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Since its 1998 launch as a daily Internet newspaper, has focused on the top stories, never compromising its editorial standards for commercial gain. Privately owned and independently operated, we have published for 25 years — from the old millennium to the new — with only organic reader support.
Frankly, in the age of previously unthinkable censorship and commercial suppression of independent media, we need that support like never before. Reader support is easy, a win-win deal and GREATLY appreciated. Here’s how:
- Donate to the Free Press Foundation. Make a one-time or recurring monthly contribution for as little as $4.99 to the Free Press Foundation which supports independent working journalists. In return, we will put you on our VIP list for “Top-of-the-Morning” headline alerts.
- Subscribe to our weekly executive intelligence briefing,
Twenty-five years on, those early days of the online news revolution called to mind the freewheeling Wild West as traditional media scrambled to adapt. The American Free Press has made possible independent media like WorldTribune, pioneers like Rush Limbaugh and now a new crop of “influencers”. Americans have uniquely benefited from constantly-changing technologies, platforms and menus of information.
Ominously, since 2021, war has broken out between the forces of centralized information and the lovers of freedom. Now, as you have demonstrated by reading this, individual initiative and free will are uniquely meaningful and more important than ever before.
Some of us remember washing ink-stained fingers before meals after coming home from school and reading hometown sports, local and international news, politics and … the comics.
Those paperboys got paid, and advertisers covered most of the bills for the newspapers then used by news readers on radio and television. How times have changed.
Now most news consumers get their news for free, served up by Big Tech feeds with narratives and “data points” from points unknown that someone thinks we ought to know.
Everything is handled for us. Kind of like being in a nursing home. Eat what they serve and try not to complain.
In the early days of the Internet news revolution, WorldTribune stories appeared on the DrudgeReport and went viral on Facebook and other social media. Those days are gone.
Much of WorldTribune‘s audience and advertising revenue have been confiscated by Big Tech. Censorship policies have since mid-2021 made it impossible for WorldTribune stories to go viral.
Readers still have a choice. They can still shift from the passive to active mode and take control of their information diets. Such individual initiative makes for healthy minds, happy families and responsible citizenship.
What we know and don’t know changes everything.
Choose wisely and thank you!
The Editors,, Free Press Media Group.
Here’s how to join our “club”:
- Donate to the Free Press Foundation. Make a one-time or recurring monthly contribution for as little as $4.99 to the Free Press Foundation which supports independent working journalists. In return, we will put you on our VIP list for “Top-of-the-Morning” headline alerts.
- Subscribe to our weekly executive intelligence briefing,
- Join the self-publishers who are winning the Information War in the United States. The FPI News Service vets and publishes the best and other alternative news reports to supplement your independent media efforts including social media, podcasts, emails, etc.
HEADQUARTERED in Northern Virginia just “outside-the-Beltway” surrounding Washington, D.C., World editors work only with authoritative correspondents and columnists. With decades of experience at Washington, D.C. and other major newspapers, they uphold once sacrosanct American journalistic standards.
WHEN DONATING BY PERSONAL CHECK: Your generous donation is gladly accepted by personal check. Please make checks payable to Free Press Foundation and send to the following address. If you have any questions, please see our site and feel free to contact us directly.
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Wendell, NC 27591
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