Special to WorldTribune.com
By Bill Juneau, April 3, 2024
The Biden family history of selling its influence to some of this nation’s greatest enemies appears to have only one chance of fully coming to light, and that is the current impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives.
The history of this simmering scandal, and how it has been squashed again and again, began in October of 2020, when Anthony “Tony” Bobulinski came forward on a Fox News show with Tucker Carlson and told of the corruption of Joe Biden, a candidate for President and a former Vice President to Barack Obama.
Carefully questioned by Carlson, he told of the operations of Biden’s son Hunter, and Biden’s brother James in which they leaned heavily on other countries for contracts using the “Biden” name. It brought in tens of millions of dollars with much of it coming from Communist China and the Ukraine, and chunks of money were, according to Hunter’s writings, earmarked for “Pop” or the “Big Guy,” affectionate names for the dad who was making it all happen.

That same month, Bobulinski hand delivered to the Washington Field office of the FBI several phones containing years of encrypted messages he had with members of the Biden family and with other associates of Hunter and James. Sadly, there was no follow up investigation by anyone in law enforcement or government, and the befuddled Joe Biden skated free and won the election as the FBI looked the other way, Bobulinski has asserted.
Bobulinski, 51, a former naval officer with a high-level security clearance, had associated with Hunter and James Biden and was helping run their companies, which included Sinohawk Holdings, and Oneida and apparently other companies, when he saw the dishonesty being perpetrated with the help of then Vice President Joe Biden.
Bobulinski had details, with papers and documents, photos and tapes, to back up the story of Biden family corruption which he had personally witnessed while associated with Hunter and James. He was ready, he said, and anticipated and looked forward to interviews by agents under FBI Director Christopher Wray to investigate his allegations. He said that he was well aware that his testimony would be given under oath, and that he knew of the the penalties for perjury.
Much was at stake, he said, as Joe Biden was a candidate for President in the scheduled November 2020 election. But Joe Biden, with his fingers in corrupt activities masterminded by his son Hunter, and brother, James, was a “compromised leader,” Bobulinski said, adding that Americans deserved to know of his mendacity and his dealings with his son, Hunter, a cocaine addict who had been kicked out of the navy; and his brother James.
The FBI and Director Wray, who had been appointed by President Trump in 2017, and the Biden Department of Justice led by the owlish, lying Attorney General, Merrick Garland, simply ignored Bobulinski and the evidence which he endeavored to reveal to the voting public. Biden defeated incumbent President Donald Trump by a narrow vote, and the shameful story of Biden’s family shakedown of other countries was quietly put in the FBI’s “File 13” for review at “some later date.”
“For nearly four years,” said Bobulinski, “I tried to tell the American people the truth about serious corruption at the very top of their government. “In return, I was falsely accused of being a purveyor of ‘Russian disinformation’ and a political surrogate. My continuous efforts to inform the American people of the facts were actively suppressed by both the U.S. government and the so-called mainstream media.”
A trial would allow the airing of sworn testimony and the paper trail evidencing Biden malfeasance. At least it wouldn’t be swept under the carpet any longer and Americans would know the real truth about their President and his family. |
But the story of the Biden’s back alley dealings and the significant accusations of dishonesty from Bobulinski was blanketed and Joe Biden was elected the nation’s 46th President in what former President Trump and others describe as a controlled and “stolen” election.
In 2022, Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives and subsequently Bobulinski was called to testify before congressional committees where he told of the Biden family corruption, and how the DOJ and the FBI had concealed the Biden back door schemes and contracts being used to generate tens of millions of dollars .
“I want to be crystal clear — From my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently come to learn, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ being sold by the Biden family. His family’s foreign influence peddling operation — from China to Ukraine and elsewhere — sold out to foreign actors who were seeking to gain influence and access to Joe Biden and the United States government. Joe Biden was more that a participant in and beneficiary of his family’s business; He was an enabler despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability.”
His statements that he had no profit making fingers in the businesses of Hunter and James and never ever discussed with them their activities is a “complete lie.”
“I know because I met and spoke with Joe Biden more than once,” he insisted.
“Joe Biden’s immediate family members were enriched to the tune of tens of millions of dollars from some of our most dangerous adversaries, including the Chinese Communist party and players from Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan and other foreign nations and entities,” Bobulinski said under oath, providing documents and tapes and other materials to substantiate and authenticate his statements.
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In 2019, the FBI had confiscated a lap top computer owned by Hunter Biden. The hard drive with its hundreds of messages written by Hunter, revealed Hunter’s debauchery and the dishonesty of the Biden family.
In a debate in 2020 between Biden and incumbent President Trump seeking reelection, Biden lied and indicated that the computer story was solid fiction promoted by Russia working to assist the reelection of President Trump. Former Atty Gen. William Barr has said that Biden “lied” in the debate, and knew full well that the computer was in the hands of the FBI under Director Wray, whose partnering with Democrats had become apparent.
Currently, the House of Representatives under Speaker Mike Johnson is conducting an impeachment inquiry and Congress reportedly has the evidence it needs to vote in favor of articles of impeachment against the fumbling President Biden. Along with others, Bobulinski is a key witness to the Biden family corruption machine in which money from contracts with foreign nations was doled out from shell corporations to various members of the Biden clan.
Related: Bobulinski testifies Hunter Biden perjured himself, calls Democrats liars to their faces, March 20, 2024
Asked about his participation in his son’s businesses, President Biden says, “It’s all lies.” Democrats have rallied to his side and are saying that there is no evidence connecting Joe Biden with the activities of his son, or to anything illegal or corrupt. Accusations that the President took million dollar bribes from Ukraine in return for special treatment has been “debunked,” Biden allies assert.
Impeachment by the House is on the table and representatives say that the evidence is in hand. If articles of impeachment are voted by the house, the charges will be sent to the Senate for a trial presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme court.
Conviction by the Senate is improbable since the upper House of Congress is controlled by Democrats. However, a trial would allow the airing of sworn testimony and the paper trail evidencing Biden malfeasance. At least it wouldn’t be swept under the carpet any longer and Americans would know the real truth about their President and his family.
Bill Juneau worked for 25 years as a reporter and night city editor at the Chicago Tribune. Subsequently he became a partner in a law firm and also served as a village prosecutor and as a consultant to the Cook County Circuit Court and to the Cook County Medical Examiner. He is currently writing columns and the ‘Florida Bill‘ blog.