of journalism duty at the New York Times is being aired, with the aid of insider sources, perhaps it will soon be time to dig deeper into that bigger question begging to be asked: Why?
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