India-born American Burt Thakur slams Nikki Haley over claims of racism

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, January 23, 2024

Nikki Haley has played the race card throughout her long-shot campaign for the GOP presidential nomination, saying she was made fun of every day for being brown (although some say she looks about as brown as Elizabeth Warren).

Haley also claimed she was disqualified from a beauty pageant at age 5 because she wasn’t white or black.

Burt Thakur

“If you wanna know what it was like growing up, I was disqualified from a beauty pageant because I wasn’t white or black because they didn’t know where to put me,” Haley told NBC News. “So look, I know the hardships, the pain that come with racism.”

Burt Thakur, who is running in Texas’s 26th Congressional District, noted: “As an American who was actually born in India, it is greatly offensive to me to see Nikki Haley take every opportunity she has to claim she has experienced such a great deal of anti-Indian racism in America — all while she was the GOVERNOR OF SOUTH CAROLINA, or being AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES AT THE UNITED NATIONS or now RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.”

The Texas Republican who was born in India was quoted on LinkedIn by journalist Simon Atebato.

Haley’s claims, Thakur said, are “like Barack Obama claiming racism held him back while he was the President or LeBron James saying that a guy in Appalachia has more privilege than him because he’s white.”

Thakur continued:

“I just saw an interview where she complained that she was rejected from a beauty pageant as a child and claims it was because she was “too brown”. While I am sure there were many instances of hardships, bringing race into this race (pun intended) is doing nothing to shatter the glass ceiling.

“America is a land of opportunity, and the land of hope. I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.

“That’s the view of literally every LEGAL IMMIGRANT here in the USA.

“I refuse to let my race be an impediment — if anything it’s a strength. Using it as a divisive tactic is what the elected Radical Leftist Democrats and Joe Biden’s administration have used to divide and conquer — framing everything as “racist” from questioning an election to vaccine mandates to ‘climate change.’

“In fact if anything the Democrats in power have been keeping Indians down — from trying to pass bills in California about the caste system or Hindu phobia across college campuses.

“Funny how @VivekGRamaswamy was able to go his entire campaign without crying once about racism!

“You want proof why our country is great — I’ll give you my story:

“The fact that a kid who grew up on the foothills of the Himalayas can now run for the CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES as a REPUBLICAN, should show you that the only barriers to our ambitions in this country are in our own minds. We aren’t victims, we are the GREATEST nation on Earth.

“Let’s start acting like it Nikki.”

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