Special to WorldTribune.com
Compiled by Miles Yu, Geostrategy-Direct.com
India on Jan. 25 successfully conducted a submarine-launched ballistic missile in the Bay of Bengal which was hailed by security officials as a major milestone in the nation’s strategic weapons development.

The K-15 ballistic missile was launched from an underwater pontoon that simulates a submarine launch platform, flying at an altitude of 12.5 miles above the earth and reached pre-designated target 435 miles away, its full design range.
According to Indian defense officials, the accuracy of the hit was a near direct hit, or “within single digit” of meters.
The test concluded the development phase of the K-15 missiles. Prior to this, there had been a dozen partial tests.
The significance of the launch was tied to India’s determination to acquire a TRIAD nuclear deterrence, i.e. the capability to launch nuclear missiles from air, ground as well as underwater platforms.
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