Let me recall our release from Russia in the early 1970s.
The slave-owning “government” can mistreat any data on anyone and convert to slavery anyone except the “government” slave-owners.
Freedom guarantees that the rights of any human being be defended in an independent court of justice if his or her human rights are violated.
Miraculously, I was given permission to leave Soviet Russia in the early 1970s, with my wife, who had learned English with the same stubbornness and skill as I did, our son (today a scholar), and my mother, a medical doctor. What country did we choose to turn to?

The United States is powerful and intelligent enough to steer the further course of mankind toward freedom, not slavery. And that was our choice.
We left behind our Moscow castle, probably the only one in the country built by a professional architect, with terraces and balconies surrounding the house and acres of forest land stretching as far as eye could see.
We almost never recall it, and never talk about it, since though we worked hard and bought it with our own money, we never considered it our property. Nobody in the country could own any property. Our neighbors, high-ranking communist party functionaries, were given property, which could be taken away from them at any time should they fall out of grace with the regime.
Spiritually, we were never attached to it: Soviet power was getting closer and closer to our isolated life. So when the first news came that there was a chance to escape, we went for it and never looked back.
And here we were in New York, with the six windows of our apartment on the 21st floor and a terrace overlooking the landscape of hills as high as our building, all green, all lights, stretching left and right to infinity.
Yes, the United States was that country from which all freedom-lovers like myself should try to be turning the world around toward freedom, and away from slavery.
Upon my arrival in the United States, I began writing my weekly column, with emphasis on the problems of freedom defending itself against slavery.
As a result of absence of universal freedom, the knowledge of any country from the point of view of world freedom versus slavery lacked sufficiently reliable analysis.
And what about sufficiently reliable and valuable analysis of slave countries by those so-called certified “specialists” produced in free countries? I happened to hear what they were saying, and I also spoke with them — as a former native of a slave country in which I had lived from my birth.
The work of an analyst of a country who was not born in the country under study, who has no intimate knowledge of the country that only a native may have, and who was trained by local academics living in a free country, is absolutely useless and provides no valuable, if not misleading and harmful, information.
Even that peculiarity alone may lead to the death of the free world, deprived of the native knowledge of a slave country.
In the huge hall of a newspaper, which invited me to speak upon my arrival to the United States, one of those present who got interested in my presentation, later invited me to write for his publication — and I still write for him a column every week.
The free countries have a decisive advantage: they can publish those who fled their native slave countries and now live in freedom.
Those former natives of slave countries now living in freedom can provide an intimate glance into the workings of slave societies and be an infinite source of valuable information about that vast mortally dangerous unfree world, which is a threat to freedom.
The official “Soviet state hymn” revealed the global ambitions of the former “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)”: “The two worlds are in the last clutch/Our slogan: “The world USSR!”
Is not the division of the world today bigger than it was then? And the weapons! Surely, they have become increasingly destructive and easily available to the despotic rulers of the closed societies.
The ongoing silent war has become more sophisticated, destructive and competitive, owing to the greater speeds and the availability of the new technologies.
The free countries should make full use of that authentic, intimate knowledge of the closed societies from those former natives who were lucky to have escaped from their oppressive dictatorial regimes and now can be the only reliable source of valuable information so much needed by the free West to preserve its freedom.
Lev Navrozov can be reached by e-mail at levnavrozov@gmail.com.